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The “Rainbow Body” of Light

AS PROMISED, here is the excerpt from the last chapter of my book SACRED ANATOMY. I am also pleased to announce that both of my books — Sacred Anatomy and Attunement with Sacred Sound — are now available online at the Amazon Bookstore. You can also order directly from my publisher, Wise Publications, online at Check out the listing, place an order, and spread the word!

The subject of this post may not seem relevant to current global events — with wars waging in the Middle East and in the Ukraine, and several other places, and numerous other existential crises looming on the horizon — and that’s how it should be to perhaps serve as a reprieve from worries over turbulent world events.

It is relevant ,however, to the evolution of human consciousness and subsequent transformation and transmutation currently underway that are bringing about radical changes in our human capacities. We may not be headed in the direction this consideration suggests and even implies. However, our physical bodies are undergoing a steady process of transformation and transmutation into translucent “light bodies.” So, as per the instruction, “Let your light so shine . . . .” Enjoy!

TIBETAN BUDDHISTS practice the “Rainbow Body,” the apparent dematerialization and transmutation of the physical body. The practice may be spread out over many years of meditation until the actual transfiguration is achieved — although more as a gift of spirit than an achievement of mental effort.  A Biblical passage tells of a “transfiguration” of Jesus wherein he appeared in a glorious form with Moses and Elijah in the presence of three of his disciples, and another of his glorified body being resurrected from the grave.  What follows here may give us some inkling of the potential inherent in our own sacred anatomy.

The Sufi call it “the most sacred body” and the “supracelestial body.” Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloud walkers.” In various other traditions it is called by such descriptive names as “the divine body” (Trantric yoga), “the body of bliss” (Kriya yoga), “the superconductive body” (Zoroastrian Vendanta), “the luminous body or being” (ancient Egypt), “the radiant body” (Gnosticism), “the perfect body” (Mithraic liturgy), “the immortal body” (Hermetic Corpus), and “the Golden Body” (Emerald Tablets of the alchemical tradition). —(Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations.)

Here is a description of the process taken from Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and reprinted in David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Investigations.

This is one of many depictions of the Rainbow Body from Tibet: Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus.  Also known as the “rainbow body.”  Certain realized beings . . . achieve the transformation of their ordinary bodies into a Body of Light. . . . In this process the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of Clear Light.  As the elements of the body are purified, they transform from their gross manifestation (body, flesh, bones, etc.) into their pure essence as the five colors: blue, green, white, red and golden yellow.  As the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of the physical body are fingernails and hair. . . .

Over 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body have occurred in Tibet and China alone.  David Wilcock cites a most extraordinary event that took place in Kham, a small village in Tibet, in 1998, when a Gelugpa monk, Khenpo A-chos, died leaving nothing of his earthly form behind.  He was described as having . . .

. . . a warm, spiritual nature that touched everyone he met. . . . he often spoke of the importance of cultivating compassion. He had the ability to teach even the roughest and toughest of types how to be a little gentler, a little more mindful. . . . The witnesses reported a rainbow appearing over Khenpo A-chos’s hut a few days before he died, and that “dozens of rainbows appeared in the sky afterward.  He was not sick and nothing appeared to be wrong with him — he simply chanted a mantra.

According to the eyewitnesses, after his breath stopped his flesh became kind of pinkish. One person said it turned brilliant white. All said it started to shine. Lama A-chos suggested wrapping his friend’s body in a yellow robe, the type all Gelug monks wear. As the days passed, they maintained they could see, through the robe, that his bones and his body were shrinking. They also heard beautiful, mysterious music coming from the sky, and they smelled perfume. After seven days, they removed the yellow cloth, and no body remained. Lama Norta and a few other individuals claimed that after his death Khenpo A-chos appeared to them in visions and dreams … Lama A-chos told Tiso that it takes sixty years of intensive practice to achieve the rainbow body. “Whether it always takes that long, I don’t know,” acknowledges Tiso, “but we would like to be able to incorporate, in a respectful way, some of these practices into our own Western philosophical and religious traditions.” … To our knowledge, says Tiso, the bodies of most Christian saints did not disappear or shrink after their deaths …. However, he adds, bodily ascensions are mentioned in the Bible and other traditional texts for Enoch, Mary, Elijah, and possibly Moses. And there are numerous stories of saints materializing after their death, similar to the widespread phenomenon known as the “light- body.” 

As I say, time was when we could “fly over the rainbow.” There was a design in place for such spirit and soul travel. That design was lost, along with the Garden State, and had not been present on earth for many thousands of years when the Lord of Love incarnated on Earth. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was human consciousness that got lost. The design did not go anywhere but was hidden in a cloud of mystery for a season until such time that the Sons and Daughters of God would again emerge on Earth through the sons and daughters of Man. That time came with the incarnation of the Lord of Love . . . and continues to this day.

The Lord of Love incarnated with the specific mission of restoring that design on earth as a way by which mankind might be brought back into his Father’s House of many mansions. He referred to it as “the kingdom of heaven” and he did not point to some place up in the sky in some hoped-for “hereafter.” He pointed to the hearts of human beings as portals of entrance into this kingdom. His simple instruction was “Let not your heart be troubled.” Entering into the kingdom of heaven was a frequently repeated theme in his sermons and instructions. His first instruction was that we should “repent” (literally turn around) in order to see that the kingdom of heaven is truly at hand, all around us and right within our own body temples. His commandment and methodology were simple: Love the LORD thy God with all, and thy neighbor as thy Self.

Heaven, then, is not so much a “place” to go to as it is a state of consciousness into which we may ascend, step by step, as the Master Jesus did during his life and ministry.   It is a state into which we may enter any moment we are willing to relinquish our desperate grip on the material world of form and begin living life from out of the world of spirit right here and now, both within us and all around us.  It is the House of God, in which, as He indicated, there are “many mansions.” 

As we saw and explored in some detail, there are specifically seven such mansions, and they all lead to “The Way” upward into the temple of light within these temples of flesh. Within these temples, our sacred anatomy provides us with the hormonal chemistry by which, when activated by the Spirit of Love in expression through our hearts, the Spirit of Truth in expression through our minds, and the Spirit of Life in expression through our bodies, the alchemy of resurrection and ascension is set in motion. The remaining four spirits, moving through the endocrine glands and sacred energy seals, take care of the rest as the body temple is elevated, easily and naturally, back to the vibrational level where it no longer experiences pain, nor suffering, nor death itself, but only life eternal. I believe, and personally know, that this is our destiny.

Heinberg referenced traditions that speak of a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth so that incarnate beings could ascend to revitalize themselves and then return to earth. This pattern of renewal continues to manifest itself when we feel the need to take a vacation into the wild country to be close to Mother Nature, or a spiritual retreat to draw closer to God in a place of sanctuary. It manifests powerfully during attunement — and I strongly believe that attunement with sacred sound is a core aspect of the divine technology governing this mechanism of renewal.

As we have seen in depth, we have such a bridge within the sacred anatomy of these flesh temples in the seven endocrine glands that provide a focused grounding for the Seven Spirits before the throne of God. It is the Way the Master was going when he said to his disciples in John 14:2-3:

Much is contained in these poignant words.  At some level we know the Way back to Eden because we were once there.  We walked with God.  We walked together as gods and goddesses and we took part in the creation of Eden.  There is much we know — and are beginning remember — about the forms we once inhabited to walk and play in Eden in an atmosphere of loving kindness and generosity.  For now it suffices to say that these flesh temples are designed for more than simply worshiping God up in His Highest Heaven.  As we have seen, they are designed as transformers to facilitate the very process of ascension through the levels of consciousness and into the kingdom of heaven which, as the Master said more than once, is at hand.

The purpose of all the comings and goings of the great prophets of old, and holy men and women of all times,  indeed of the Lord of Love Himself, was to restore human consciousness to its true state of oneness with God, so that God may have a means for being and acting on Earth.  Once that has occurred — and it is occurring even now — worship of God will be transformed into a continual experience of oneness with God in action on earth.

Today it is fairly widely accepted that the place to truly worship God, whether in the solitude of one’s own sanctuary or in a congregational setting, is at the altar of one’s own heart.  Like Jacob, who, awakening from out of his dream, realized the presence of the divine in human flesh, there is an awakening taking place in the Body of God on Earth to the stark realization that “The Lord is in this place and I knew it not!”, and that the human body is truly a temple wherein the Living God dwells.  Here in these flesh temples is enacted every moment of every day the ceremony of life itself lived daily in this beautiful Cathedral of Gaia, our Earth Mother and Home among the stars.  We are all privileged to be on Earth at this time to finish the work of restoring Eden.  Let us all be about our Father’s business.   ~Fin

* * *

REGARDLESS of how it may appear, we are moving in an upward spiraling direction toward the Light of Love which is drawing us, individually and as a collective body, into a conscious state of union with Source. The key to ascension to a higher level of consciousness is to open in love response to that which is higher in spiritual awareness. My point of response upward is to the Lord of Love as I have come to be aware of His Presence in my life and in the world.

The radiation of love now moving as an Attunement Current through many light-workers and into the consciousness and body of humanity, drawing response from the hearts of awakening and aware human beings, is creating an irresistible force of attraction that is drawing together a new Body of Humanity into a state of union, providing a means for the Presence and action of God on Earth — the Great Spirit of the Archangel responsible for this Earth and our solar system. A Field of unified radiation is even now surrounding and encompassing the earth and the entire solar entity, creating a hedge of radiant protection. The Body of Man, now in process of being restored, is become the conscious Temple of the Living God in this corner of the Universe. My heart rejoices in this momentous and historical day which the Lord has made.

Until my next post . . .

Be Love. Be loved


*MerKaBa: Merkaba Meditation is a type of meditation that opens up your way of life’s infinite potential and lifts your being. (Note: I have not personally experienced the MerKaBa, nor the “rainbow body.” But I will one day.)

Transmutation Demystified, Part 5: Our Vortex Energy Field

OUR PHYSICAL BODIES, living temples that they are, live within a energy vortex field of swirling electric waves that flow counter-clockwise in an upward moving spiral that appears to be connected at an apex with an inverted torque-like energy vortex, in shape much like that of a tornado (See diagram below).

The Turkish Whirling Dervishes have a long-standing tradition that demonstrates this energy vortex dramatically. Here’s a bit of their history, including an entertaining video demonstration.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term ‘whirling dervish’ before, but you may not be aware of the important cultural and spiritual tradition of these frenzied, spinning Turkish dancers. For outsiders, watching the Whirling Dervishes dance and spin is a breathtaking sight. For devoted members of the Mevlevi Order of Islam, however, the spinning has special significance. 

A Frenzied Spinning

The best-known characteristic of a Whirling Dervish is the spinning dance called the Sema ceremony. The Dervishes wear all white long gowns with full skirts and tall hats. Seemingly tireless, the dancers can spin and whirl for hours at a time with their arms held up in the air. They assume this stance so that they are open to receive the blessings and energy from heaven. Each individual dervish spins from right to left using his own heart as a pivot point. Keeping time to the accompanying music, the dervish will rotate slowly at first, picking up speed as the music intensifies until the group of dervishes is all whirling in a fast-paced frenzy with their white gowns spinning. 

Finding Sufism

The goal of the whirling or spinning is to achieve a state of Sufism. A form of Islamic mysticism, Sufism is a state of inner power and peace that allows the person to feel a deep love and connection to the rest of the world. Sufism is achieved through rituals and devote practices…one of those is dancing or spinning. 

A Centuries-Old Tradition

Whirling Dervishes, as part of Sufism, is a custom that dates back more than 700 years. The Mevlevi Order of Islam was founded in 1312 in the city of Konya in Turkey. The Order was established by the devoted followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, also known as Mevlana, who was a 13th-century Islamic mystic, theologian, and accomplished Persian poet. Under the leadership of Mevlana’s son, Sultan Walad, the Mevlevi Order quickly grew and spread into surrounding cities and towns . . . . (Underscores added. Click on the link for a bit of Rumi’s history.) History Daily

Now I’ve done whirling exercises from time to time and it’s not as easy as the Sufi make it look. I think the rhythm and cadence of their music helped facilitate the dance. If you try it, make sure you do it at the foot of your bed or your reclining chair so that you can flop down on your back while your brain and visual cortex stop spinning the room around you. It’s quite dizzying at first, however I’ve not yet learned how to turn off the dizzying after-effect, so I just fall back onto the bed. It’s a lot of fun, actually, and I do feel an uptake in my energy and improvement of my balance after a few moments. I’ve read that it actually turns your ageing clock back a bit. I encourage you to try it if you haven’t done so already.

The position of the hands is significant and purposeful. The right hands of the dancers are turned palms up to receive blessings and light from heaven above and their left hands are turned palms down to extend the blessings and light of heaven into the earth. And they seem to spin within a swirling energy vortex.

A subject of regression who had been regressed to a prior incarnation during the time of Jesus, described the atmosphere around him as a vortex of swirling light energy. This piqued my interest considerably, as I have experienced my own energy field as a sphere of light during an Attunement meditation that opened up to an ecstatic experience of levitation . . . accompanied by a rush of wind and an awesome vocalized sound that raised the frequency of my body’s cells.

Quite often during Attunement times I feel a lifting up of my physical body from my heart chakra, like a skyhook suspended from a point above my head was attached to my chest. If I’m lying down on a table, my chest often rises up. On one occasion during an attunement class, the student who was offering the attunement apparently thought he was doing something wrong, so he pulled his hands away and stopped sharing the attunement. I wished he hadn’t.

In Walter Russell’s signature work THE UNIVERSAL ONE—in which he challenges the scientific community with his own table of elements and his inspired concept of the inner workings or the Universe, as well as religion with his own cosmogony and “knowledge” of God’s Creative Powers—is this passage in his NEW LAWS AND PRINCIPLES chapter: (See graph below)

132. The nearer to the axis and to the apex of the cone the greater the density, temperature, pressure, potential, power-time and all effects of electro-positive preponderance. 133. The nearer to the base of the cone the greater the tenuity, the speed time and the tendency to ionize, and the lower the temperature, pressure, potential and all effects of electro-negative preponderance. (THE UNIVRSAL ONE, page 260)


In my previous post I stated this principle:

What manifests and takes shape in the explicate order under the heaven reflects Life’s design for forms in the implicate order of the heaven. There is only One Law governing the Creative Process: Radiation–Response–Attraction–Union–Unified Radiation. This law governs the electric universe at all levels, including and especially at the level where Man was created to live and function at the crossover point between Heaven and Earth as co-creator with God. The substance of connection between Man and Creator is the medium through which the Tone of the Word that creates Life on Earth is propagated so as to be perceptible by Man and re-sounded in the expression of his living. That medium is the rarified substance of pheumaplasm (spirit substance).


Near-Death-Experiences (NDE’s) reportedly involve travel through a silvery tunnel toward a bright light that beckons the individual soul to rise up and come closer.

I gather there is some kind of levitating force, much like that produced by a magnet, which draws the soul up into another level of consciousness and being. From this elevated level, the person observes his or her body and those surrounding it from above, then has a telepathic conversation with another being or guide about whether or not it’s time for the soul to leave the physical realm. It’s all very interesting and intriguing to think about.

What piques my interest particularly is the source of the levitating power that draws the soul upward. In my inner Mind’s eye I envision two triangular vortices of energy that join at an apex or axis, as Russell states above and diagrams below, that have a place of manifestation and focus in our bodies. That focal point is situated in the Pineal Gland located in the Golden Mean Center of the brain.

Looking at the graphic below — which I borrowed from Russell’s book and adapted to my purpose here — in your mind’s eye superimpose an image of the body temple over the lower pyramidal graphic. Where the two spiraling vortices intersect one another, there is an area where the two opposing triangles join at their bases, one pointing up and the other pointing down. The one pointing upward, in my perspective analogy, comes to point in the Pineal Gland at the 7th level of the seven endocrine glands, which are paired with seven spinning chakra vortices. (Click on image to enlarge it)


7 Pineal

6 Pituitary & 5 Thyroid

4 Thymus-Heart

3 Pancreas & 2 Adrenals

1 Gonads


Counting down from the Pineal gland, we come to the Pituitary gland at the 6th level, and below the pituitary lies the Thyroid gland in the neck. These three energy centers form an upright triangle with the Pineal focusing the Spirit of Love at the apex and the Pituitary and Thyroid glands at the two corner of the base, focusing respectively the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Life.

The lower inverted triangle encompasses the Heart with the Thymus gland focusing the Spirit of Purification at the lower apex—a fiery frequency of the Spirit of Love stepped down four levels. This is the Spirit, or vibration, currently stirring in the hearts of every person on earth, incinerating what doesn’t belong in this holy place designed as a crucible for Love’s purifying and transforming fire. As my friend Chris Jorgensen described this pivotal point in my previous post:

The crossover point is the sacred place where the Radiation of Being is consciously known and shared. It is the point where Love is made visible. It is Assurance in divine Presence. The current vibration of the world is the Spirit of Purification, the crossover point—the energy, frequency and radiation of the Heart-Thymus. It is a singular point where Heaven and Earth meet.


I took note of the way the Whirling Dervishes use their own hearts as pivot points around which to whirl—a significant posture to assume seeing as the heart is the true center of gravity in our sacred energy anatomy.

Below the level of the Heart center and Thymus gland are three glands in the body that manage hormonal chemistry throughout the body temple—just as the upper three glands administer the hormonal alchemy of incarnation and the ongoing conception and generation of Life in the sanctuary of the temple. The Pancreas at the 3rd level which facilitates emotional and spiritual expression and the realization of manifestation; the two Adrenal glands at the 2nd level that empower physical action and mental focus; and the Gonadal glands at the 1st level where the Spirit of the New Earth patiently fostering a sense of right expectancy. Beyond the 1st level in one’s extended world of creativity.

Based on what Russell cited above in his two principles, the higher one’s consciousness rises to the apex at the crossover point, the denser the plasma that comprises the silvery substance of the chord connecting the person with the Realms of Light, and the greater is the pressure and temperature.


I am reminded of a passage in the Old Testament that speaks of the fiery furnace being heated seven times hotter than it was wont to be heated in order to incinerate Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego—which proved to be the right temperature to burn the shackles that bound them without burning the three friends. But greater than that was the 4th Presence seen by King Nebuchadnezzar of “one like unto the Son of Man.”

This is the Spirit of the One that dwells in the midst, the Spirit of Angelic and Archangelic Presence that cannot be touched by the fire of purification for that Spirit is Love, the very fire itself. Nor can the dense plasma of consciousness rising to the apex be touched or penetrated by what is occurring of a violent and destructive nature in the outer world. It can, however, be touched and penetrated, consumed and transmuted, by the high frequency of Love radiating from the One in the midst. What can ascend ascends, and what cannot ascend falls back down toward the less dense lower levels toward the base to participate further in the ascending cycles of the ongoing Creative Process.

“Who shall ascend unto the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”

I will continue in this vein in my next post. As always, I welcome your thoughts on what I have presented. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.


Love, an Antigravity Force

“True love demands sacrifice, because true love is a transforming force and is really the birth-pangs of union on a higher plane.” –Anonymous¹

OUR HUMAN FAMILY has not been under so much pressure as it is now for some time. Listening to all the reports on the state of our planet’s shifting ecology, we are in the throes of an existential crisis—at least existence as we’ve known it in our lifetime.  Like a house of cards blown by a wind, our “civilized” world is collapsing around us, as though clearing the space for something new.  Will we go down in history as yet another lost civilization, or will we ascend to a higher level of consciousness and create a more balanced and sustainable world?  A heaven on earth?

The answer to that question lies largely in the polarity of our orientation, and with what tonal frequency we resonate at a spiritual level in our hearts.  What vibrational tone moves us, and in what direction?  What do we most value and love?  Because we will dance to the music that resonates in our hearts and go in the direction of that which we love, that with which we desire union.  What is it that my soul longs to know oneness with? 

The simple answer to such a longing is to be found in the directive of the Master Jesus, what has become well known as The Two Great Commandment:  “Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all of thy heart, and with all of thy mind, and with all of thy strength.” With all of one’s heart, mind and body.  Nothing held back.  “And the second is like unto the first: thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  In these two directives, as I would call them, lie the sacred path of ascension. 


We are all blessed by our friendships.  I’ve been blessed and privileged to share a brief but potent time of Attunement every morning with a dear friend and colleague long distance.  We’ve known each other for over twenty years now and I’ve come to love him as a brother . . . and I can say as myself because he exemplifies to me qualities that I know are true of my own inner Self, primarily unconditional love and acceptance of me just the way I am . . . which has inspired me to love and accept myself, and others, unconditionally.  This has been my experience over the years with all my friends and attunement colleagues.  So much love and appreciation has been expressed by so many.  

The current of love that flows between my friend and myself seems to have grown more intense and substantial over the years.  This past year the Attunement Current has been increasingly more intense and has become a powerfully magnetic force that has had an uplifting impact on my physical body, as though every cell is being drawn up into an ascending current of magnetic energy.   

While the Attunement Current in itself is a powerful healing force — healing in the literal sense of mending back together that which has been fragmented and separated from the whole — there are powerful cosmic forces on the move “out there” which are having enormous impact on us and on all life forms on the planet.  While we call this force the Attunement Current, it is the magnetic current of love that is increasing in its manifestation through human hearts the world over, interestingly more so since this viral pandemic has disrupted “business as usual” in human affairs. 

It’s as though a Great Pause has been ordered in the Music of the Spheres here on Earth by the Great Conductor as a new score in the symphony of Life awaits the downward beat of the Conductor’s Baton, and the orchestral musicians are poised in eager readiness to play the first notes in their score together with one magnificent and harmonic transforming sound.  One can hear the cacophony of instruments tuning as the pure sound of the oboe plays the tonal A 440.  We can even hear an Overture  pre-sounding in the heaven of consciousness.  The Song Celestial is about to be played and sung on Earth.  It’s time to finetune our instruments of body, mind and heart with the Tone of Love. 

When I see and hear musicians playing their instruments and singing in concerts, I see angels of sound come down out of the Realms of Light to bring heavenly music to Mankind and to this beautiful planet.  Last night we attended a Christmas Concert presented by the Masterworks Chorale I sang with for several years, now back from a long pause due to this pandemic.  It was so good to hear these angels singing their sweet and glorious songs, especially the children’s choir and the brass ensemble.  Christmas music  is my favorite tradition each year.   God bless all musicians, who have come together in choirs and orchestras the world around, finding one another and regrouping to offer their musical gifts to the world, sorely in need of such upliftment at this time of trial and tribulation. 

I’m thinking of our neighbors up in the Midwest who are in anguish in the wake of devastating multiple tornado strikes that tore through several states last night from Arkansas through Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri and Tennessee, leaving death and unprecedented destruction in its 250 mile path, and so many homeless in cold winter nights.  They will be having a different Christmas this year as they help one another recover and rebuild, along with hundreds who have come from other areas to lend a hand.  There is so much goodwill in human hearts.  People come together in hard times.  We are so blessed to live in such a world of generous and caring friends and neighbors.  God bless us all, as Tiny Tim exclaimed in that wonderful Christmas Story.  Let us gather in Rumi’s field of no right doing or wrong doing and offer a prayer for those whose worlds have been so suddenly upended. 

I will leave you with this timely video that was shared on Facebook this week by a friend.   



Here we are.  Let the New World be born through all of us together.  Everything we do matters.  Until my next post,

Be Love.  Be loved.


¹ Anonymous:  From The Recapitulation of the Lord’s Prayer written anonymously and published by a 20th Century British contemplative, a student of the Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky.  I borrowed this “mystical gem” from Cynthia Bourgeault’s beautiful book THE WISDOM JESUS.


Ascension Harmonics

(I’ve embedded a video clip for you to listen to while reading my blog meditation. Enjoy the harmonic sound track. It’s an F# Major chord, the frequency that I feel lifts up substance during meditation and attunement. This is the ancient Solfaggio Harmonic 741 Hz intended for expansion of consciousness. You may feel a pulsating pressure behind your eyes as the F# tone resonates within the Pineal Gland opening the sacred seal of the Third Eye, thereby releasing the radiant current of Love’s Light.)  

(Use earphones for full spectrum sound resonance)


I believe we are . . . ascending.  At least the energy of the planet appears to be shifting to a higher frequency, and our bodies are very much a part of the planet, so they would also be ascending along with it. Is this an automatic process happening to us, or do we have any part to play in facilitating the process? I believe that both things are happening. Our bodies are being uplifted to a higher frequency and we have a part to play in the process—that is if we wish to take our bodies with us, which may well be possible one day, but not today. Presently, we can only take our spiritual bodies, our souls, with their subtle energy substance with us when we make our transition from the physical plane back to our origin in the realms of Light.

The question Are we ascending? begs a question, and the answer would depend on who we are—or rather who we think we are. If we are referring to the incarnate beings we are in the spiritual sense, then I think there is a consensus among the awakened and enlightened that the beings we are already live at a  higher level of being than the physical and, therefore, do not need to ascend. As for our physical bodies and outer being, which includes our human consciousness, that all needs to ascend to a higher vibrational frequency in order to continue its existence on a planet whose frequency is shifting to a higher vibration. And the only way that can happen is by the power of love emanating from within and permeating and resonating every tissue cell of our bodies.

It is the expression of a higher frequency energy through body, mind and heart that will lever the physical body up to a higher frequency. This is also true for the collective Body of Humanity. In this case, a critical mass is needed to provide that vibrational leverage. 

In the Book of Revelation there is mention of a critical mass of a hundred and forty and four thousand standing on Mount Sion with the Lamb. This could be a vibrational value as well as a group number value.  We know, for instance, that groups of people have meditated together and impacted world events, such as crime and weather patterns. Group chanting and toning has also been used in this way.  It is the quality of love radiation, along with the quantity of individuals sharing in a unified radiation of love, that facilitates the lifting. 

The refrain of a hymn from the Emissaries of Divine Light hymnal Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving comes to mind:

Sweet the lifting scent of worship  To thy heart our love ascends.  Oh what glory fills thy temple.  From this place Thy word extends.”


In Biblical symbolism, the Lamb represents Jesus the Christ, the Lord of Love and proclaimed redeemer of mankind. Religious interpretations and creeds aside, what Jesus stood for, his personal mission and purpose for incarnating, was to bring love into the hearts of mankind.  His expression through his human form was that of the highest frequency of love. His reference on every turn was to his heavenly Father. The works that I do, I do not of myself, but the Father within me, he doeth the works.” His message was one of love. “If you love me, do as I command. Love one another as I have love you” and “Love your enemies; do good to those that hate you.” And, of course, there’s the first and second Great Commandments:

“Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all of thy heart and all of thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.” And the second: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mark 12:30)

The “Father within” is love. Here is what the author of Revelation, John the Beloved, wrote about the vision he was having:

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev. 14:1)

We lead forth with the thoughts in our foreheads in everything we undertake to do. They are written as intentions in our brains. Our creative energies follow our thoughts to manifest those thought forms at lower frequencies so that we may see and enjoy them at the physical level.

Although we are told by health authors that we are what we eat, that isn’t the whole truth. We are also what we think and express. James Allen writes about this in his little book As A Man Thinketh.

The aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

Well, that’s not all a Man is, is it ?  Man is a Human Being, a Being incarnate in human form. This aphorism indicates that a man thinks in his heart, not his mind. This is so, as we now know there are brain cells in the heart which communicate with cells in the brain. The Master Jesus apparently knew of this connection between heart and mind when he said “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” 


Here are a few “Heart-Brain Factoids” from the Institute of Heartmath.

Your Heart's Electromagnetic Field
      Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

Your heart emits an electromagnetic field that changes according to your emotions. Others can pick up the quality of your emotions through the electromagnetic energy radiating from your heart.

The heart has a system of neurons that have both short- and long-term memory, and the signals they send to the brain can affect our emotional experiences.  The heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.  Coherent heart rhythms help the brain in creativity and innovative problem-solving.

With this knowledge of the heart-brain connection, it is easy to understand how love in our hearts can raise the vibrational frequency of the cells in our bodies. It doesn’t take much change in vibration upward—as little as half a pitch, like from F to F#—to make the body impervious to disease. Just a little more and the body will levitate. Just a bit more and the body cells will vibrate at the speed of love, which is light. And just a little more than the speed of light, the body will shift levels, become completely invisible to third-dimensional perception. So, you see, we are not very far from the fourth dimension vibrationally speaking. After we ascend to the fourth dimension, then ascension on upward into the fifth dimension, or density as some would have it, and further would be possible. Man was created on the sixth day in Genesis. Our Home, then, is at the level of the sixth heaven, just a little lower than the angels’ abode in God’s seventh heaven. There’s a Biblical reference to this in the Book of Psalms.

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angel, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:3-5)

(Start the clip up again and go to Full Screen view for a seven minute sound attunement after you finish reading.)    

There have been so many reminders of our place in the Divine Design and Cosmology. These Biblical passages have always intrigued me and drawn me to them in meditation. This one is one of my favorite.

The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.  Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.  Selah.

The “LORD of host” could be the Lord Buddha, or the Lord Krishna, or any one of several deities and ascended masters in the many religions of the world. Addressing the Western world, I more naturally use Biblical references of the Christian scriptures.  Readers are free to reference their own cultural beliefs and sacred scriptures. Whatever works for you. I respect all religious beliefs and sacred texts and I appreciate that my readers, wherever you are, respect the ones I reference in my blogs. Thank you. 


The body goes in the direction of the heart’s response. When the heart is open upward in utter abandon and perfect love response to the Lord of Love, and the head is lifted up with the mind focused in the highest image one may have of the Lord of Love, “the King of glory,” the body cells begin to vibrate at a higher frequency in resonance with the frequency of Love. Love can then fill the heart to overflowing. “And the King of glory shall come in.” The heart sends a message to the brain, which sends a message to the hypothalamus, which in turn sends messages via hormone precursors to the seven endocrine glands, which are the “seven seals” of the book of life. According to the author of Revelation, only the Lamb can open the seven seals of the book of life. The Lamb is Love.

The vibration of Love moving in and through the heart opens the vibrational gateways—“ye gates and everlasting doors”–of the seven endocrine glands releasing powerful hormones that go forth into the body and raise the frequency of the cells. In an instant, the body begins to rise up off the ground in ecstatic fusion with the God Being incarnate. The cycle of ascension is thus initiated. The angel takes his or her body-temple up to the next level.

From my own personal experience, this is the way it works. There are no techniques, sound or otherwise, that can initiate this process. Harmonic sound can attune energy and subtle substance and facilitate its movement through the chakra and endocrine centers. As I mentioned at the start, I find that the F# Major chord as played in the clip does move energy upward in an ascending spiral. The Father within, however, “He doeth the works.” Love God with all.

Thank you for following my blogs and for sharing these heartfelt thoughts and meditations.  I welcome your thoughts. 


Steps of Ascent 5: The Way of the Master

“I have thrown fire on the world. Look! I watch it until it blazes.” —Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas


IN MY PREVIOUS POST I spoke of a restoration process underway since the Fall, so far made in two approaches.  The first one was initiated with Abraham and the nation of Israel. The second approach, from the physical plane as was the first, was initiated with King Solomon.  Both failed to bring mankind back into the Garden state and alignment with the governance of the Kingdom of Heaven. 

      The third and forth approaches were from the mental and spiritual planes respectively and was initiated by the Master Jesus Christ, the incarnate Lord of Love.  Both of these approaches failed as well due to the hardness of men’s hearts and failure to comprehend his dual command to love the Lord God above all and one’s neighbor as oneself, which embodies the essence of his life and teachings.

This post is about the third approach which led to a fourth for him personally, opening the Way to restoration and ascension for all of mankind.  The following is from my book SACRED ANATOMY. 


The Way of the Master                                        

       There was a Man sent from God—an incarnate God Being—who returned to Heaven with his human capacities restored to their glorified state.  His name was Jesus and he was called “Master” by those who loved and followed him closely. 

       Putting these cycles of restoration in a certain perspective, Uranda called them “Sacred Schools” in that they were periods of spiritual education, a time when human beings were taught by great spirits and masters how to function spiritually in each level of ascent as the restoration continued to unfold. Jesus initiated the second cycle, at the level of the mental plane, and opened the door to the third, the level of the expression of Spirit, with his two Great Commandments of Love. But those to whom he brought the Way back into the “kingdom of heaven” either didn’t comprehend him or rejected him out of hand and sought to erase him from the face of the Earth by destroying his personal temple.  This time it was men who failed to defeat the Divine Design for restoration, as it was beyond their reach.

       Jesus dealt with human consciousness from the “mental plane approach.” He offered tranquility, a quality of the Spirit of the Single Eye in the second plane of being, to minds frantically busy with the letter of the law and the prophets.  “Peace, be still,” were words he often spoke before preaching and ministering to his disciples. He took issue with the Scribes and Pharisees, for example, which he blatantly characterized as “hypocrites” and “whited sepulchers full of dead men’s bones” for  the way they allowed the letter of the law to overshadow the “spirit that giveth life.” 

      He came to fulfill the law and the prophets, not to impose them upon the faithful in order to “lord it over them.” Above all, he met and dealt forthrightly and in singleness of purpose with his own human mind and restored order and beauty to his house of Being.  “Get thee behind me, Satan” were his words of rebuke more than once to his own human mind and through it to the collective mind in the larger body of mankind.

       He brought one law, the law of love, to replace the many laws that were on the books and enforced in order to keep the people subdued and under control. That law was stated as two Great Commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart and all of thy mind and with all of thy strength,” and “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” 

In giving this one law of love, He began opening the third level of consciousness and plane of being, the spiritual-expression plane approach, which is made from the level of the heart.  It is simply the expression of the spirit of God in living, which brings a realization of the presence of God in one’s temple and an outpouring of blessing into one’s world.  We have seen how this level is the domain of the Spirit of Blessing.

       “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God,” He taught, and in so teaching began to open the way leading up into the fourth level of consciousness, which is the plane of being connecting heaven and earth and the level of awareness of divine identity. The Spirit of Purification reins here to bring clarity to the heaven.

In order to enter this level of consciousness, where one knows with assurance one’s own divine presence in the world, the heart must be purified by the continual and consistent outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Love.  It is the only way—and the Master Jesus went that way, even though no one at the time was willing to go with Him.  “I am the way, the truth and the life,” He proclaimed and then proceeded to exemplify for all who had ears to hear and eyes to see. 

      Here was the Lord of Love himself incarnate on earth attempting to gather human beings back under his wings, “as a hen with her brood,” but they “would not.”  The gospels say Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem.  It was not for himself that he wept but for what he saw human beings were doing to themselves.  He came to initiate the process by which human beings could come out of the state of dying souls and back into the state of original innocence as living souls, only he was met by all sorts of resistance and considerable opposition. 

      When it became apparent to him that he was not going to be allowed to initiate that process for the whole body of mankind through His personal hedge of followers, he accepted the responsibility himself of ascending to the third and fourth planes of being.  But he did not stop here.  There had already been too much failure in the past.  He went all the way through the remaining three levels of being: the fifth which is that of radiance under the domain of the Spirit of Life, the sixth which is that of wisdom under the domain of the Spirit of Truth, or the Womb, and finally the seventh, the dwelling place of the Spirit of Love, with his transfiguration, resurrection and ascension into heaven.

       He stepped from earth back into heaven from whence he had come—and from whence we all have come—giving the simple and apparently achievable instruction to simply follow him: “He that believes in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)

      Going unto the Father is the first step and the last that leads to union with God and glorious transfiguration.  He established agreement on earth with His Father in heaven, and where two agree on earth as touching anything “in my name” (in the vibration of love), it shall be done of them by the Father in heaven.  He was able to step, body, soul and spirit, back into the realms of light by reason of the working of this law of love, and the process of ascension manifested in His humanity.

      Each one of these steps of ascent, from one level of consciousness to the next, manifested changes in his outer form.  They each had their impact on Him physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Throughout this process he experienced amazing feats of all sorts: levitation, transfiguration, command of the wind, mental telepathy, long distance healing power,  a potently radiant and highly charged personal atmosphere that when but touched by those around him in faith, wrought healing, power to raise the dead, and many other miracles of transformation. The greatest transformation was that of his own consciousness to the clear, absolute realization that “I and my Father are one.”   He attained to the vibration of the Father, who is love, as he himself had long since earned the title of “Lord of Love.” 

       Probably the toughest of all the outer manifestations of change to move through was his betrayal and subsequent crucifixion. Yet move through it he did, maintaining His connection with his Father and thereby maintaining the continuity of the cycle he had initiated which took him step by step back into the Realms of Light from whence he had come.  He surely saw that experience as a door through which he had to pass in order to go the Way he had chosen. Death with its seeming finality was to him but the shadow side of eternal life itself, and not just for his spirit but for his own body temple as well. 

      The door that leads into the light is always hidden in the shadow, because it is closed.  He opened that door and found resurrection and ascension on the other side, and he opened it with unconditional love for and forgiveness of those who had put him on the cross.  His heart was utterly purified in the fire of love he shared with his Heavenly Father, and which he sought unceasingly to share with his disciples and the world which his Father so loved and had sent him to save.  His outer form was transformed by the Spirit of Purification as He moved through the fourth plane of being on his way up in the ascension process.  Indeed, he became the Spirit of Purification himself at the fourth level of being, the crossover point between spirit and form, and burned his way through the thick veil of the impure heart of humanity. 

      In a service entitled “The Way of the Master,” Martin Cecil describes these events in a remarkably clear and thought-provoking presentation.  He refers to a “tone” sounded:

What a task!  What an unbelievable undertaking, and yet He did it, in spite of everything . . .   He established what we have called the true tone of life for man, an actual vibratory radiation that has been sounding on earth all down the centuries . . . .  It was set of course not by a man as such but by the Lord through a man.  That trumpet tone has been sounding without diminishing for nineteen centuries . . . .

     When He did proceed through the creative cycle in His own personal experience on earth He did what He might to assist those who were present with Him to come along into an experience of greater understanding, but they didn’t get very far.  You may recall, in the Gospel of John, Philip and Thomas, two of the disciples, had no faintest idea as to what it was that our Master was talking about.  He’d been speaking: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”  And He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”  That’s the way He was going, moving through these successive levels of consciousness in the creative cycle, the ascending cycle, thereby preparing the way.  Nobody was going with Him at that time.  The disciples were completely at sea. They enjoyed being with Him, they loved Him, but they didn’t know what was happening and apparently no one has known since. Some beliefs have been generated, some ideas have been produced, and there may have been a little truth back of some of these things. But only now, when it begins to surface and come within the range of present human experience, does it once more become meaningful.  It becomes meaningful to the extent that it is experienced; not to the extent that it is thought about or discussed, or to the extent that doctrines are established; it means something only on the basis of actual experience.  So because there begins to be some actual experience it begins to be meaningful . . . .  (Excerpted from Third Sacred School, Vol. 2, Chapter 28)

       It is the experience that this One Divine Man undertook himself that has established what the body of mankind is to experience and has experienced since he set this tone and sounded it all the way through the seven levels of being as he ascended with his body temple restored to its glorified state.  This is the path that all of mankind has been invited to take and that we each must travel if we are to experience fully the salvation which he brought, the path leading well beyond worship of God to resurrection and ascension in sacred union with God.  Until the reality of such union is actually known, man shall continue his search for Eden outside himself and worship God at the foot of altars made of wood and stone — but not for long. ♦


The purpose of restoration relates primarily to the return of this world, the earth and the fulness thereof, to the One whose world it is, through Man restored.  In my next post, “The Transmutation of Planet Earth,” I will give in-depth and specific consideration to the divine design by which the Earth is restored to the One who is responsible for it.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.


Extinguishing Fire With Sound

My Chorale PicI learned something today that turned on a light in my mind. Someone posted a video clip on Facebook demonstrating how fire can be extinguished with sound – a very low frequency bass sound. Here’s the demo:

Can you see how and why this works? Think about it for a moment. Fire results when atoms and molecules vibrate at a super high frequency, so high that they emit, or transmit, light so intense that it sets matter on fire. Now, the fuel in the skillet is already a high-frequency fuel, like gasoline or lighter fluid.  Add a little frequency boost with fire and the fuel immediately ignites, consuming the oxygen around it.

So how does the low frequency bass sound put out the fire? One possibility is by lowering the vibration of the fuel to such a low level that the atoms and molecules don’t burn.  In other words, fire results when molecules vibrate at a super high frequency. It would seem logical that if you lower the frequency at which they vibrate, they would stop burning. Another possibility is that the bass sound pushes the air with such a force that it blows the fire out. I am inclined to go with the first possibility.

I’ve been working with energy in my attunement with sound healthcare service for some forty years, researching the use of sound in healing for a book that is presently being released by Amazon: Attunement with Sacred Sound.  Being an energy and sound healer, I immediately saw how this phenomenon of sound extinguishing fire may work – (the first possibility above). You see, high frequencies increase the vibration of molecules whereas low frequencies decrease their vibration. This is why most of my clients love the lower frequencies of my fourteen and sixteen inch quartz crystal bowls. Their sound waves are calming. They put out the fire of anxiety, fear and worry, all high-frequency emotional and mental states.  They also calm down inflammation in the body that’s causing pain. I also use the high frequency sounds for fine-tuning the endocrine and chakra energy centers. After I’ve finished fine-tuning these energy centers, I finish with my fourteen-inch C quartz crystal bowl, which I use to attune the skeletal system along with the organs of the body. The low sound frequency is very grounding.

This brings up another way of looking at this sound healing technique, which is to see high frequencies as facilitating ascension to higher levels of being and low frequencies as facilitating a descent of spirit into fuller incarnation in the physical body.  In other words, low frequencies encourage and facilitate grounding, an essential aspect of sound healing, as sound has a tendency to lift one out of the physical and into a more spiritual state of being. Sound healing tends to be un-grounding — a word of caution to my fellow sound healers.

I like a comment a friend and colleague made about attunement on my FB post. He writes: “Attunement modulates and influences vibrational patterns , allowing a pattern that is out of control to return to it’s natural rate [of vibration].”  Sound can serve as a carrier wave for the attunement or healing current. This is what my book is all about. The following is the announcement of the imminent release of my book:


Attunement with Sacred Sound provides a pivotal revelation about the phenomenal connection you and I have to the powerfully grand energies of all creation. The seeming platitude that states, “We are all one,” or “We are one with everything,” is quite true, in fact! Keep reading and you will discover more about just how profoundly this is the case.                   From the Foreword by PenDell Pittman

Sound is a tool for creation.  Not just any sound, but sound that carries a tone and a wave form that is coherent and pure. We call this “music.”  Then there’s the “Musica Universales, or Music of the Spheres” an ancient concept attributed to Pythagoras who reportedly could hear the musical harmonies of the planets. Are these the sound waves that carry the Word that creates all things sent forth by the Creator into the void of space? Pythagoras based our musical theory on this mathematically precise Musica.

Musical sound is being used extensively and increasingly in the healing arts. It can be used effectively with attunement and all forms of energy work. My use of sound in attunement is not so much to heal our physical ills as it is to facilitate the generation and clarification of pneumaplasm, the rarified spiritual substance that connects spirit with form. It is through this substance that spirit has a means of connecting with and managing the world of physical form. This is the medium for the propagation of the Tone that creates all living things and through which Love comes forth out of heaven to touch the earth of our flesh – or, perhaps more accurately, how flesh rises to touch heaven, spiritualized by the radiant current of Love moving in and through it. When flesh is touched by Love it is uplifted, transformed, made whole and holy. What I am suggesting here is that music, harmonic sound, is a tool that can be used as a carrier wave for spirit in the healing and transformational processes.

I emphasize the word resonance in this work to remind us that we are not manipulating physical substance – or mental and spiritual substance for that matter – with sound. We are simply sounding a tone that may engender and give rise to a resonantresponse from within the person’s heart of hearts. It is the vibration of the resonant response within the individual – self or other – that does the ‘work’ in harmonizing and uplifting the vibrations of life in the tissue cells of the body.

My interest in the art of Sacred Sound relates to how it may enhance our attunement energy work as a tool that is vibrational in nature. Beyond the human voice, there are musical and sound-producing instruments that lend themselves to the art of Sacred Sound – such as singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, drums, and a few others I explore in the book.

My book will be available at Book Price: $35.99 (includes postage within the USA)

Order my book and explore a whole new dimension of sound healing. Purchase a quartz crystal bowl (an 8″ F or a 14″ C bowl) and play it for a few minutes every day. Better still, invest in two bowls, the 8″ F and the 14″ C bowls: F is for the heart Chakra and C is for the bones and whole body.  Play them together and enjoy the harmony they produce. This is a very smart investment in your whole health.

Until my next post, here’s to your good health.

Anthony Palombo, DC

Check out my HealthLight Newsletter on line at for a variety of articles on health and wellness.





The Body Electric, part 4: Ascension Harmonics

Healing is not about fixing anything


[I’ve embedded a video clip for you to listen to while reading this blog meditation. Enjoy the harmonic sound track. It’s an F# Major chord, the frequency I feel lifts up substance during meditation and attunement. This is the Solfaggio Harmonic 721 Hz intended for expansion of consciousness.]

(Use earphones for full spectrum sound resonance)

Tony Pics for SA BookAre we ascending yet? I believe we are. At least the planet appears to be shifting to a higher frequency, and our bodies are very much a part of the planet, so they would also be ascending along with it. Is this an automatic process happening to us, or do we have any part to play in facilitating the process? I believe that both things are happening. Our bodies are being uplifted to a higher frequency and we have a part to play in the process—that is if we wish to take our bodies with us, which may well be possible one day, but not yet. Presently, we can only take our spiritual bodies with their subtle substance with us when we make our transition in what is called death.

The question “Are we ascending?” begs some clarification.The answer would depend on who we are—or rather who we think we are. If by “we” we are referring to the incarnate beings we are in the spiritual sense, then I think there is a consensus among the awakened majority of us that the beings we are already live at a  higher level than the physical and, therefore, do not need to ascend. As for our physical bodies and outer being which includes our human consciousness, that all needs to ascend to a higher vibrational frequency in order to continue its existence on a planet whose vibrational frequency is shifting to a higher vibration. And the only way that can happen is by a power emanating from within and permeating every tissue cell of our bodies.

It is the expression of a higher frequency power through body, mind and heart of each individual that will lever the physical body up to a higher frequency. This is also true for the collective Body of Humanity. In this case, a critical mass is needed to provide that vibrational leverage. 

In the Book of Revelation there is mention of a critical mass of a hundred and forty and four thousand standing on Mount Sion with a Lamb. This could be a vibrational value rather than a quantity of warm bodies of “believers.” We know, for instance, that groups of people have meditated together and impacted world events, such as crime and weather patterns. Group chanting and toning has also been used in this way. It’s the quality of love radiation rather than quantity that matters.


In Biblical symbolism, the Lamb represents Jesus the Christ, the Redeemer of fallen man. Religious interpretations and creeds aside, what Jesus stood for, his personal mission and purpose for incarnating, was love. His expression through his human form was that of the highest frequency of love. His reference on every turn was to his heavenly Father. “The works that I do, I do not of myself, but the Father within me, he doeth the works.” His message was that of love. “If you love me, do as I command. Love one another as I have love you” and “Love your enemies; do good to those that hate you.” And, of course, there’s the first and second Great Commandments:

“Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all of thy heart and all of thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.” And the second: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mark 12:30)

The “Father within” is love. Here is what the author of Revelation, John the Beloved, wrote about the vision he was having:

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev. 14:1)

We lead forth with the thoughts in our foreheads in everything we undertake to do. They are written as intentions in our fore brains. Our creative energies follow our thoughts to manifest those thought forms at lower frequencies so that we may see and enjoy them at the physical level.

Although we are told by health authors that we are what we eat, that isn’t the whole truth. We are also what we think and express. James Allen writes about this in his little book As A Man Thinketh.

The aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

Well, that’s not all a Man is, is it? Man is a Human Being, a Being incarnate in human form. This aphorism indicates that a man thinks in his heart, not his mind. This is so, as we now know there are brain cells in the heart which communicate with brain cells in the brain. The Master Jesus apparently knew of this connection between heart and mind when he said “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” 


Here are a few “Heart-Brain Factoids” from the Institute of Heartmath.

Your Heart's Electromagnetic Field

Your Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

Your heart emits an electromagnetic field that changes according to your emotions.Others can pick up the quality of your emotions through the electromagnetic energy radiating from your heart.

The heart has a system of neurons that have both short- and long-term memory, and the signals they send to the brain can affect our emotional experiences.The heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.Coherent heart rhythms help the brain in creativity and innovative problem-solving.

With this knowledge of the heart-brain connection, it is easy to understand how love in our hearts can raise the vibrational frequency of the cells in our bodies. It doesn’t take much change in vibration upward—as little as half a pitch—to make the body impervious to disease. Just a little more and the body will levitate. Just a bit more and the body cells will vibrate at the speed of love, which is light. And just a little more than the speed of light, the body will shift levels, become completely invisible to third-dimensional perception. So, you see, we are not very far from the fourth dimension vibrationally speaking. After we ascend to the fourth dimension, then ascension on upward into the fifth dimension, or density as some would have it, and further would be possible. Man was created on the sixth day in Genesis. Our Home, then, is at the level of the sixth heaven, just a little lower than the angels’ abode in God’s seventh heaven. There’s a Biblical reference to this in the Book of Psalms.

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angel, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:3-5)

There have been so many reminders of our place in the Divine Design and Cosmology. These Biblical passages have always intrigued me and drawn me to them in meditation. This one is one of my favorite.

The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.  Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.  Selah.

[The “LORD of host” could be the Lord Budha, or the Lord Krishna, or any one of several deities and ascended masters in the many cultures of the world. Being brought up in Western civilization, I more naturally use Biblical references of the Christian culture. Readers are free to reference their own cultural beliefs and sacred scriptures. Whatever works for you. I respect all religious beliefs and sacred texts and I appreciate that my readers, wherever you are, respect the ones I reference in my blogs. Thank you.] 

(Use earphones for full spectrum sound resonance)

(Start the clip up again and go to Full Screen view for a seven minute sound attunement after you finish reading.)


The body goes in the direction of the heart’s response. When the heart is open upward in utter abandon and perfect love response to the Lord of Love, and the head is lifted up with the mind focused in the highest image one may have of the Lord of Love, “the King of glory,” the body cells begin to vibrate at a higher frequency in resonance with the frequency of Love. Love can then come into the heart. “And the King of glory shall come in.” The heart sends a message to the brain, which sends a message to the hypothalamus, which in turn sends messages via hormone precursors to the seven endocrine glands, which are the “seven seals” of the book of life. According to the author of Revelation, only the Lamb can open the seven seals of the book of life. The Lamb is Love.

The vibration of Love moving in and through the heart opens the vibrational gateways—“ye gates and everlasting doors”—of the seven endocrine glands releasing powerful hormones that go forth into the body and raise the frequency of the cells. In an instant, the body begins to rise up off the ground in ecstatic fusion with the God Being incarnate. The cycle of ascension is thus initiated. The angel takes his or her body-temple up to the next level.

From my own personal experience, this is the way it works. There are no techniques, sound or otherwise, that can initiate this process. Harmonic sound can attune energy and subtle substance and facilitate its movement through the chakra and endocrine centers. As I mentioned at the start, I find that the F# Major chord as played in the clip does move energy upward in an ascending spiral. The Father within, however, “He doeth the works.” Love God with all.

Thank you for following my blogs and for sharing these heartfelt thoughts and meditations.


Read my HealthLight Newsletter online at for excellent articles on health and wellness. This issue’s feature article is “Chiropractic Rationale: A Turn in the Right Direction.” 

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4th Density Apocalypse 2012 —- Part 3, The Ascension Process

Our Home among the stars
(click on image to enlarge)
While this image is dramatic, the moon is actually more than 1/4 the size of Earth

The word apocalypse means revelation. It implies an unveiling of something already present only hidden.  It has nothing to do with tragedy or some cataclysmic end of our world.  In this blog post and the next, I will propose and present what I will call a revelation of light, of angelic light, the Light of the One we each and altogether are and differentiate into its many colors of expression and culture on Earth. I will call that One the “Archangel” by reason of the collective and diversified nature of the One.  

To recap a bit on the theme of this blog series, in their collaborative book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce—from which I have been excerpting passages in this series—Wynn Free and David Wilcock present a scenario that has Earth and her inhabitants making a “dimensional shift” to a “Fourth Density” within the cosmic context of the Milky Way Galaxy.  This is what all the excitement is about as we approach the Winter Solstice of 2012, the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the cycle upon which Wilcock bases his cosmology.  According to Wilcock’s extensive research, we are at the end of a 75,000 year “planetary cycle,” which is divided into three shorter 25,000 year planetary cycles.  We are moving forward into the fourth 25,000 year cycle, and radical changes are a foot and at hand for the planet and all its inhabitants. 


As Wilcock’s prophecies see our future and the cycle now unfolding, this dimensional shift  from a third-density to a fourth-density planet entails a radical transformation for human beings and the planet upon which we live. In order to be able to live on Earth after the planet makes its transition and dimensional shift, our bodies need to shift to a higher vibrational frequency, since a third-density body will not be able to survive on a fourth-density planet.  Since our bodies and world arise out of consciousness, ascension of human consciousness is the first order of business.

From my perspective, that has been happening for the past hundred years at an accelerated pace as spiritual emergence has erupted in human experience.  It is as though spirit beings from higher dimensions have indeed incarnated on earth for the sole purpose of lifting human consciousness to a higher density and level of awareness.  Human flesh itself is being given the opportunity to ascend to the Fourth Dimension.  

The physical body is but an extension of the spirit.  When it is time for the calling up of those upon your plane to higher frequencies, your body is going to be a part of the past, and your energy body a part of the future. —Ra/Wilcock, August 12, 1999

In a word, our incarnating capacities are thinning out, becoming less dense and, therefore, more transparent, allowing for the revelation of angelic light through human flesh.  

This is a huge event in human history—and the mainstream media are totally in the dark about it, as it should be perhaps.  The knowing is an internal one of discernment.  Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.  Wynn Free passionately offers this assurance:

However, once we understand what is happening to us, we don’t need to be afraid of it.  When the Earth fully moves into the fourth-density energy, we will naturally he transported into a higher level of our own being.  Our physical body becomes irrelevant at that point.  We are much more than that.

Soul Graduation

If you’re very attached to your physical body, you might say, “Well, what would I be without it?” You might see this as traumatic, but in fact your experience could be looked upon as Soul graduation. People are saying, “I’m doing my spiritual growth. I’m doing my path. I’m walking in my truth. I’m trying to grow spiritually, I’m trying to evolve.” Evolve into what? Grow to what? Are you just going to keep reincarnating over and over again as humans? No. 

Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human beings will blow up bombs, poison its waters, pollute its atmosphere, kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees? No. The Earth is not expected to go through this.  The Earth is an evolving being, too.  The difference with the Earth, unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it goes through a very premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits around the Sun, and as the solar system orbits around the galaxy, the extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know exactly when these changes are going to happen.  That’s why they’re here now, because basically they’re aware that this is going on and are standing by to assist us. 

For those who are ready to handle the vibrations, their physical bodies will be transformed into a higher density of vibration when the moment of change arrives.  So it’s not as though there’s going to be all these fried corpses lying around.  When the energy hits you, you transform. Your body will actually transmute itself, like what happened to Jesus—Ascension.

There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain researchers have found that Jesus’ body burned a complete three-dimensional image of itself into the cloth.  And they found through experimentation that such a burn could only be caused by an instantaneous blast at a very high temperature, “zapping” the cloth like an X-ray film.

The Bottom Line

It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to participate in the evolution that is happening here and now on our planet.  The media [and I would say human beings at large] are bent on creating a reality where our happiness is contingent on the acquisition of new products.  We seek the best jobs and the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of “consensus reality” and “winning the game.” 

Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may participate in the Utopian world that will manifest on Earth after this Ascension process has completed—a world without poverty, hunger, or pain; a world where full-body levitation, spontaneous healings, instant telepathic communication, and abundant Love are the law of the land.

The energy “hits us” from within, not from without, from above not from below—as above so below, as within so without.  The energy shift of our natural world and planet will make it possible for our bodies to sustain their vibratory shift, transmutation and transparency.  

With conditions as they are now vibrationally, and have been for millennia, those who have gone through a process of ascension, including Jesus, could not remain in this third-density world. Nor could they ascend into higher dimensions with their third-density bodies.  Their bodies transmuted from one level to the next as they ascended up and out of sight of those who stood around, such as Jesus’ disciples.  Jesus was said to have “parted from them and carried up into heaven” by the apostle Luke (24:51).  He went into a vibratory level that could not be penetrated or perceived by the lower levels of energy, as the higher densities of energy penetrate the lower, but the lower densities cannot penetrate the higher.  Another way this was put is:  “And the light shineth in the darkness, but the darkness comprehended it not.”  Again, we cannot grasp these things with our third-density human minds.  Only with our hearts, which perceive spiritual essences because the heart is of a finer vibratory substance.   

This is what is afoot and at hand for us all.  And we came here to see it through to completion for our Lord and King.  We volunteered for the mission as “Wanderers” from our various densities and dimensions in our Father’s House of many mansions. I will continue with this theme in my next post, “The Wanderers.”  Until then, 

Be love. Be loved.


Visit my blog to read my Health Light Newsletter. The series consideration is “Understanding Fibromyalgia: The Chronic Stress Factor.”  


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Fourth Density Apocalypse 2012, Part 1: Ancient Prophecies

Our Home among the stars
(click on image to enlarge)
While this image is dramatic, the moon is actually more than 1/4 the size of Earth

Welcome to my Healing Tones “Fourth Density Apocalypse 2012” series.  It’s great having you aboard for this promising journey. In this series, I am going to venture an exploration into the future at the risk of loosing some of my readership.  Not all, because I know that many who have been following me on my two blogs are very much on the same page as I am when it comes to visioning and entertaining possible futures .  So, without further ado, I will launch right into the first of what will surely be several exciting installations in this new series on Healing Tones which will take us to and a bit beyond the Winter Solstice of December 21st, 2012.  (Don’t you love that awesome picture of our Home among the stars. Click on it to get a larger eye-full.)


When I first saw the word “Density” used by authors Wynn Free and David Wilcock in their collaborative work entitled The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, I liked it right away as a fitting descriptive quality of what we’ve been calling “dimensions” and “levels of being.” It implies texture and substance, more so than the word “dimension,” although it implies that as well.  Anyway, it provides an apt word to describe what I wish to explore in this series of posts.

The word “Apocalypse,” while I love it for its literal meaning of “revelation,” required a little more discernment, because of the doom-and-gloom “end of the world” connotations the word has acquired. Thus, my clarifying emphasis on its literal meaning: an unveiling and revelation of the light of Love on the material plane we occupy here on planet Earth. 

The word “Fourth” was a natural choice being quite in vogue with the current conversation around the topic of evolutionary transformation.  We definitely appear to be moving out of one era and into another, and since we’ve been living in this three-dimensional state in consciousness for so long, with a rather coarse density of substance for bodies, just maybe we’re in for an upgrade to a finer density in the Fourth Dimension, a transmutation of our forms, in other words, along with the planet Earth herself.   

Finally, the year 2012 is upon us with all of its fan fare of end-times and new beginnings based on ancient prophecies and calenders.  This is the year of revelation of what’s next for the human race and for our Home among the stars.


. . . is anybody’s, and everybody’s, guess—and we  have some very interesting scenarios and speculations, some based on ancient prophecies that have a pretty good history of accuracy.  The scenario we will be entertaining and exploring is the one Wynn Free presents in his book I mentioned which contains a limited collection of Edgar-Cayce type “readings” by David Wilcock, along with some rather profound and prophetic messages from Ra, whom Edgar Cayce channeled back in the early 1930’s and whom David Wilcock, Cayce’s alleged current incarnation, has been chosen by Ra to channel today.  I am going to go way out on a limb here, so hold onto your seats—or come fly with me if you’re in for a little out-of-mind exploration of the unknown future, which is proving to be quite knowable.  Are you with me?  Okay, here we go.


Speaking of seats, I came upon this radio interview George Noory did with David Wilcock last year in which he describes bizarre psychic features of the “Montauk Seat” taken from a UFO crash site by Brookhaven Lab which they reportedly reverse-engineered in an endeavor to figure out and possibly replicate its technology. They called it the “Montauk Project.” Wilcock takes the interview well beyond the topic of the seat itself and delves right into his prophetic view of where we’re headed in this cycle of ascension underway.  Here’s a description of the clip’s content borrowed from the YouTube website:

Intuitive researcher and filmmaker David Wilcock talked about his vision for humanity, changes occurring around 2012, and his concept of the ‘source field.’ This field represents the source for space, the flow of time, physical matter at the quantum level, as well as for consciousness, he said. We’re actually moving into a new energy zone in the galaxy that elevates consciousness and makes us more loving people, he said, noting that studies have shown that the violent crime rate has gone down.

Wilcock suggested that we’re headed into ‘end times’—not in the sense of the world ending, but rather that time as we know it will end, or change its flow. He reached this conclusion from studying Zoroastrian scripture, which reportedly goes back to the time of Atlantis, and first proposed that time will end. And now, current physics models indicate we can change the rate of time with our own consciousness, he continued, adding that when there’s a solar burst of energy, it slightly changes the flow of time. “I believe what’s happening to us is that this energetic acceleration we’re going through is making abilities that used to be in the hands of masters like Jesus, available to everyone,” he said.

There is covert technology that can slow time down or speed it up, and it involves creating a rotational wave in the gravity field, as gravity is what powers time, he explained. Regarding 2012 prophecies, while there may be some natural cataclysms, he believes we’re heading into a golden age, and that there’s a lot more to being human than the levels we’ve reached on this planet. According to ET and ancient sources, “human beings apparently go through sudden energetic springboards that radically transform human evolution into some sort of light being,” and this may be accomplished via shifts in the way that time runs, he said.

I will let this serve as my first installation. It’s only 6.46 minutes long but it presents a profound consciousness-altering scenario of a very possible and exciting future for the human race and planet Earth.  (Sorry, this video has been taken off the web.)


Although I am greatly entertained by Wilcock’s view, I do not yet fully subscribe to it, as convincing as Wynn Free’s case for Wilcock being Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation and Ra’s spokesperson is in his book. Whether I believe in what Wilcock predicts or not is irrelevant. That the message on this radio interview is being given at this time in our evolutionary history I believe is relevant and significant.  What he predicts—a burst of white light as the two timelines meet on or around December 21, 2012 opening the way to a Golden Age—will either come about or it won’t.  Within the context of the belief in the existence of “parallel universes,” and humanity’s influence upon the outcome of its own experience, anything, and everything, is possible.  As the future unfolds, what Wilcock proposes here will prove itself out.  I’m okay with whatever way it goes. What I do know and am experiencing now is an apocalypse of love light in my own heart and in the hearts of so many of my friends and people everywhere.  The revelation is now. I am very interested in your thoughts if you care to share them. 

The next post will be about Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation as David Wilcock.  Wynn Free tells a convincing story about it.  Till then,  

Be love. Be loved.

Anthony Palombo

Visit my Health Light Newsletter blog for an outside-the-box look at “Fibromyalgia, Part 2: Its Etiology and Cure.”



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“Pyramid Power” Page 3: Acoustic Levitation


David Wilcock relates a true story in his book, The Source Field Investigations, about an incident of stone levitation witnessed and video-taped by a Swedish doctor identified only as Dr. Jarl by the New Zealand researcher, Bruce Cathie, who wrote up the details of the event in David Hatcher Childress’s Anti-Gravity and the World Grid.  The story was first published in a German magazine by a journalist who got it from a Swedish aircraft designer by the name of Henry Kjellson.  Here is the actual accounting of the event.


During a visit to Egypt, Dr. Jarl was invited to visit a lama in Tibet who was anxious to meet him.  His visit in Tibet was extended and he was allowed to take notes and report back on what he had found and witnessed there.  As Wilcock tells the story . . . 

While he was there, Dr. Jarl got to see a variety of things that few Westerners had ever been allowed to witness before. The greatest secret of all, according to Swedish engineer Olaf Alexanderson, was that “a vibrating and condensed sound field can nullify the power of gravitation.” Other experts on Tibet, including Linaver, Spalding and Hue, had heard about Tibetans using sound to levitate gigantic stones, and Dr. Jarl also heart about these legends—but he was the first Westerner to witness it.

Dr. Jarl was led into a sloping meadow that was surrounded by high cliffs to the northwest. One of the cliffs had a ledge that led into a cave, some 250 meters above the ground. The Tibetans were in the process of building a wall out of huge stone blocks up on this ledge, but there was no way to get there, except by climbing straight up on a rope. About 250 meters away from the cliff, there was a polished rock slab that had a bowl-shaped area carved out of the middle of it. The slab was a meter wide and the bowl area was fifteen centimeters deep. Then, a team of yak oxen hauled a giant stone block into the bowl. The stone was incredibly huge—it was a full meter high, and a meter and a half long.

Here’s the weird part. A perfect quarter-circle arc (90 degrees) was set up with thirteen drums and six trumpets all aiming at the stone. All the drums were made of three-millimeter-thick sheet iron, and instead of  any type of animal skin for a head, there was metal on the end that the monks beat with leather clubs. The other end was left open. The six trumpets were all quite long—3.I2 meters to be exact—with 0.3-meter openings. The monks carefully measured the distance from the stone to this quarter-circle of instruments, and it came out to 63 meters. Eight of the thirteen drums were exactly the same size as the stone—a meter wide and a meter and a half long. Four of the drums were smaller in size, but were exactly one third the volume of the larger drum, at 0.7 meters wide and one meter long. One additional drum was the smallest, at 0.2 meters wide and 0.3 meters long—again in perfect harmonic proportion. You could fit 41 of the small drums into the medium drum, in volume, and 125 into the larger drum.

All the instruments were fixed on mounts that allowed you to precisely aim them. And finally, you needed another key ingredient to make it work—a total of nearly two hundred monks who lined up in rows, about eight or ten deep, behind each of the nineteen instruments. Most people wouldn’t think the monks could add any measurable energy to the mix, but with what we now know about the Source Field, all that has changed. It seemed that the instruments were tools that helped focus and concentrate the energy that was being consciously generated by the monks. (This is also why the experiment might not work if the people lining up behind each instrument were not properly trained in generating coherence within themselves, through meditation.)      [Editor’s underscore]

Now, let’s hear directly from Bruce Cathie about what happened next.

 “When the stone was in position, the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened; then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 meters high. After three minutes of ascent, it landed on the platform.”

Incredible. We’re watching a gigantic stone, as big as some of the ones used to build the Great Pyramid, making a long, slow, lumbering three-minute trip up through the air in a 500-meter arc. Obviously, the power of the drums, trumpets and chanting is nowhere near enough to cause an object to levitate by any conventional means—but if they were creating the right coherence in the block, they could resonate atoms inside the rock over the light-speed boundary. They then enter into time-space, and provide thrust as they get pushed on by the levity force. If you touched the rock during this time, it would have almost certainly become spongy, since as many as half of the molecules are no longer in our reality. This appears to be how the gigantic stone blocks in Peru, at Sacsayhuaman, were able to be fitted together with cracks so tight you can’t even fit a razor blade between them. The rocks become soft and malleable, like clay, as their builders popped more and more of the atoms into time-space. As we already saw in the tornado anomalies, there are many examples of solid materials becoming soft and spongy when they become coherent.

(See video at this Facebook location.

[This phenomenon is cited by Wilcock as a possible explanation for straw, grass, lumber and other objects being driven into trees, telephone poles and even glass windows and steel girders of bridges by tornadoes.]

Some of the stones split from the intensity, and the monks moved them away. Nonetheless, they were able to keep the production line going and transport a total of five or six blocks an hour with this method.  Now here’s the incredible part.  Dr. Jarl thought he was either being hypnotized or going through some sort of mass psychosis, so he actually set up a movie camera and filmed the whole process—two different times. When he played the films back later on, they showed exactly the same thing he had witnessed. Dr. Jarl was astonished, and obviously felt this discovery would shake the very foundations of the world as we know it—maybe even literally. When the scientific society that had been sponsoring Dr. Jarl heard about these films, disaster struck. They swooped in and confiscated the originals, declaring them classified—which Dr. Jarl felt was “hard to explain, or understand.” They tried to appease him by saying the films would be released in the year 1990—but this obviously never happened. 

An incredible story!  But that’s not the all or end of it.  In a more recent book release by Wynn Free with David Wilcock, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (yes, the question mark is part of the book’s title)we read that the builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were extraterrestrial beings who brought their advanced technologies to the pre-dynastic Egyptians.  The divine engineer was none other than the mythological Egyptian Sun God, Ra, who reportedly was able to create things simply by thought.  About this legend, Michael C. Carlos of the Museum of Emory University writes:

“All Ra had to do was think of a thing and it existed . . . .  Of course the people needed a leader, so Ra took human form and ruled Egypt under the name of Pharaoh.  His kingship was long and prosperous, and lasted thousands of years.” 

According to the legend, all Ra had to do was say to a stone “I want you there!” and the stone would simply jump into place.  You know what?  As preposterous as this sounds, it’s all quite believable.  What do we really know of ancient history and our origins anyway?  Not much.  The Great Deluge pretty much wiped out all records of what existed before—only these pyramids and other monoliths in sacred sites, such as Stonehenge in England, survived the flood.  There is a passage in Wynn Free’s book where he tells of water marks high up on the pyramids in Egypt left there by the risen waters of Noah’s day. So they had to have been built well before Noah, perhaps as far back as 12,500 to 50,000 years ago . . . by “the gods” from outer space.  Could these same gods be “Elohim” who created our solar home among the stars? Perhaps the Sun God Ra himself was the “LORD God” Genesis says walked with Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.  It is said that the Master Jesus visited the Great Pyramid of Giza sometime during those “missing years” of his early manhood.  Could it be that he had something to do with building it in an earlier visitation to Earth?  Why not?  I love to think so anyway.

Here’s a link a friend just sent me from Huffington Post on acoustic levitation:

I bring all this forward in order to set the stage for a consideration of ancient technologies that are being resurrected today, especially in foreign countries like Russia.  We’ll look at some of it in my next post.  I hope you enjoyed this post, and if so then write a comment for me to post on my blog. I always enjoy hearing from my readers.  Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.


Visit my blog for inspiring reading in my Health Light Newsletter on the spiritual essences that generate life in your body temple through the seven endocrine glands.  This issue’s feature is “The Womb of the Pituitary Gland.” Enjoy!

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