Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Earth’s magnetic field’ Category

A Harvest of Souls?

Rainbow Heart

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:7)

Like a bar of soap when squeezed, we go in the direction in which we are pointed when the pressure is on. The pressure’s on like it’s never been before.  It’s not a time to look down, but a time to look up and go up.  

If you’ve been feeling like leaving “this old world,” as I have been lately, then it may be that we are leaving it, or already have.  More to the point of this blog post, “this old world” has left you and is slowly fading away into oblivion to become but a bad memory. It is being replaced by the totally new world of a Golden Age.  Let go of “this old world” and let go to the New World now being born.

Fourth Density Energy Upgrade

Since the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar in December of 2012, planet Earth has been upgraded from a Third Density to a Fourth Density planet.  Along with its sun and sister planets, our earth and entire solar system has undergone an upgrade in its energy field.  Fourth Density Energy is characterized by love, compassion and understanding.  Third Density Energy has been about true Self awareness. Now that we know who we are as divine beings, the next step is coming together as One Body to birth and build the New Earth on this planet that has just moved into a new cycle of evolution as part of a larger creative field of solar and galactic transformation.

Our solar system has moved into a greater energy zone of the Milky Way Galaxy, causing the leading edge of the Sun’s magnetic field to become 1000% brighter since the mid 1960’s, and new forms of charged particles to show up in this area in greater and greater amounts.  “Galactic dust” coming into our solar system has increased 300% since 2003, more dust in the Summer of that year than in all of the 1990’s.

More dust and more charged particles means more energy.  All of this evidence points to a frequency shift for the Earth and for all lifeforms on its surface, including our species. Things have heated up on planet Earth … and on more levels and dimensions than just its climate temperature, which is up in the three digits globally this Summer.  We’re in the transitional grip of the creative forces of fire and water which makes for a lot of steam.

Greater Intensity Of Love Substance

As noted in the previous post, there’s only one substance in all the Universe, and that’s the substance of Love. Energy is Love substance.  With the increase of energy and galactic dust bathing the planet, there is a greater density of Love substance, and an intensification in the radiation of Love.  With the intensification of the radiation of Love comes an increase in the response to the radiation of Love.  With an increase of response comes an acceleration in the phases of attraction and union.  The concentration and unification of the field of responding substance results in the unified field of radiation of Love. This is the wonder and miracle of the creative process.

For any of this wonder and miracle to have impact upon our world, the creative process needs to work unhindered through the hearts, minds. and bodies of human beings, in that order, with the heart leading the way up top opening the “window of heaven” to let the light of Love shine through and upon the earth and our world.

The Two Great Commandments

This speaks to the two “Great Commandments,” giving us the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the key that opens the door to the secrets of the Universe and of Creation.  Love is the Key that unlocks the portal of the human heart to let the love of the Creator come into his world—and let the refined substance of creation ascend as incense before his throne “set in heaven,” as the Beloved Disciple saw when he turned to “see” the voice that spoke with him.  There is much in that passage from Revelation to see and to take in, as I discovered when I set out to record my meditations in SACRED ANATOMY. 

We say that Love is a refining fire, and so it is: the fire of transmutation.  The Creator loves this world and this world loves its Creator, and Man was created to facilitate this love affair, a love affair that compels two Lovers to seek union and the unified expression of their love–and it’s in and through our sacred hearts where these two Lovers meet and send forth their Love Light into the world.  The first requirement of us is that we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our mind and all of our strength. The second requirement is that we love one another as ourselves. 

I love the perspective Martin Cecil offered some years back in describing our twofold role as being that of re-presenting the Creator to creation and creation to the Creator.  

This dual representation is based in the working of the Law. If we examine into the matter we will discover that it relates directly to the two great commandments. What is it that we represent to the Lord? We say we represent response.  But what is it really? Is it not the fulfillment of the first great commandment? We bring love to the Lord. This is what we represent to Him—love. We represent that love which is in all people as it centers toward that which is Divine, and by reason of this phase of love there begins to be the experience of God’s love for His creation. It is not that we rightly should concern ourselves immediately with trying to love His creation. We have noted this before. It is not a matter of trying to love each other, as though that were the first order of business. It isn’t. The first order, insofar as we are concerned, is to represent such love as there is present in human beings, to God. We re-present it to Him; in other words we return it to Him. This is the opening of the door, so that there may be the beginning experience of representing God—representing love to God’s creation all around us—and that is re-presenting it, giving God’s love to the people. So we see these two phases of love working here in a manner which establishes purpose. Of course the mere statement of this purpose doesn’t necessarily make it have meaning to human beings. There must be some experience with respect to it, the experience of representing others to God, representing only that which is of the true nature and character of love to God; and when we do that, immediately we find that the true nature and character of love is our own experience in expression to others. . . .

This is exactly the way transmutation takes place: by the radiation of Love, the refining fire, through the open and pure heart of mankind into the earth, the fullness thereof, the world, and the people that dwell therein. Just as the Sun’s fire heats up the water and evaporates it as steam that rises to the heavens, so also does the fire of Love in expression through the human heart transmute the substance of the earth that it may ascend to a higher level of being, a Fourth Density.

A Harvest of Souls?

This pandemic that has taken over our social life, our economy, our school system, and our entire lives, even our church activities, is taking its toll on lives, with hundreds dying by the hour both here and abroad.  One might be inclined to think that perhaps a “harvest of souls” is underway, as foretold by RA in The Law of One Series.  I will close with this excerpt from David Wilcock’s writings.*

Cosmic Changes and the Ascension Process

By now it should be easy to tell that this is the biggest event in human history, and it is entirely unreported by the mainstream news media.  No press outlet has ever combined two or more of these facts in the same story. Even if the media did figure it out, they probably wouldn’t want to say anything about it for fear of panicking the public. How­ever, once we understand what is happening to us, we don’t need to be afraid of it. When the Earth fully moves into the fourth-density energy, we will naturally be transported into a higher level of our own being. Our physical body becomes irrelevant at that point. We are much more than that.

Soul Graduation

If you’re very attached to your physical body, you might say, “Well, what would I be without it?” You might see this as traumatic, but in fact your experience could be looked at as Soul graduation. People are saying, “I’m doing my spiritual growth. I’m doing my path. I’m walk­ing in my truth. I’m trying to grow spiritually, I’m trying to evolve.” Evolve to what? Grow to what? Are we just going to keep reincarnating over and over again as humans? No.

Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human beings will blow up bombs, poison its waters, pollute its atmosphere, kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees? No. The Earth is not expected to go through this. The Earth is an evolving being, too. The difference with the Earth, unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it goes through a very premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits around the Sun, and as the solar system orbits around
the galaxy, the extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know exactly when these changes are going to happen. That’s why they’re here now, because basically they’re aware that this is going on and are standing by to assist us.

For those who are ready to handle the vibrations, their physical bodies will be transformed into a higher density of vibration when the moment of change arrives. So it’s not as though there’s going to be all these fried corpses lying around. When the energy hits you, you transform. Your body will actually transmute itself, like what hap­pened to Jesus–Ascension.

There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain researchers have found that Jesus’ body burned a complete three­-dimensional image of itself into the cloth. And they found through
experimentation that such a burn could only be caused by an instan­taneous blast at a very high temperature, “zapping” the cloth like an X-ray film.

The Bottom Line

It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to participate in the evolution that is happening here and now on our planet. The media are bent on creating a reality where our happiness is contingent on the acquisition of new products. We seek the best jobs and the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of “consensus reality” and “winning the game.” 

Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may par­ticipate in the Utopian world that will manifest on Earth after this Ascension process has completed—a world without poverty, hunger, or pain; a world where full-body levitation, spontaneous healings, instant telepathic communication, and abundant Love are the law of the land.

Some of these wonders are already occurring in human experience.  I believe a rather large portal has opened up in the heart of the body of mankind, compelled by this crisis, letting a flood of love light shine into this chaotic world.  I see simple acts of kindness and compassion on social media, and even in the news.  I feel a rising current of love response returning from the world spiraling upward during my meditations and in my long-distance attunement service.  I have a sensing in my heart that transmutation of the earth of our planet and of our physical bodies is underway.  We have entered a cycle of ascension to a higher frequency—and it won’t be stopped. 

If you have any thoughts to share, I would love to share them. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved



*THE REINCARNATION OF EDGAR CAYCE?–Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation, by Wynn Free with David Wilcock. 

The Great Cosmic Story blog by David Barnes.  Excerpt from “The Design of the Connecting Link” by Martin Cecil, May 16, 1964


Masculine-Feminine Energy, part III: A Balancing Act

Masculine and Feminine forces balance one another in the “Creating Universe” of Walter Russell.  In this third post of the current series, he expands his consideration of electricity and magnetism to include the balancing act performed by the masculine and feminine forces.  I shall excerpt this chapter in its entirety, along with graphics, from his 1927 signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE.

(Note: you can open the graphics in a new tab by right clicking on the image for a drop down window and a bit larger image. Also, all underscores are mine.)  



Again it must be repeated that in this universe of motion-in-equilibrium all energy equalizes itself in two equal and opposite swings of the cosmic pendulum, no matter where in the cycle those opposites of motion appear.

The cosmic pendulum swings forever between positive and negative electricity, eternally transferring its constant of energy from one dimension to another, but never changing that constant.

The opposing energies of the two swings, added together, make one equalized unit of the universal reproductive constant.

More than this, these opposing swings are simultaneously equalized at corresponding points in each of the ten octaves.

Electric action and its magnetic resisting reactive flow are simultaneous and in equilibrium at all times.

Positive electricity is an endothermic, contractive force which is actively absorbing a comparatively large quantity of generative light units of heat which raises its potential, and is expelling a smaller number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus slightly lowering its potential.

Negative electricity is an exothermic, expansive force which is reactively absorbing a small quantity of generative light units of heat which slightly raises its potential, and is expelling a greater number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus lowering its potential.

In the term “negative electricity,” the word “electricity” is used in the generic sense, as the inclusive word “man” is used to represent both sexes.

Electro-positive systems are preponderantly charging systems, while electro-negative systems are preponderantly discharging systems.

Charging systems are in the positive half of the octave, the tones of which are generatively dominant. These systems are forcing magnetism out, and because of this they grow more compact. They therefore grow smaller, tone by tone to the fourth tone of the octave. Their atomic volume lessens and their density increases as magnetism is squeezed out, just as a sponge lessens in volume and increases in density as water is squeezed out.

Now must it be clearly understood that magnetism, expelled by electricity from within a charging system, did not enter that system as magnetism or as negative electricity. It entered as positive electricity and became devitalized into negative electricity by nucleal absorption of its positive charge. It was then expelled from the higher inner pressure to the lower outer pressure of the system.

Discharging systems are in the negative half of the octave, the generative tones of which are weakened. Weakening genero-activity results in weakening radio-activity which causes the systems to grow less compact. They, therefore, grow larger, tone by tone, from the fourth to the master tone. Their volume increases and their density decreases as magnetism is allowed to return, just as a sponge increases in volume and decreases in density as water is allowed to return.

By a study of the charts, pages 17, 83 (See chart), it will be seen that when magnetism returns to negative systems it does not return as negative electricity. It impacts against the inertial plane between itself and the system, is regenerated and reconverted into negative electricity after it has made its centripetal journey to the apex of its spiral orbit with ever increasing pressure, and started on its centrifugal run with lowering pressure back to the inertial plane.

Charging systems are simultaneously discharging but their positive charges become increasingly preponderant and dominant until the consequent increase of potential changes the dimensions of the system. They then appear to be another substance.

Discharging systems are simultaneously charging, and their negative discharges become decreasingly dominant until the consequent lowering of potential changes their dimensions. When they have readjusted their various dimensions, they in their turn appear to be another substance.

Charging systems are preponderantly generative, male systems, while discharging systems are preponderantly radiative, female systems. Charging systems are exactly balanced by discharging systems.

For example, exercise discharges energy. It is thus a female activity. At the same time it triggers an increase in muscle mass, a male activity of contracting energy, which in turn radiates discharged energy, a female activity — and the cycle is ongoing, one force giving itself to and empowering the other.  My young son used to say “Let’s go for a walk to get some energy” — and he was right-on.  While we expend energy exercising we increase the potential of our core energy. One can also think of this as the “Breath of Life,” which is twofold in its function and activity: inhaling and exhaling.  But it’s one breath.


All systems are divided into seven tones of energy.

One charging tone, and its exact mate in a discharging tone, balances as one unit constant of energy.

There are four exactly equal unit constants of energy in each octave.

An octave is one universal reproductive constant. Ten octaves constitute one cycle.

Tone 1+ is a charging system exactly balanced in all its periodicities by tone 1−.

Likewise tone 2+ is balanced by tone 2−, and tone 3+ by 3−. Tone 4± is a double tone which is neither positive nor negative. It is bi-sexual.

These seven tones of four unit constants make up the total universal constant of energy which is omnipresent throughout the entirety of this universe of Mind.

Consider, for an example of positive charge attracting positive charge, the sun of our solar system.

It is the nucleal center of this system, the point of maximum positive charge. It is therefore the high potential point of the system.

Consider this planet. It is a doubly charged mass, which means that it is both positive and negative.

Its preponderance of positive charge is always toward the nucleal center, which means that it is always toward the light.

Its preponderance of negative discharge is always away from the nucleal center, which means that it is always away from the light.

The positive charge of this planet is therefore preponderant in that portion which is in daylight and the negative discharge is preponderant in that portion which is night.

The daylight portion of the planet is generative and endothermic, which means active, contractive and heat absorbing.

The daylight portion is that in which the potential is increasing, where flowers open their petals and relive, where life is regenerative and wide awake.

The dark portion of the planet is radiative and exothermic, which means inactive, expansive and heat expelling.

The dark portion is that in which the potential is lowering, where flowers close their petals and become dormant, where life is devitalized and fast asleep.

Well, not all of life is dormant at night, as one reader pointed out in a recent comment. There are flowers that open at night only. The Moonflower comes to mind, as well as Four O’Clocks, the Evening Primrose and Casablanca Lily.  One may well explore as to whether nighttime bloomers are female plants and daytime bloomers male. All flowers are Mother Nature’s creations using Father Sun’s energy. Unlike in man’s world, there is no competition in the Natural World of the Creating Universe. There is only cooperation and co-creation.

Russell explains how the light rays and heat of the sun do not travel to the planets directly but pass trough a very dark and cold space on their way to the surface of our earth, for example. In other words, we do not feel the heat of the sun directly. This is fascinatingly rectifying of common belief and orthodox thinking.  

Just so with all of the other planets.

The positive charge moves around them as they revolve, ever keeping as near as possible to their positive nucleus, the sun.

It is a well known fact that high potential discharges into lower potential.

Consider the radiative rays of the sun as negative light units expelled by positive contraction, which forces them to seek lower pressures and lower potential.

It might be argued that these negative rays are attracted by the positive charge of the daylight portion of the planet.

Consider the law of pressures as stated elsewhere which says that between any two masses is a line or plane of equalized pressures.

As the light units which constitute the rays circle spirally and centrifugally around the sun in their search for lower pressures exactly as this mass of light units which is our planet circles around the sun, they continue to expand and become increasingly negative the farther they recede from the sun.

It must be interpolated right here that “light rays” do not proceed directly from the sun to a planet in straight lines. They follow the orbital lines of lowering pressures exactly as does this planet.

All direction is curved and every curve is a part of an orbit.

When the light units which we familiarly term “light rays,” reach the inertial plane of equalized pressures between the mass of the sun and the mass of this planet, their expanded masses impact against it and continue beyond it in an ever increasing state of solidity.

These expanded, negative particles which have reproduced themselves in transit then become positively charged as they impact with, and plunge gravitatively through the pressures which increasingly rise as they near the mass of this planet.

Eventually they impact against the planet as positive charge attracted toward another positive charge. The potential of each is increased by this impact and the heat generated by magnetic resistance to the impact is absorbed as accumulated energy until it becomes devitalized and is released by the turn of the planet away from the light.

For another example, consider the familiar lightning flash which we know as “forked lightning.” Lightning is a highly generative, positive charge seeking its own pressure and potential.

The maximum positively charged high potential and high pressure of this planet is that part which is nearest its center.

Lightning and all the forks of lightning are gravitative. They always seek the planet. Never do they proceed in the opposite direction toward negative discharge except in rare instances where a minor charge leaps upward toward a cloud of higher positive charge, or higher potential.

This latter effect is exactly analogous to that of an iron nail leaping upward toward a magnet.

Lightning seeking its own potential and an apple falling to the ground are effects of exactly the same cause. Gravitation is the cause of each.

Each is taking a “short cut across lots,” through intervening pressures, to find its equal pressure.

Later it will be seen that the cause of rotation and revolution, together with all of their respective variations and periodicities, can only be solved through the understanding that positive charge attracts positive charge, and negative discharge repels both positive charge and negative discharge.

Well, there you have it – or maybe you don’t and have to read it a couple of times, as I had to. In my next post, I will attempt to apply all this newfound knowledge to our experience and handling of our masculine-feminine creating energy.  This will admittedly be a challenge — and I do have a dawning sensing as to how I will proceed in such a delicate thinking process, especially in the wake of a recent in-depth and insightful conversation my wife and I had with one of our sons and his wife during their richly nourishing visit from Ashland, Oregon, this week — a couple who, for me, exemplify the grounding of masculine-feminine energy in the dance they do together in their shared creative field. We shall see how this unfolds in my final post of this series. Until then, 

Be love. Be Loved.


Our Electromagnetic Universe, page 3, The Body Electric, part 3

Your Heart's Electromagnetic Field

Your Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

Tony Pics for SA BookWe’ve been considering the effect of electromagnetic radiation on ourselves and on other creatures of the natural world. In this blog post I would like to report on some of these effects. I have a personal interest in this topic which was greatly heightened during our recent visit with family living dangerously close to high-power electrical lines in the San Francisco area. I am deeply concerned that the electromagnetic field generated by the powerful currents moving through these power lines may well be affecting their health, and perhaps even their energetic interactions. So I am re-reading Dr. Robert Becker’s book THE BODY ELECTRIC — ELECTROMAGNETISM AND THE FOUNDATION OF LIFE in order to gain a clearer understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its impact on human and animal life.


Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetism can be discussed in two ways—in terms of fields and in terms of radiation. A field is “something” that exists in space around an object that produces it. We know there is a field around a permanent magnet because it can make an iron particle jump through space to the magnet. Obviously there’s an invisible entity that exerts a force on the iron, but as to just what it consists of—don’t ask! No one knows. [Walter Russell would challenge that statement if he were still around] A different but analogous something—an electric field—extends outward from electrically charged objects. 

Both electric and magnetic fields are static, unvarying. When the factor of time is introduced, by varying the intensity of the field as in a radio antenna, an electromagnetic field results. As its name implies, this consists of an electric field and a magnetic field. The fluctuations in the field radiate outward from the transmitter as waves of energy, although somehow these waves simultaneously manage to behave as streams of massless, chargeless particles (photons). As to just how this happens, again—don’t ask! Sometimes the phenomenon is called an electromagnetic field (EMF), to emphasize its connection with the transmitter; sometimes it’s called electromagnetic radiation (EMR), to emphasize its outward-flowing aspect. However, the two terms refer to the same phenomenon and are interchangeable. The only  meaningful distinction is between static and time-varying fields.

 Each energy wave consists of an electric field and a magnetic field at right angles to each other, and both at right angles to the direction the wave is traveling. The number of waves formed in one second is the frequency; the distance the energy travels (at the speed of light) during one oscillation is its wavelength. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, and vice versa.

Now, that’s pretty much the gist of the matter, the basic understanding of electromagnetism today. If you want to understand how this phenomenon manifests, then I would encourage you to purchase Walter Russell’s enthralling book THE SECRET OF LIGHT, which I’ve referenced and blogged on in earlier posts. Also, see the previous post for information about the history of electricity and microwave technology.

Let’s jump over to the section in Becker’s book where he talks about the impact electromagnetic fields have on our physical bodies and our brains. Let’s start with this frightening bit of information:

The human species has changed its electromagnetic background more than any other aspect of the environment. [This was published in 1985]. For example, the density of radio waves around us is now 100 million or 200 million times the natural level reaching us from the sun. Nor is there any end in sight.When superconducting cables are introduced [which they have been], they’ll increase the field strength around power lines by a factor of ten or twenty. Electric cars, magnetically levitated transport vehicles, and microwave-beam satellites for transmitting solar power to earth would each add strong new sources of electromagnetic contamination.

Dr. Becker calls it “contamination” for valid reasons. He goes on to do the research into the impact it has on human and animal life. Understand, it’s the low and very low and extremely low frequencies waves (LF, VLF, and ELF) that are issues. ELF waves approximate the dimensions of the earth; at 10 Hz one wave is about 18,600 miles long. These are the ones that affect subtle disturbances in our own energy fields and that of animals because of the resonance factor. Higher wavelengths of energy have more noticeable effects on us, like burn our skin. 

Higher waves, like X-rays, gamma waves, and ultraviolet wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation—the shortest are gamma waves, a tenth of a billionth of a millimeter long, vibrate sextillions of times a second—are termed “ionizing radiation, because the higher photonic energy can knock electrons away from atoms, creating highly reactive ions where they don’t belong. They are “free radicals” that can cause cancer. Much of the damage from nuclear radiation is caused in this way. All lower frequencies, beginning with the longer ultraviolet wavelenghts, are nonionizing, but nonetheless affect us in detrimental ways.

We can protect ourselves from the higher frequencies because we notice their impact on our bodies. As Becker explains,

Except for light and infrared heat, we can’t perceive any of these energies without instruments, so most people don’t realize how drastically and abruptly we’ve changed the electromagnetic environment in just one century.

Nor do we notice the impact low frequency waves have on our bodies and minds. Experiments were done with animals, but the results cannot be applied necessarily to humans because of the varying factors like fur, feathers, skin thickness, bone size, and the general shape of the animals that complicate RF and MW absorption beyond our capacity to gauge it. In a sense, Becker says, “…the entire population of the world is willy-nilly the subject of a giant experiment.”  


This is what grabbed my attention. The experiments Becker and his colleagues, Howard Friedman and Charlie Bachman, carried out on human subjects showed rather conclusively that electromagnetic fields of 5 to 11 gauss, which are ten to twenty times earth’s background and well above the level of most magnetic storms, when the lines of force were passed through the brain from ear to ear, cutting across the brainstem-frontal current, slowed down the subjects’ reaction time pressing a button in response to a red light. Steady fields produced no effect, but when modulated with a slow pulse of a cycle every five seconds (a delta wave frequency), people’s reactions slowed down. Passed from back to front, the force field had no effect. 

They were excited and eagerly planning further experiments when they “came upon a frightening Russian report. Yuri Kholodov had administered steady magnetic fields of 100 and 200 gauss to rabbits and found areas of cell death in their brains during autopsy. Although his fields were ten times as strong as ours, we stopped all human experiments immediately.”

Friedman duplicated Kholodov’s experiments with more scrutiny and found that all the animals had been infected with a brain parasite peculiar to rabbits. He explains why:

However, in half the animals the protozoa had been under control by the immune system, whereas in the other half they’d routed the defenders and destroyed parts of the brain. The experts suggested that we must have done something to undermine resistance of the rabbits in the experimental group. The code confirmed that most of the brain damage had occurred in animals subjected to the magnetic fields. Later, Friedman did biochemical tests on another series of rabbits and found that the fields were causing a generalized stress reaction marked by large amounts of cortisone in the bloodstream. This is the response called forth by a prolonged stress, like a disease, that isn’t an immediate threat to life, as opposed to the fight-or-flight response generated by adrenaline.

Here’s the clincher, over which I will leave you to ponder. 

Soon thereafter,  Friedman measured cortisone levels in monkeys exposed to a 200-gauss magnetic field for four hours a day. They showed the stress response for six days, but it then subsided, suggesting adaptation to the field. Such seeming tolerance of continued stress is illusory, however. In his pioneering lifework on stress, Dr. Hans Selye has clearly drawn the invariable pattern: Initially, the stress activates the hormonal and/or immune systems to a higher-than-normal level, enabling the animal to escape danger or combat disease. If the stress continues, hormone levels and immune reactivity gradually decline to normal. If you stop your experiment at this point, you’re apparently justified in saying, “The animal has adapted; the stress is doing it no harm.” Nevertheless, if the stressful condition persists, hormone and immune levels decline further, well below normal. In medical terms, stress decompensation has set in, and the animal is now more susceptible to other stressors, including malignant growth and infectious disease.

In the mid-1970’s, two Russian groups found stress hormones released in rats exposed to microwaves, even if they were irradiated only briefly by minute amounts of energy. Other Eastern European work found the same reaction to 50-hertz electric fields. Several Russian and Polish groups have since established that after prolonged exposure the activation of the stress system changes to a depression of it in the familiar pattern, indicating exhaustion of the adrenal cortex [the etiology of chronic stress and chronic fatigue syndrome]. There has even been one report of hemorrhage and cell damage in the adrenal cortex from a month’s exposure to a 50-hertz, 130-gauss magnetic field.

Further experiments with ELF magnetic fields on animals showed impact on endocrine glands and activation of the “fast” flight-or-fight hormones centering on adrenaline from the adrenal medulla. Soviet biophysicist N.A. Udintsev documented an insulin insufficiency and rise in blood sugar. Notably, animals showed no indication they were aware of these hormonal changes, when normally they would react as though they were under attack. They showed no outward signs of fear, agitation, or illness. 

Most humans certainly wouldn’t be able to detect a 100-gauss magnetic field, at least not consciously. Only several years after Friedman’s work did anyone find out how this was happening. 

In 1976 a group under J.J. Noval at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Pensacola, Florida, found the slow stress response in rats from very weak electric fields, as low as five thousandths of a volt per centimeter. They discovered that when such fields vibrated in the ELF range, they increased levels of neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brainstem, apparently in a way that activated a distress signal subliminally, without the animal’s becoming aware of it. The scariest part was that the fields Noval used were well within the background levels of a typical office, with its overhead lighting, typewriters, computers, and other equipment [cell phones]. Workers in such an environment are exposed to electric fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a volt per centimeter and magnetic fields between a hundredth and tenth of a gauss. 

That’s more than enough to digest in one blog post. What you do with this information is up to you, of course. Just be aware that there are these factors to consider when your health, physical and mental, gets off kilter. I consider these factors each and every time a client presents bizarre or even “normal” symptoms. What’s “normal” anyway when all medical research has to work with are humans who live in this kind of environment. Is there any wonder our healthcare system is failing us?  We have no truly health model of a human being to measure against. 

This all can be overwhelming and depressing if you let it worry you and don’t embrace it with a higher frequency of energy. That would be the frequency of LOVE, wouldn’t it? We’ve created an environment which will not very much longer be able to support our animal flesh bodies.

But I believe that there’s a greater purpose being served by all this electromagnetic pollution. This may well be the catalyst that is setting in motion the ultimate transmutation of our species to a fourth-density state of being, along with our planet Earth. It would undoubtedly be less traumatic were we to meet it with equal or greater radiant force and let Love work its vibrational alchemy from within.  We may not have to do anything about what’s happening in the electromagnetic and atmospheric terrains of our environment. What could we do anyway, shut down the power lines and dismantle our electrical power plants and grids?  Then what? Regress to candlelight days? No, we’re headed smack dab into a vibrational brick wall that we will only be able to transcend as spiritual beings with light bodies. Our flesh bodies will have to ascend to a higher frequency and transmute. In the meantime, enjoy your electromagnetic universe! 

Be love. Be loved.


 References: THE BODY ELECTRIC, by Robert O. Becker, M.D., and Gary Selden

Our Electromagnetic Universe, page 2, Our Electrified Planet

Aurora Borealis in green by Juan Carlos Cortina

Lightning strikes the planet 100 times every second. That’s 6,000 times a minute, 360,000 times each hour and 8,640,000 times every twenty-four hour day. We live on an electrified planet surrounded by a global circuit that blankets the earth pole to pole.  Watch this most enlightening and entertaining PBS Video clip AT THE EDGE OF SPACE produced by NOVA and aired recently on Louisiana Public Broadcasting television. 

The Body Electric will be the topic of my next post. Until then, 

Best wishes for a healthy and happy Holiday Season!

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyAnthony

Read my HealthLight Newsletter online at  This issue features a reprint from the May 2007  issue: The Blessings of Functional Medicine. Enjoy!



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