Creating the New Earth Together

Archive for the ‘Source Field’ Category

New Jerusalem: City of Peace

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.

THIS POEM BY THIRTEETH CENTURY SUFI MYSTIC and great Persian poet, Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rumi, has been circulating for several years.  I’ve given it consideration over the past several months and have come to see and experience this “field” of Rumi’s not so much as a place to go as a place one cannot leave.  It’s the eternal here and now.  It’s where I live and have my being. The Master Jesus called it “the Kingdom of Heaven.” In Genesis it’s called Eden, a garden state, indicating a realm where seeds of intention are planted, nurtured and germinate.  David Bohm calls it the “implicate order” of vibrational essences and patterns for manifesting forms in the “explicate order.” Episcopal priest and mystical author Cynthia Bourgeault describes this field as the “imaginal realm.” In a word, Rumi’s “field” is at the Center of my turning world were I AM known.  A place of absolute silence and tranquility where “nothing is wrong; everything matters,” to borrow a wise saw from a friend. 


While in an elevated Field of the Spirit, John of Revelation had a vision which he describes as a “new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven.”        

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea.  And I John saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  (Rev 21:1)

Recently I heard this field of Rumi’s described as the realm of the “Source Code” where the patterns of creation for the “new Jerusalem” are held and made available for downloading, to use a tech term, into human consciousness.  I resonate with this perspective . . . up to the point of interpretation.  

This is a field, as Rumi described, where judgement of right and wrong is utterly non-existent.  Where the design for the New Earth, the new Jerusalem, is held inviolate and out of sight of the judgmental human mind.  The old Jerusalem doesn’t qualify for inclusion in Rumi’s field, burdened as it is with the “Law of Moses” and a slew of Old Testament laws detailing all the “wrongdoings and rightdoings” for the Jewish people. 

The design for the new Jerusalem comes down from God out of Heaven into the pure and peaceful heart where it can be nurtured and protected.  This relates to what is occurring NOW everywhere, and not to any particular sect or religion, such as the Jews, Muslims or Christians, all three of which occupy the old Jerusalem, the “Holy City.”  They’ve all been given their opportunities and failed utterly to show people the Way by which they may enter the kingdom of heaven now without having to die in order to go there . . . they themselves failed to enter in. 

This is in no way intended to be anti-Semitic, anti-Christian or anti-Muslim.  It’s just what is and has been all down through the ages.  I have nothing against the Jews, the Muslims, or the Christians.  My discomfort lies in the interpretation of the passage in Revelation in which John sees in a vision “the new Jerusalem” coming down from God out of heaven.  To explore and uncover what’s warranting my discomfort, I have given a lot of meditative time to the meaning of the world “Jerusalem” itself. 


Jerusalem. A holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims; the capital of the ancient kingdom of Judah and of the modern state of Israel. The name means “city of peace.” Jerusalem is often called Zion; Mount Zion is the hill on which the fortress of the city was built.  (Wikipedia)

The word Salem means peaceful and complete.  It was the “Holy City” in ancient Hebrew history where the temple of Jerusalem was located, and where “Melchizedek” reigned as High Priest and “King of righteousness.” For Christians, Jerusalem is also the place where Jesus preached, died and was resurrected. Many also see the city as central to an imminent Second Coming of Jesus. Jerusalem is now a major pilgrimage site for Christians from around the world.  For Muslims, Jerusalem is a site of key events in the life of Jesus and other important figures. It’s also the spot where, according to traditional interpretations of the Koran and other texts, the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. Mohammed was carried from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem into the heavens, where he conversed with prophets before returning to earth. For more than 1,300 years, there have been Muslim shrines in Jerusalem. (Washington Post)


There was a shift from the Levite priesthood of Abraham’s day to the priesthood of Melchizedek, the title “Priest of the Most High God” that Shem inherited from Noah, his father.  Here’s a bit of history about this shift: 

Psalm 110, in referring to a future messiah of the Davidic line, alludes to the priest-king Melchizedek as a prototype of this messiah. This allusion led the author of the Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament to translate the name Melchizedek as “king of righteousness” and Salem as “peace” so that Melchizedek is made to foreshadow Christ, stated to be the true king of righteousness and peace (Hebrews 7:2). According to the analogy, just as Abraham, the ancestor of the Levites, paid a tithe to Melchizedek and was therefore his inferior, so the Melchizedek-like priesthood of Christ is superior to that of the Levites. Furthermore, just as the Old Testament assigns no birth or death date to Melchizedek, so is the priesthood of Christ eternal.  (Wikipedia)


After the “Fall” when man lost conscious awareness of the Garden State in which he was created in God’s image and likeness, and the Presence of the Creator in the Garden, there arose a need for an intercessor, a go-between, to represent and speak for God in man’s fallen state.  The priesthood was that intercessor between God and man and between man and his Creator.  Adam was the first “Priest of the Most High God.” The priesthood came down through Adam’s lineage and was passed on to Noah, whose eldest son Shem (or Melchizedek) was High Priest in the temple at Salem.  Shem and Melchizedek may be one and the same, as Melchizedek is thought not to be the name of an individual but rather a “High Order” of the priesthood; a title given to the “Priest of the Most High God,” or simply High Priest.

Shem inherited the land of Salem and Melchizedek [Shem] is the king of Salem.  Shem reigned in righteousness (Melchizedek’s name means King of Righteousness), and the priesthood came through him. If Shem is indeed Melchizedek, the name is then used as a title, not an actual name. This title would seem to fit the biblical account of the Godliness and righteousness ascribed to Shem.  Shem, Noah’s Son that was still alive at the time of Abraham and that would make him the oldest man alive qualifying him as a candidate for the order of Melchizedek

Melchizedek, also spelled  Melchisedech, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), a figure of importance in biblical tradition because he was both king and [high] priest, was connected with Jerusalem, and was revered by Abraham, who paid a tithe to him. He appears as a person only in an interpolated vignette (Genesis 14:18–20) of the story of Abraham rescuing his kidnapped nephew, Lot, by defeating a coalition of Mesopotamian kings under Chedorlaomer.

In the episode, Melchizedek [Shem] meets Abraham on his return from battle, gives him bread and wine (which has been interpreted by some Christian scholars as a precursor of the Eucharist, so that Melchizedek’s name entered the canon of the Roman mass), and blesses Abraham in the name of “God Most High” (in Hebrew El ʿElyon).  In return, Abraham gives him a tithe of the booty.  (


Another translation of the phrase “for the former things are passed away” is “for the old order of things has passed away.”  The old order of the Levite priesthood has passed away and the new priesthood, according to the order of Melchizedek, characterized by the sharing of communion with bread and wine, had been established on earth by the Lord of Love himself during the “Last Supper” with his disciples before his crucifixion.  His one and only message in the form of a commandment was that we love the Lord our God with all, and that we love our neighbor as ourselves.  Another way he phrased his commandment was “That ye love one another as I have loved you.” He did not establish a religion with a plethora of laws.  In fact he cautioned against making any more laws than the ones he had given, lest they keep one from doing the right and fitting thing in the circumstance at hand.  The Jewish religion, of course, rejects Jesus altogether as the promised messiah, which means it also rejects the entire New Testament of the Bible, including John’s Book of Revelation . . . so the point of this blog post carries little weight if any for anyone who embraces the beliefs, and denials, of Judaism.  This denial does not dismiss the truth that the old order of things in heaven and on earth pass away to give room for the new order.    


The “new Jerusalem” is none other that the New Earth now being born from out of the New Heaven, and it is designed by God to be a “City of Peace.”  We have entered a new Golden Age wherein peace and love will abide and flourish in the hearts of human beings and spill over into the world — and there will be no need for an intervening priesthood as the conscious awareness of God’s presence within every man and woman will be restored and man will awaken to the realization that he has direct access to God within himself.  This awakening is already happening. 

Those who insist on holding onto the belief that the new Jerusalem is to be an earthly city or nation governed by a religious sect are not in position to see the City of Peace in the Heaven and therefore exclude themselves from participating in the birthing process of the “new Jerusalem.” Contention and war are not possible in this City of Peace, neither is isolation, superiority, entitlement and exclusion of others. 

Our Home among the stars


The City of Peace is the Garden of Eden remembered once again by Man restored.  It’s a “CITY IN A STAR” as my spiritual mentor, the late Martin Exeter, describes here below. Here is an expanded perspective of the Garden of Eden from an cosmic point of view:

The Garden is so close that we cannot in fact get out of it, and yet we don’t know it is there. We don’t know it is there because there is this veil, or I suppose it might be called a transformer, in between, which steps down the Garden Radiation to something that human beings can stand in their murky state. And it is because of this that they have continued to exist and that the potential for a return to the true state has been present. It is present because life is still in the carcass of mankind. I suppose if one were to use one’s imagination a little one might recognize that the heaven of this earth is a City in the Star. It was called the Holy City, wasn’t it, coming down from God out of heaven to take form. We may have a view of something rather vast, at least from the standpoint of human proportions: a mighty star which is composed of heaven and earth. It is all one thing. In the United States there are many cities but it is still one nation. In this star there are many cities but it is still One Star, something whole. Of course that is not the end of the wholeness either, as far as that is concerned, but it is about as far as we need to go this evening, I think.    (The Great Cosmic Story  To enjoy this entire enlightening consideration, simply click on the link)

This City is poised to fully manifest on Earth, and it will be painful for those who resist the purification of their hearts in the fire of Love that is already burning in the hearts of men and women the world over.  It will be cause for rejoicing for those who dwell in heaven.  The “sign of the Son of Man” already appears in the clouds of heaven, in the consciousness of Man now being restored.  Look not down to see where the new Jerusalem might appear, nor where one may believe it will appear, nor where Jesus might return.  Look up into the clouds of consciousness and see and welcome the City of Peace already descending. 

Angels are uncloaking their radiant beings and apocalyptic light is shining in the dark shadows of Eden.  Rumi’s “field”— the kingdom of heaven — the new Jerusalem — the City of Peace — the City in our Star — are all at hand within and all around us.  The pure of heart see God in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  Let not your heart be troubled. Let it be purified in the fire of Love — love for the Lord our God and love for one another.  Be at peace.  This is what is at hand. . . and shall be henceforth. 

Thank you for sharing my meditations and thoughts.  Feel free to share yours in the comment section or by email.  Until my next post,

Be love.  Be loved





Golden Age and Golden Race

My Chorale Pic

Our “Hero’s Journey” ideally ends with the hero defeating his nemesis and seizing the Elixir of Immortality, his journey’s quest. That quest for Humanity has come full cycle as we travel with our Mother Earth through the Zodiac belt into the beginning of a new cycle with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  To seize the Elixir of Immortality, we must defeat the nemesis of our own delusions of mortality hidden from our eyes by the fabricated human ego in which we have misplaced our identity. The delusion is maintained every time we excuse our shortcomings with “I’m only human, you know.” This lie is reinforced by the religions of the world, particularly by the Catholic Church which reminds its parishioners every year to “Remember thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.” The truth is you are divine and cannot die. The truth is you are a human being, made in the image and likeness of God. The religions know this, yet they view and treat their “believers” as sinners and dust.

The Elixir of Immortality is to be found hidden behind religious dogmas, although revealed clearly and proclaimed loudly by the very Lord whose Gospel Christianity preaches from its pulpits: “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” The kingdom of Heaven is the Elixir of Immortality and it is within us, not in some promised hereafter.  Religion itself is the nemesis humanity must defeat in order to end its quest for a heavenly state where suffering and death are not a part of life on planet Earth.

We are faced once again with a crucial choice that will determine the future of our progeny and the entire human race. That choice is between living in a “Golden Age” that is at hand to be welcomed, stewarded and enjoyed for the next two-thousand-plus years and plunging humanity down once again into the “Dark Ages.” The choice is our’s . . . and we are making it now by our behavior on the planet.


The planet herself is moving into a higher vibratory state, driven by ancient cycles of evolution unfolding on schedule within the larger energetic field of the Milky Way Galaxy. The question for us to answer is: Are we with Gaia in her ascension process? If our answer is “Yes,” then she will take us into the Golden Age of Aquarius with little effort on our part. I say “little effort” because all that is required of us is that we live in peace and harmony with one another and with the Natural World. That we love the Lord of God with all and one another as our selves. That we put down our arms and stop warring over the land and its resources that we think will give us security, along with power and control over others. For in truth, there are no “others.” There is only Oneness. There is only Love.

If the answer is “No,” then Gaia will swallow up the world we have fabricated upon her surface and take most of us with it. According the prophecies in The RA Material, Book I of The Law of One, those of us who cannot move with Gaia will then have to be relocated to another third-density planet in the galaxy where we will have yet another opportunity to evolve spiritually and learn what it means to steward and care for our habitat. Planet Earth will go on to fulfill her destiny as a fourth-density planet. Those who can move on with her will return to Earth in fourth-density “rainbow bodies” — incorruptible bodies made of white light that refracts into the colors of the rainbow.

Gaia has been a generous and forgiving hostess to third-density human beings for tens-of-thousands of years. According the RA Material, She has been used to relocate other third-density beings, as well as second-density beings such as some of the animal, insect and plant species on the planet, beings that were left homeless when their planets were destroyed or made uninhabitable, such as Maldek and Mars respectively.  Maldek was once one of our sister planets that orbited where the asteroid belt now lies. Mars’ atmosphere was destroyed by weapons of mass destruction. Those beings who destroyed their planets have been living out their karma on Earth for thousands of years, incarnating over and again in order to learn their lesson and clean up their group karma. Apparently, they haven’t learned their lesson very well yet. They need to repent from their ways and be caused to wake up before it is too late to change and ascend to a higher level of consciousness and being. The Golden Age — the Kingdom of Heaven — is at hand and beckoning us all to enter in and enjoy living in this beautiful and magical world our Mother Earth has created and dressed for us.


Roman poets wrote of the “Golden Age” and apparently mistranslated the words saecula and aetas as both meaning “age,” when in fact saecula may mean either “race” or “age,” and aetas should be translated as “race.” I lifted this information from David Wilcock’s exhaustive literary work The Source Field Investigations, which I am reading for the second time due to its density of interesting and significant historical research.  I would like very much to review this one section on the origins of the idea of a Golden Age in this blog, perhaps over several posts.

Essentially, the first Zodiac Age has historically been a “Golden Age” when life on Planet Earth is in every way a Paradise experience.  Wilcock writes:

The coming of the Age of Aquarius, surrounding the year 2012, is the repetition of a cycle that has already occurred before—a cycle in which everyone on earth apparently had mystical abilities much greater than what most of us now possess, leading them to have perpetual bounty of life ‘untroubled by strife or want . . . a Paradise inhabited by the souls of the blessed.’ [He’s quoting from H.C. Baldry’s 1952 scholarly paper “Who Invented the Golden Age?”]. The pursuit of gold was seen as ‘one of the causes of degeneration from that happy state.’ Unfortunately, our current scientific models are woefully insufficient to explain how something like this could be possible—but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t actually happen.

These “souls of the blessed” are not necessarily a special select group of souls, as Wilcock points out.

It is extremely important to mention that this Golden Race is not some weird and sick Hitlerian vision of a bunch of blond-haired, blue-eyed wunderkinder, or Nietzschean overmen, that everyone else must die off in order to make room for.  Just like the Cayce Readings said about the “Fifth Root Race,” this Golden Race may well be everyone on earth, within a finite period of time—not just a particular nationality or skin color. 

We are the Golden Race. Every human being on the planet volunteered to come here at this time to bring one thing and one thing only: LOVE. Today we celebrate once again the incarnation and birth of Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One of God — the Lord of Love.  He came on Earth for the same reason: to bring LOVE. Apparently, he saw some potential is us because he said that we shall do the works that he did, and even greater works would we do.  He saw sons and daughters of God incarnate on Earth, not white, yellow, brown and black humans.

There are nearly seven billion sons and daughters of God incarnate on Earth today, so there’s a whole lot more potential now than there was two-thousand years ago.  There are some 317 million incarnate souls in the USA. There are 565 million in all of North America and 385 million in South America. That adds up to nearly one-billion souls living in the Americas — one-seventh of the world’s population — and on Google Globe you don’t see any borders between countries.

America is the land of love. That’s what the word means: Loveland. We live in a country that is consecrated to Freedom and to the Spirit of Love.  This is holy ground upon which we walk daily with freedom to be who and what we are.  Let us walk upon its sacred soil with respect and reverence for life. Let us exercise our freedom to bring love into the world. Not just at Christmas time, but always. Let’s be the Golden Race the ancients foretold would arise in the Earth to bring in the Golden Age of Aquarius.

Have a Golden Christmas and a New Year full of love, of peace, and of joy.

Be love. Be loved.


Read my Health Light Newsletter online at

Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 6: The Cool Center of the Sun

Severe Geomagnetic storm 4

“The face of the sun flowers in time; its timeless root in the invisible . . .”

At the center of our Solar Entity lives a bright, shining star, not unlike many we see in the heavens above on a clear starlit night. This Day, our Star is experiencing an apocalypse of Light, and the Earth with all her planetary siblings are giving their full electrical and electrifying response to His Majesty’s radiant effulgence in what is called “Schumann Resonance,” also known as the heartbeat of Gaia.  A poem by e.e. cummings pops into mind: (he used no caps)

i thank you God  

i thank You God for this most amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday;this is the birth
day of life and love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)


If our eyes were truly opened, what would we really see?  What would our world look like?  I just finished my second reading of Hugh Malafry’s epic and timely novel, The Light At Lindisfarne. It was like reading it for the first time, there’s just so much detail in it. I had already written a book review on it back in August of 2012 under the post title “In Search of the Holy Grail of Free Energy.” You can go back and read it if you like.  

In this post, I will focus on just one event in this complex story of Biblical proportion; of cataclysm and intrigue. The event is a conversation between the two main characters of the story, John Loring and Albert Weiland. Loring is the protege of Weiland, who is a “master of hallows,” a Sweedish physicist who has unlocked the secret of energy.  He alone holds the key to harvesting free energy from the  luminous aether” by way of his “Graalreaktor” and the powers that be are out to get hold of it and him to their own purposes of world-dominance. His device was designed to initiate a process of cold fusion for the transmutation of elements based on esoteric technology which was “hedged from human prying” — the long lost vibratory art and science of Mazaroth revisited.

I found this conversation very provoking of thoughts and images of a very different world than the one we have been taught to see through the eyes of tradition and science. The setting is a moment just after a catastrophic release of “fire in the heavens” by way of a prototype of Weiland’s Graalreaktor the Russian scientists constructed and with which they initiated a cold fusion process against Weiland’s caution about the “field conditions” being unstable at the time. Weiland and Loring are reflecting on the irreversible event. He had obviously given the world access to more power than man was mature and wise enough to use for the greater good of the whole — or, in more common language, enough rope to hang itself. If I tell any more, I’ll give the intriguing story away. So, here’s the conversation:

“So what would you do different?” John asked.

“Start with the best; those who have not sold their souls to the beast. Next time I think I will find a place apart and keep it simple; somewhere, I think, where there are no slaves to the will of ruthless governments.”

“A lost horizon,” John said.

“Ja, like Shangri La,” Weiland said. “In my place apart I will clear some space in the tangle of the mind; set about the task of dismantling that obscenely complex mental construct we call science, along with all the ornate technologies it’s devised to avoid a few simple truths about how things really work.

“You remember how you argued with me. ‘You don’t have to smash atoms or force them together; you don’t smash a river to loose its power; you harness its flow,’ you said.

“I understand young men, and so I resisted deepening your resolve. But of course I agree. Atoms are transmitters of life force, focalizations in the luminiferous aether, each with its virtue released through attunement. Like dialing a radio, the station you can’t tune exists but not for you.”

“A gate needs a key,” John said.

“And the key is a gateway vibration, a vibratory pattern to focus and loose the power. Then is needed a creative field to contain it and a means of distribution to direct what is loosed. This is how I gave life to Kuskinen’s monstrosity at Novaya Zemlya; modified the containment field to sustain force loosed from the luminous aether, and let it flow like a river into the grid. But they do not understand they have not done what is needful to initiate the device: Thus far and no farther.”

      “What have you done, Albert?”                                 ,

“I am an old man,” Weiland said. “What can I do I wonder; what shall I ask in return? They tell me for humanity’s sake I have no right to deny them. So, for humanity’s sake they kidnap and threatened Erika, threatened you, to get what they want. I ask myself, how do the obsessed learn but by consequences?”

“Most are good people who want only to feel secure.”

“Yes, but are willing to raise hell for that security. And to that end the world puts hooks in their faces, John, and draws them where it will.” Weiland was angry, full of righteous indignation. “And so I give them one more chance to admit their ignorance, and seek the source of the light.”

“Your Infans solaris,” John said.

“Very good, John, you remember,” Weiland said; “they must seek what is in the light, for without the star in man they cannot do what I have done.”

“You mastered the reactor years ago, didn’t you,” John said. “Even as a child I heard you speak with my mother.”

“I had forgotten,” Weiland said, “but one day I remember as a child you wanted to talk about the sun. You said it was not hot, but the warmth came of the earth’s response to the sun. Instead, in the midst of that glorious array, you imagined a blue planet, like the cool blue of the center of a flame.”

“I remember,” John said, “and you answered, it is the destiny of earth to become a sun.”

“And I warned you this is not science; tell them this and they will say you are a mystic, but you are not the first to think this: Herschel believed the true sun we have never seen; a cool body in the midst of its field of force.”

“It began as fantasy,” John said, “but I began to think differently, about vibration shaping space, and of the sun as a focus of forces, at its core a shining world.”  

“Then you tell me the sun does not exist alone in physical dimensions,” Weiland said; “that it has existence in other dimensions, presence in other realities.”

“The face of the sun flowers in time; its timeless root in the invisible,” John said, “I still believe that.” 

I love that last comment.  Don’t we all flower in time on this earth and have our timeless root in heaven? But where is heaven? That’s the question this passage is entertaining, I believe, and to which Malafry, through his character Weiland, is suggesting a very possible answer.  Does Heaven exist in a timeless dimension out of which is projected a shining planet in the cool center of our Star that is Eden, our Home among the stars?

Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden . . . . and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. —Genesis

 The sun rises in the East — and it turns in every direction. Is this where we came from and where we go after we make our transition from this earthly plane?  And is the light emanating from this shining planet what we see and know as our Sun? I’ll leave you with your own thoughts and imaginations. As for me, I love this possibility and love believing in it.  Thank you, Hugh, for telling such a rich and thought-provoking story. And to my readers: get the book. It’s a fascinating read.

Until my next post, then . . . be love.  Be loved.

Tony's pictureAnthony

Read my Health Light Newsletter online at  This issue’s feature: “Violence and Brain Starvation.”

 Excerpt from the novel The LIGHT at LINDISFARNE by Hugh Malafry

From a physicist’s point of view: watch the second half of this video for more scientific evidence that the sun is cold at its core. 

Apocalypse of Light 2013, Part 5: Questions Answered, page 2, Finding God

Tony's picture 2 from PeggyWalter Russell’s  “WAVE”

I’ve been bringing forward questions posed and answered by Walter Russell in THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILIAD, VOL. I, that pertain to how we can access universal knowledge directly from God by aligning with what he called the “wave.”  Now, Russell was giving the scientific world his “revelations” back in the 1940’s.  

Fast forward some seventy years and we find our scientists stumbling upon particles in electromagnetic waves emanating from a world beyond space and time, trying to understand them with their three-dimensional human minds, even giving them 3-D names — such as “quarks” and “Higgs bason” — and vying over who gets the credit for their discovery.

Anyway, I thought I would interject this contemporary event into our current consideration as a testimony to Walter Russell’s ability to articulate scientific truths out of thin air, while our modern-day scientists are spending huge amounts of energy and human effort exploring the same truths .  Is there any wonder how it is that we can access knowledge directly from God?!  It’s within us and all around us!  The “kingdom of heaven” is very tangibly at hand!  Enjoy!

What is a Scalar Wave?

  • A scalar wave is a purported type of electromagnetic wave that works outside physics as we know it. (Rational Wiki) 
  • Our DNA is more than only a data storage unit. It’s a quantum antenna, able to send and receive data. . . .
  • Humans have a collective consciousness and a collective memory. Experiments and empirical data proved that we are interconnected to each other. Our thoughts and emotions affect all humans.  If many humans are coherent in their minds, like a laser, then even the weather can be altered. . . . 
  • HAARP is a Scalar EM wave weapon. It is able to manipulate the weather and it is dangerous for our health.
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla

  • Nikola Tesla was the first scientist able to provoke an earthquake with Scalar Waves.
  • The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.  — Nikola Tesla
  • Our brain is such a tuning tool.  Information is not stored in our brain. Our brain is an “interface” creating a connection to a higher dimension.

Happy Birthday Higgs Bason

We have invested heavily — in terms of money, man-hours, scientific exploration, and machinery — looking for and finally “finding” God. Or did we? Not if He was “out there” somewhere.  

One of my colleagues in Denver, Colorado, Dr. Kenneth Lim, sent me this link a few days ago. It seems scientists are in a quandary over who owns the discovery of the Higgs bason particle, which was isolated a year ago as one of the biggest finds of the century in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland.  This is the subatomic particle — named after Peter Higgs who first predicted it as far back as 1964 — that gives mass to matter.  Others, of course, before and after him have also predicted and/or “discovered” the same “particle” that somehow creates a force field wherein atoms and molecules coalesce to form material substance. The answer to the quandary is only important, of course, in determining who is to get the Nobel prize for its discovery.  In truth, the Higgs bason particle itself belongs to the One who created it. Some have even called it the “God particle.” 

Whose boson is it anyway?

Even a year on from its discovery, some physicists are still squabbling over what to name their new-found boson. There is the Higgs boson, of course, named after Peter Higgs of the University of Edinburgh, UK, who was the first to predict the particle in October 1964. That name has a lot of momentum behind it already. But other theorists also have some claim to boson fame.

In August 1964 Robert Brout and François Englert at the Free University in Brussels, Belgium, described a mechanism for giving particles mass, but did not explicitly mention the boson. Some researchers now favour calling it the BEH boson, so all three get their due. But three more researchers – Dick Hagen, Gerald Guralnik and Tom Kibble – also detailed a mass-giving mechanism in November 1964. Their paper was received by the journalPhysical Review Letters before Peter Higgs’s was published. Problem is, that would bump the name up to the BEHHGK boson.

And from the sublime to the ridiculous, last month Roland Allen of the Texas A&M University in College Station published a paper that scoops up even more particle players to create the London-Anderson-Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble-Weinberg mechanism – though for the boson itself, he had the good sense to stick with plain ol’ Higgs. Just which name becomes formally attached to the biggest particle-physics find of the decade could have an impact on who eventually wins a Nobel prize, as tradition dictates it can only be split between three people at most.

Maybe all of this means that the particle should not bear anyone’s name – some have offered the scalar boson as an anonymous alternative. Just don’t call it the God particle.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


Q. What is meant by being One with God? 

A. The more you are aware that the Light of God centers you, the more you become aware that that Light is your very Self, and that your body is but an extension of your Self which you have created to manifest your Self.

The more that awareness grows, the more you become the cosmic Being and the more you know. When you finally become fully aware of that Supreme Being as your very Self, you ARE that Supreme Being.

* * *

Q. Why can we never see God but can know Him? 

A. Over and over again I say, you cannot know that which you can see. Remember that. Also, anything you know, you cannot see.

Just as you can see man’s body but cannot see man, you can see God’s body but cannot see God. Conversely, you know man and God but cannot see man or God. Furthermore, you cannot know man nor God, nor your Self, until you know the Light which
you and man and God ARE.

* * *

Q. What do you mean by God‘s body? Has God a body? If so, what kind of a bodyand how cawe see it? 

A. The universe is God’s body which He created by extending His Light of His Self to manifest Him, just as man extended his body from his Light to manifest man.

The whole universe is an electric light-wave record of God’s desire to create form to manifest His idea. Likewise man’s body is an electric light-wave record of man’s desire to create form to manifest the man-idea.

I can see your bodies because your bodies are the recorded effect of your creative thinking, but I cannot know your bodies. The Person of man, or the Person of God, is invisible. The Personal Being cannot be seen but can be known as the CAUSE of His own EFFECT, extended from Him as body. Again I say, you cannot know anything which you can see or feel, or cannot see or feel that which you know. 

And there’s more to come.  So, stay tuned. Until my next post,

Be love. Be loved.

Visit my HealthLight Newsletter online at for informative and inspiring articles on health and wellness.  The current issue features an article on Alzheimer’s disease as a “Type 3 Diabetes?”  It’s a question which Dr. Chris Meletis explores as a very likely possibility.

Apocalypse of Light 2013: Russell’s Two-Way Universe . . . page 4, ENERGY AND MATTER


Walter Russell

Walter Russell

Continuing our review of Walter Russell’s challenge of scientific concepts and beliefs from his book A New Concept of the Universe, here are three more scientific misconceptions he rectified and clarified in his writings.

(I can’t say that I grasp his concepts and ideas with my mind; only that I am finding it quite pleasurable to let his stream of thought flow through my mind . . . but only if I don’t stop to try and grasp it. There is another Mind at work within me, perhaps meshing with my own human mind — much like two wheels interlocking, with the larger wheel turning the smaller — which fully understands what Russell is saying and writing.  My desire is for my readers to share in that same exquisite pleasure reading these articles and excerpts.)


3. Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself.  Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.

This fallacy has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when heat energy “runs down.” The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon the obviously wrong conclusion. The universe will never “run down.” It is as eternal as God is eternal.

Throughout his writings, Russell describes the universe as “matter in motion.”  It’s all “simulated light” — in other words, energy. That God created the universe is as much a truth as poetry is created by a poet and a symphony is written by a music composer.  The poet’s poem is not the poet nor is the symphony the composer.  Creation is a product of God’s Mind, a manifestation of his “IDEA for Creation.” Just as the qualities of a poem and a symphony, or any other product, “have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, attributes and energies that are alone in the creator of that product,” so are the qualities, attributes and energies of the universe extended to it by the Creator. 

Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter-in-motion.

IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become visible matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator’s imaginings. 

Every creation, whether of God or man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the projected product. 

All the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone. There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, substance or thought in the motion which matter is.


4. Electric Matter is but a mirror which reflects qualities outside itself to simulate those qualities within itself.

Matter cannot move itself.  It is moved solely at the command and desire of the Mind of its creator.  

The powers of ‘attraction and repulsion’ which science mistakenly attributes to matter are electrical effects performing their one and only function of dividing an equilibrium into two opposing conditions, which extend equally from a dividing equator. The magnetic Light controls the balance of these two opposing conditions which interchange two ways in their endeavor to void their opposing conditions, but the stresses and strains which seem to make matter attract and repel matter are electrical effects.

Electric effects of motion can be insulated from each other — but the magnetic Light of the Creator, which causes those effects, cannot be insulated from matter by matter.

All matter is electric. Electricity conditions all matter under the measured control of the ONE MAGNETIC LIGHT which forever balances the TWO electrically-divided, conditioned lights of matter and space.

Divided matter strains to find balance in the zero of equilibrium from which it was divided.  The senses of man are mightily deceived by the illusions of appearance which cause him to conclude otherwise.

In a word, matter is light, as Russell explains in The Secret of Light:

All dense cold matter, such as iron, stone, wood, and all growing or decaying things, are light. We do not think of them as light but all are waves of motion, and all waves of motion are light.

Light is all there is in the spiritual universe of knowing, and simulation of that Light in opposite extensions is all there is in the electric wave universe of sensing. The simulation of Light in matter is not Light. There is no Light in matter.

Russell differentiates between the invisible and visible worlds of light: 

Perhaps the confusion which attends this idea would be lessened if we classify concerning the spiritual universe, such as life, intelligence, truth, power, knowledge and balance as being the ONE LIGHT of KNOWING, and everything concerning matter and motion as being the TWO SIMULATED LIGHTS of thinking. Thinking expresses knowing in matter but matter does not think, nor does it know.

Thinking also expresses life, truth, idea, power and balance by recording the ideas of those qualities in the two lights of matter in motion, but matter does not live, nor is it truth, balance or idea, even though it simulates those spiritual qualities.

Man’s confusion concerning this differentiation lies in his long assumption of the reality of matter. His assumption that his body is his Self, that his knowledge is in his brain, and that he lives and dies because his body integrates and disintegrates, has been so fundamental a part of his thinking that it is difficult for him to reverse his thinking to the fact that matter is but motion and has no reality beyond simulating reality. 

This was not as common a realization in 1947 when Russell first wrote down these ideas as they are today in an age of spiritual awakening and transformation of consciousness.  I resonate with what he says here in concluding his thoughts on our perception of energy and matter as being more about feeling than visual or sensory:

The light which we think we see is but motion. We do not see light. We feel the wave vibrations set up by the motion which simulates light, but the motion of electric waves which simulate light is not that which it simulates.


 Russell challenges Isaac Newton’s law of gravity as being invalid and only half the story.

Newton’s apple was not attracted to the ground by gravitation. The high potential condition of that solid apple sought a similar high potential condition. That is to say it “fell” toward the earth to fulfill Nature’s law of like seeking like. Had Newton sat with the apple for a week or two  he would have seen that same apple “rise” unto the heavens as a low potential gas seeking a like low potential to balance its electrically-divided state. The “rising” of the decaying, expanding apple again fulfills Nature’s law of like seeking like.

All polarized bodies add to their densities and potentials. The apple which fell to the ground was a polarized body. All polarized bodies must reverse their polarities and depolarize. They then lose their densities and potentials. The depolarized apple returned to the zero of its beginnings. 

The Newton law is in this respect invalid because it accounts for but one half of the apple’s growth-decay cycle. This is a two-way universe of opposed effects of motion — not a one-way universe. 


5. Sense of observation has led to the erroneous conclusion that there are 92 different substances in matter. 

This universe is substanceless. It consists of motion only. Motion simulates substance by the control of its opposing wave pressures of motion which deceive the senses into seeing substance where motion alone is. The senses do not reach beyond the illusion of motion, nor do those who believe that they can gain knowledge of the secrets of this vast make-believe universe even faintly comprehend the unreality of this mirage of polarized lighty-in-motion which they so firmly believe is real.

Motion is two-way, for all motion is caused by the division of an equilibrium, and its extension in two opposite directions to create the two opposite conditions of pressures necessary to make motion imperative. 

One of these two conditions of electric motion thrusts inward toward a center to create a centripetal vortice to simulate gravity. On the other side of the dividing equator, the other condition thrusts outward from a center to create a centrifugal vortice to simulate vacuity.

Moving waves of oppositely-conditioned matter simulate substance, but there is no substance to the motion which simulates IDEA in matter. 

To make his point even more graphic, albeit more unbelievable to the orthodox mind, he draws this unlikely picture of a cobweb cutting through  steel:

If a cobweb could move fast enough, it would simulate a solid steel disc — and it could cut through steel. If such a thing could happen it would not be the “substance” of the cobweb which cut through the steel — it would be the motion which cut it.

Fast-moving short waves simulate solids, which slow-moving long waves simulate the gases of space which surround solids. Waves of motion are substanceless, however. They merely simulate substance. 

Russell brings it all Home to design, control and purpose in these final paragraphs:

Motion itself is controlled by the Mind of the Creator Who uses it to express His desire for simulating IDEA of Mind by giving it a formed body. There is no other purpose for motion. 

Desire in the Light of Mind for creative expression is the only energy in this universe. All motion is Mind motivated. All motion records Mind thoughts in matter. 

All matter is but pressure-conditioned motion. Varying pressure conditions yield varying states of motion. Varying states of motion are what science misinterprets as the elements of matter.

Varying pressures in a wave are tonal. In each octave wave there are four pairs of tones, each of which has the same relative position in its octave color spectrum as it has in its octaves of chemical elements. Waves are, therefore, electric pressure-conditioned octaves of tones.

It’s all music and art . . . the “Music of the Spheres.” The Creator is the Great Artist and Musician . . . and, I would add, Magician. And we are made in His image and likeness? Sometimes I see it, but mostly don’t. We have a lot of evolving to go through before we can say in truth “Man is God-in-action on Earth.” We are only designed that way.  Revelation of that design is only minimal.  Full apocalypse of the Light Man is created to manifest is a work in progress.  I only know it in my own experience . . . and I do know that I Am the Light of my world. My blogging is an expression of my desire to share the light that I Am with my world. Isn’t that the reason any one of us does anything?  

We will continue to explore Walter Russell’s “Two-Way Universe” and the mystery of Light the Creator in my next post. Until then, 

Be Love. Be loved.

Tony 12.11.07Anthony Palombo

Visit and read my HealthLight Newsletter online at my blog for more inspiring and informative articles on the spiritual essences of health and wellness, more about perspective and how to think about your health than what.


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“Pyramid Power,” page 5: Natural Pyramids

Anthony Palombo


Why my focused interest in ancient pyramid technology?  Because it’s so in our faces as an obvious solution to so many of the problems facing us, many of them originating from the natural world itself—like hurricanes and earthquakes—not to mention our so-called “energy crisis” in the midst of limitless and available cosmic energy.  So, what on earth are we waiting for? Why are we not pursuing this natural free energy on a global scale as a species on the brink of extinction?  It obviously has something to do with our consciousness.

Obviously we’re not the first generation of the human species to encounter such catastrophic ecological and meteorological events and desperate energy issues on this planet.  Yet, in a most peculiar and suspect way, we seem to have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear toward ancient wisdom glaring at us and shouting to us from out of the past.  Wisdom that utilized natural free energy the planet itself offers and the universe is more than willing for us to harness without doing harm to our beautiful planetary habitat—not to mention our own species and the myriad other life forms that depend on the “Crowning Creation” for care and wise stewardship.  I resonate passionately with what David Wilcock writes here in concluding his chapter on pyramids in The Source Field Investigations:


New pyramids, or pyramid-shaped mountains, are being discovered that are not part of conventional archeology. One pair of alleged pyramids, or distinctly pyramid-shaped mountains in an otherwise flat plain, can be found in Nakhodka, one of the largest ports in the far east of Russia. Two large pyramid-shaped mountains there were named Brat, or “Brother,” and Seska, or “Sister.”

In the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous Russian traveler, historian and anthropologist Arseniev said these hills were holy places in ancient times—and many travelers from China and Korea went and visited them to pray there. The original Korean settlers said they were not natural formations—they had been built, a long, long time ago, and they did not know who was responsible. According to researcher Maxim Yakovenko, “Then and now, people say they feel happy and healthy on these hills, and I agree with them. The sides of those hills are oriented toward north, west, south and east, like the pyramids in Egypt.”

Tragically, in the 1960s the peak of Brat was blown off to harvest stones for building projects, reducing its height by 78.5 meters. Here’s the surprising part: “After the destruction of Brat’s peak (it’s located 5 or 6 km. from the city), the climate in Nakhodka changed for some weeks. People told me that there had been very hard wind for some days after the detonations, and that it was raining.?” Apparently the weather had been very calm prior to this point. This change is totally consistent with what Golod and his associates discovered about the effect of pyramids on our weather patterns. Even if Brat and Seska are only natural formations, it’s still quite compelling that the weather changed so noticeably once Brat’s structure was damaged.

The last study I read about from the Russian National Academy of Sciences, as we are about to see, really blew me away—as it shows how interconnected our consciousness may be with the world around us. If the pyramids can reduce earthquakes and severe weather, they probably can do the same for tornadoes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Let’s not forget that seven thousand people were able to reduce worldwide terrorism by 72 percent-just by meditating.* If the Russian pyramids could create a similar effect on criminal behavior without any other human involvement, via meditation or otherwise, then we now have a powerful new connection worth exploring.

 David Wilcock expresses his passion for natural energy technologies:

The full extent of the power of this ancient technology didn’t become clear until I read about what some of the other teams within the Russian National Academy of Sciences had discovered—where we see how the pyramids actually give us clear protection against catastrophic Earth Changes. Given the incredible damage that can be caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t be exploring these possibilities on a worldwide, massive scale. And if a skeptic comes along and tries to tell you we shouldn’t even try to use this technology, because it’s “fringe pseudoscience,” my obvious response would be, “How can we afford not to try it?” Do we dare to be so arrogant and overconfident in conventional science that we completely ignore the power of a cheap, easy-to-build technology  that could save the earth?

The fact that all this data has been overlooked, and never even mentioned as a possibility after all these years, seems to be little more than criminal when you consider how many lives could have been saved in the process. And it also makes you wonder if other cultures in the past have built pyramids for very practical reasons-perhaps because they were in a race against time with climate change and possible catastrophes that could have wiped out their own civilization. That could explain why they had such a strong incentive to build massive pyramids.


A recent dive off the coast of Cuba has revealed ancient pyramids of Atlantis on the bottom of the ocean floor.“Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.”



* The event the author refers to above took place back in the early 1990’s over a two-year period when groups of about seven-thousand people gathered three different times in a global effort to end terrorism through meditation, which they reduced by a phenomenal 72 percent. This scientific study  was written up in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. Similar events were held in that same time period with consistent results in reducing the incidences of violent crime, for instance. In the Summer of 1993, the rising crime rate in Washington, D.C. fell by 23.6 percent over a two-month period when the number of those participating in group meditation rose from eight-hundred to four-thousand.  Wilcock makes this promising observation about the potential of consciousness interconnection between the Source Field and our world: 

As of 1993, fifty different scientific studies had rigorously proven that this effect really works—over the preceding thirty years. They were published in mainstream peer-reviewed journals and showed the meditators had created improvements in health and quality of life, as well as decreases in accidents, crime, war and other such factors.” I propose that this effect works because we’re all sharing the same mind, to some degree. There appears to be a balance between private thoughts and information we acquire directly from the Source Field. Let’s not forget the Institute of HeartMath’s experiments, in which those people with the greatest coherence affected the brain wave patterns and biorhythms of others who were close to them. If seven thousand people can reduce worldwide terrorism by 72 percent, this suggests the Source Field is significantly biased in favor of positive emotions rather than negative ones.

Therefore, any time someone tries to tell you it’s hopeless, that “we’re all going to die,” that some dream or prophecy said we have no ability to control the outcome of our future here on earth, I highly recommend you don’t fall into the trap of indulging in such faceless fear. We can scientifically prove that by simply focusing on a positive attitude in your own life, you are helping to reduce war, terrorism, suffering and death. There is also compelling evidence from Russia that severe weather, earthquakes, volcanic activity and the like can also be reduced by the effects of consciousness, as we will see.


Each of us is a living pyramid of power.  We refocus and transform cosmic power through our consciousness.  Consciousness is the invisible capstone of our individual pyramids.  Human consciousness is the invisible capstone of the collective and unified pyramid of creative power for planet Earth.  There is only One Consciousness. We share and create out of the same Consciousness.  We are individual windows through which the light of One Sun shines into the world to create the myriad forms of life we see around us.  The images we hold up in our window panes cast shadows into our worlds, individually and collectively. We create our worlds in this way and the world we share on the surface of this planet.  What we have is what we ourselves have created.  Is it real?  Or is it all just a projection of our consciousness? Seems there are many views answering these questions nowadays.  What is your view?

Thank you for staying with me in this series on pyramid power.  I do hope you’ve enjoyed the review and will take time to share your own thoughts in the comment option provided below.  Until my next post and series then, 

Be love. Be Loved.


Visit my Health Light Newsletter on my blog for a series of educational and inspirational articles on “Seven Glands for Seven Spirits.”

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“Pyramid Power,” page 4: Healing Temples and More

Sumarian scholar Zecharia Sitchin, author of The 12th PlanetStairway to Heaven, and more recently The End of Days, writes that there is no evidence that the Pyramids of Giza were tombs for the pharaohs and, furthermore, that they were rather healing chambers used to concentrate aetheric energy.  It was Sitchin who first published research in 1976 about the Sumarian origins of the human race and Nibiru (Planet X), home planet of the Anunnaki, the alien creators of the human race—a fascinating and timely topic in itself, what with all the current speculation and doom-saying over the foreboding return of this “Dreaded One.” It is rather bizarre, if not significant, that Sumeria lies just above the Persian Gulf in the midst of Middle East turmoil—but that’s another topic.

Author Wynn Free notes in his recent book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce that “Napoleon was said to have spent a night in the Great Pyramid. When he emerged, he was reportedly ‘pale and dazed,’ and when questioned about his experience he replied, ‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told  you.'”   Something extraordinary happens to substances that spend the night, or even days, in pyramids. 


The short answer to that question is money.  As my good accountant friend David Waskom keeps reminding me from time to time, “Nothing happens until money says it happens.”  A case in point is when Ciba-Geigy, makers of chemical fertilizers, found out through their own research project that seeds placed between two metal plates and zapped with a weak DC current for three days as they germinated could be caused to rewrite their DNA—essentially what happened in Dr. Golod’s pyramid experiments we’re about to consider—and be reverted back to a much older and stronger variety of wheat that could be harvested in four to eight weeks instead of the “normal” seven months. Essentially, they foresaw their profits on sales of fertilizers evaporating and the ultimate demise of their business. They abandoned the project altogether, never minding the deprivation of food to the starving in third world countries.  Fortunately the original research papers where not lost.  It didn’t happen because money said it wouldn’t.  I’m here to help see that this changes, never mind the money! This is why I write these blogs. 


Dr. Golod’s Pyramid

In 1990, Russian scientist and defense engineer Dr. Alexander Golod began building large pyramids within Russia and the Ukraine.  By 2001 seventeen pyramids had been built in eight different locations.  By the summer of 2010, more than fifty pyramids have been built worldwide, with the majority still in Russia and the Ukraine.   Breathtaking studies have come out of this project which were first published for the Western world by Dr. John  DeSalvo in 2001 on his Giza Pyramid Research Association Website.

Golod’s pyramids were constructed to comply with the Golden Section—the phi ratio of 1 to 1.618— using PVC pipes and fiberglass sheets.  His largest pyramid is 144 feet tall and weighs more than 55 tons.  It took five years to build and cost him more than a million dollars.  Only non-conductive materials were used without a single metal piece, as metal tended to decrease, if not nullify altogether, the “seemingly magic effects.”  

(Would love to have one of these myself here in Louisiana to do my healing work.  I probably worked as a priest or shaman in some of these ancient pyramids in a previous incarnation, seeing as how this topic has captivated my deep interest.)

Here is a list from Dr. DeSalvo’s website of some of these breathtaking studies, along with my comments and excerpts from David Wilock’s book The Source Field Investigations

  • Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid  (Leukocyte composition of the blood increased). Also increased regeneration of tissues. 

Russian medical scientist Dr. N.B. Egorova, head of a Russian Academy of Medical Science group, gave two groups of normal white laboratory mice strains of typhoid fever viruses and placed one group in a pyramid for a period of time.  Amazingly, 60 percent of the pyramid group survived compared to 7 percent of the control group.  Even when given lethal doses of the virus strain, 30 percent of the pyramid mice survived as compared to 3 percent who were unlucky enough to be in the control group. 

  •  Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield.

 . . . Golod’s team kept agricultural seeds in a pyramid for one to five days before they were planted. This was done with more than twenty different seed varieties, planted across tens of thousands of hectares. In every single case, the pyramid seeds experienced a 20 to 100 percent increase in crop production. These plants did not get sick, and were not affected by droughts. The same effect could be achieved by placing rocks that were stored inside the pyramid around the edges of the crops. (Wilcock)

  •  Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid.  Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the atmosphere in Russia.  
  • Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seismic activity.  Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones.  Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.

 The pyramids were apparently bleeding off the charge of friction and geotectonic stress that would normally cause huge, catastrophic earthquakes to occur under the surface—obviously by a process that remains unknown to mainstream science. (Wilcock)

  • A pyramid complex was built in an oil field in Southern Russia (Bashkiria).  The oil became lighter (less viscous) by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased.  These results were confirmed by (Gubkin) Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.  
  • Newborns were given solutions that had been placed in the pyramid and their health indexes increased greatly.

This is a phenomenal story.  Professor A.G. Antonov and his associates from the Russian R & D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the routine treatment of premature babies in their hospital ward, learned of the powerful healing properties of “pyramid water.” Knowing how the pyramids had remarkable strengthening effects on medications, and the drugs themselves were not even necessary, rather than using medicine in the treatment of these infants with only days to live, they used instead a placebo of a 40% solution of glucose in distilled water that had been stored in a pyramid. “By administering only one milliliter of this solution to twenty different premature babies who were almost certainly going to die, every single one of them enjoyed a complete recovery. The babies given only ordinary glucose solution were just as likely to die as before. . . .  Ordinary placebo solutions like glucose in water now became effective remedies that could successfully treat alcoholism and drug addiction. All you have to do is keep them in the pyramid for a few days first. The cure could be administered either by an intravenous needle or through simply drinking the liquid.” (Wilcock) 

  • Experiments with about 5000 people in jails in Russia showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved.  This was attributed to the salt and pepper added to their food which had been placed beforehand in the Pyramid.

This phenomenon also occurred in jails in which marble slabs that had been “treated” in pyramids were placed randomly in an around the jailhouses.  

The Russian National Academy of Sciences confirmed that pyramid energy could reduce criminal behavior and increase feelings of love and peace. All they did was store granite and other crystalline structures in the pyramid and then set them up in and around certain jails in Russia, which held a total of about five thousand prisoners,” According to the Giza Pyramid Research Association Web site’s summary of these results, “In a few months most crimes almost disappeared, and behavior was much improved.?” Nothing in the jails under study had changed except that this pyramid-charged granite had been built into their own surroundings.  (Wilcock)

  • The potency of pharmaceuticals increased with decreasing side effects.

The drug industry would be greatly downsized if they used pyramid power in the manufacturing of their drugs. Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, in one study from the Ivanovskii R & D Institute of Virology, diluted a concentration of a naturally occurring virus-fighting compound called “venoglobulin” and placed it in a pyramid for a few days. The result was that it became three times more effective.  “Strangely, the drug worked just as well as they diluted it more—even though these ultra-weak concentrations, such as 0.00005 per milliliter, would have no effect whatsoeverr in the fight against viruses.” (Wilcock) 

  • There is an increase in survival of cellular tissue infected by viruses and bacteria  – The pyramids decrease the strength of various viruses and bacteria.  
  • When radioactive waste is placed inside the pyramids, there is a decrease in their level of radioactivity. Spontaneous charging of capacitors  (leyden jaw on top and energy source?) 

In fact, what Golod and his associates found out was that “anything that was harmful to life would transform, for the better, if it was kept inside the pyramid. Poisons and other toxins would miraculously become far less destructive after even a short stay in the Pyramid of Life. Radioactive materials decayed faster than they were expected to.” (Wilcock)  

  • Changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and properties of semiconductors and carbon materials.  
  •  Ordinary water does not freeze even at 40 degrees below zero and retains its properties for years.
  • Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.
  • It is interesting that the results seem to show that increasing the height of the pyramid increases the quality of the results. 


Here’s something for you athletes.  Instead of using steroids to improve your performance, try pyramid power!  That and a few more useful discoveries by the Russians:

 Dr. Uri Bogdanow, from the Scientific and Technological Institute of Transcriptions, Translation and Replication, conducted the following studies in some of Golod’s smaller pyramids.

  • Bogdanov and his associates found that rabbits and white rats became 200 percent stronger in their endurance, and their white-blood-cell counts went up. This discovery has obvious implications for professional sports. Such performance enhancements do not cause any of the damaging effects we see from the illegal use of steroids—in fact, those athletes would get healthier from the treatments. If the reality of this pyramid power were to spread, with national prestige and millions of dollars of endorsements at stake, what country wouldn’t want their Olympic athletes enjoying the benefits of these effects—not to mention all the other professional sports teams fiercely competing around the world? 
  • In the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, they had a serious problem with the water—and looked to Dr. Golod’s pyramids as a potential solution. Strontium and heavy metals were contaminating their supply. The municipal administration ordered a series of pyramids to be built over the area, and within a short time they were pumping out clean water. It appears that this water has remained pure ever since. The same thing happened in the town of Krasnogorskoe near Moscow, where a single pyramid was able to clear up all the salt that had been polluting their water.” 
  •  A team from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow found that if they took seven one-hundred-gram chunks of granite that had been stored in the pyramid and arranged them into a one meter circle, that area was 5,000 percent less likely to be struck by lightning. They were able to confirm this by putting the granite on a flat, metallic plane, with an electrode that would discharge one thousand, four hundred kilovolts of power overhead. Normally, when they turned on the juice for a short time, there was a good chance that the electrical current would “arc out” and form a lightning bolt-striking the metallic plate and creating a nasty burn mark that melted right through. Over the course of one hundred different discharges, the circle of pyramid granite proved to have a remarkable effect on protecting the inside area from lightning strikes—there were five times fewer eruptions, which again is 5,000 percent. 
  • Remember the five-hundred-meter-wide column of energy that formed around the pyramid, as well as the much larger three-hundred-kilometer circle—which would have taken all the energy from Russia’s power plants to form? Apparently this enormous column doesn’t just sit there doing nothing—it actively deflects storms and severe weather from the area around the pyramid.” Incredibly, incoming storms go around this whole area, not through it. Imagine what this technology could do for areas that were prone to being destroyed by hurricanes. The cost of building pyramids could be much, much less than the expense of rebuilding from inevitable hurricane damage.
  • Yet another series of observations further added mystery and intrigue to the puzzle. The three-hundred-kilometer column of energy just mentioned had appeared around a twenty-two-meter pyramid that was built on Seliger Lake. Several months later, the ozone hole that had been sitting over that area substantially improved. As time went on, new streams of water appeared in the surrounding countryside. A stork felt comfortable enough to set up a nest. And most amazingly, the fields became covered with Bowers that shouldn’t even exist—as they were supposedly extinct. In short, the land was renewed, healed and transformed—suggesting that the life-giving energies harnessed by the pyramid had a significant effect upon everything around them.  

David Wilcock expresses his passion for natural energy such as pyramids provide, which I share: 

The full extent of the power of this ancient technology didn’t become clear until I read about what some of the other teams within the Russian National Academy of Sciences had discovered—where we see how the pyramids actually give us clear protection against catastrophic Earth Changes. Given the incredible damage that can be caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t be exploring these possibilities on a worldwide, massive scale. And if a skeptic comes along and tries to tell you we shouldn’t even try to use this technology, because it’s “fringe pseudoscience,” my obvious response would be, “How can we afford not to try it?” Do we dare to be so arrogant and overconfident in conventional science
that we completely ignore the power of a cheap, easy-to-build technology  that could save the earth? 

The fact that all this data has been overlooked, and never even mentioned as a possibility after all these years, seems to be little more than criminal when you consider how many lives could have been saved in the process. And it also makes you wonder if other cultures in the past have built pyramids for very practical reasons-perhaps because they were in a race against time with climate change and possible catastrophes that could have wiped out their own civilization. That could explain why they had such a strong incentive to build massive pyramids. 

And there’s more to come.  So, stay tuned.  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.

Dr. Anthony Palombo

Visit my other Health Light Newsletter blog at for an inspiring meditation on Seven Glands for Seven Spirits.






“Pyramid Power” Page 3: Acoustic Levitation


David Wilcock relates a true story in his book, The Source Field Investigations, about an incident of stone levitation witnessed and video-taped by a Swedish doctor identified only as Dr. Jarl by the New Zealand researcher, Bruce Cathie, who wrote up the details of the event in David Hatcher Childress’s Anti-Gravity and the World Grid.  The story was first published in a German magazine by a journalist who got it from a Swedish aircraft designer by the name of Henry Kjellson.  Here is the actual accounting of the event.


During a visit to Egypt, Dr. Jarl was invited to visit a lama in Tibet who was anxious to meet him.  His visit in Tibet was extended and he was allowed to take notes and report back on what he had found and witnessed there.  As Wilcock tells the story . . . 

While he was there, Dr. Jarl got to see a variety of things that few Westerners had ever been allowed to witness before. The greatest secret of all, according to Swedish engineer Olaf Alexanderson, was that “a vibrating and condensed sound field can nullify the power of gravitation.” Other experts on Tibet, including Linaver, Spalding and Hue, had heard about Tibetans using sound to levitate gigantic stones, and Dr. Jarl also heart about these legends—but he was the first Westerner to witness it.

Dr. Jarl was led into a sloping meadow that was surrounded by high cliffs to the northwest. One of the cliffs had a ledge that led into a cave, some 250 meters above the ground. The Tibetans were in the process of building a wall out of huge stone blocks up on this ledge, but there was no way to get there, except by climbing straight up on a rope. About 250 meters away from the cliff, there was a polished rock slab that had a bowl-shaped area carved out of the middle of it. The slab was a meter wide and the bowl area was fifteen centimeters deep. Then, a team of yak oxen hauled a giant stone block into the bowl. The stone was incredibly huge—it was a full meter high, and a meter and a half long.

Here’s the weird part. A perfect quarter-circle arc (90 degrees) was set up with thirteen drums and six trumpets all aiming at the stone. All the drums were made of three-millimeter-thick sheet iron, and instead of  any type of animal skin for a head, there was metal on the end that the monks beat with leather clubs. The other end was left open. The six trumpets were all quite long—3.I2 meters to be exact—with 0.3-meter openings. The monks carefully measured the distance from the stone to this quarter-circle of instruments, and it came out to 63 meters. Eight of the thirteen drums were exactly the same size as the stone—a meter wide and a meter and a half long. Four of the drums were smaller in size, but were exactly one third the volume of the larger drum, at 0.7 meters wide and one meter long. One additional drum was the smallest, at 0.2 meters wide and 0.3 meters long—again in perfect harmonic proportion. You could fit 41 of the small drums into the medium drum, in volume, and 125 into the larger drum.

All the instruments were fixed on mounts that allowed you to precisely aim them. And finally, you needed another key ingredient to make it work—a total of nearly two hundred monks who lined up in rows, about eight or ten deep, behind each of the nineteen instruments. Most people wouldn’t think the monks could add any measurable energy to the mix, but with what we now know about the Source Field, all that has changed. It seemed that the instruments were tools that helped focus and concentrate the energy that was being consciously generated by the monks. (This is also why the experiment might not work if the people lining up behind each instrument were not properly trained in generating coherence within themselves, through meditation.)      [Editor’s underscore]

Now, let’s hear directly from Bruce Cathie about what happened next.

 “When the stone was in position, the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened; then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 meters high. After three minutes of ascent, it landed on the platform.”

Incredible. We’re watching a gigantic stone, as big as some of the ones used to build the Great Pyramid, making a long, slow, lumbering three-minute trip up through the air in a 500-meter arc. Obviously, the power of the drums, trumpets and chanting is nowhere near enough to cause an object to levitate by any conventional means—but if they were creating the right coherence in the block, they could resonate atoms inside the rock over the light-speed boundary. They then enter into time-space, and provide thrust as they get pushed on by the levity force. If you touched the rock during this time, it would have almost certainly become spongy, since as many as half of the molecules are no longer in our reality. This appears to be how the gigantic stone blocks in Peru, at Sacsayhuaman, were able to be fitted together with cracks so tight you can’t even fit a razor blade between them. The rocks become soft and malleable, like clay, as their builders popped more and more of the atoms into time-space. As we already saw in the tornado anomalies, there are many examples of solid materials becoming soft and spongy when they become coherent.

(See video at this Facebook location.

[This phenomenon is cited by Wilcock as a possible explanation for straw, grass, lumber and other objects being driven into trees, telephone poles and even glass windows and steel girders of bridges by tornadoes.]

Some of the stones split from the intensity, and the monks moved them away. Nonetheless, they were able to keep the production line going and transport a total of five or six blocks an hour with this method.  Now here’s the incredible part.  Dr. Jarl thought he was either being hypnotized or going through some sort of mass psychosis, so he actually set up a movie camera and filmed the whole process—two different times. When he played the films back later on, they showed exactly the same thing he had witnessed. Dr. Jarl was astonished, and obviously felt this discovery would shake the very foundations of the world as we know it—maybe even literally. When the scientific society that had been sponsoring Dr. Jarl heard about these films, disaster struck. They swooped in and confiscated the originals, declaring them classified—which Dr. Jarl felt was “hard to explain, or understand.” They tried to appease him by saying the films would be released in the year 1990—but this obviously never happened. 

An incredible story!  But that’s not the all or end of it.  In a more recent book release by Wynn Free with David Wilcock, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (yes, the question mark is part of the book’s title)we read that the builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were extraterrestrial beings who brought their advanced technologies to the pre-dynastic Egyptians.  The divine engineer was none other than the mythological Egyptian Sun God, Ra, who reportedly was able to create things simply by thought.  About this legend, Michael C. Carlos of the Museum of Emory University writes:

“All Ra had to do was think of a thing and it existed . . . .  Of course the people needed a leader, so Ra took human form and ruled Egypt under the name of Pharaoh.  His kingship was long and prosperous, and lasted thousands of years.” 

According to the legend, all Ra had to do was say to a stone “I want you there!” and the stone would simply jump into place.  You know what?  As preposterous as this sounds, it’s all quite believable.  What do we really know of ancient history and our origins anyway?  Not much.  The Great Deluge pretty much wiped out all records of what existed before—only these pyramids and other monoliths in sacred sites, such as Stonehenge in England, survived the flood.  There is a passage in Wynn Free’s book where he tells of water marks high up on the pyramids in Egypt left there by the risen waters of Noah’s day. So they had to have been built well before Noah, perhaps as far back as 12,500 to 50,000 years ago . . . by “the gods” from outer space.  Could these same gods be “Elohim” who created our solar home among the stars? Perhaps the Sun God Ra himself was the “LORD God” Genesis says walked with Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.  It is said that the Master Jesus visited the Great Pyramid of Giza sometime during those “missing years” of his early manhood.  Could it be that he had something to do with building it in an earlier visitation to Earth?  Why not?  I love to think so anyway.

Here’s a link a friend just sent me from Huffington Post on acoustic levitation:

I bring all this forward in order to set the stage for a consideration of ancient technologies that are being resurrected today, especially in foreign countries like Russia.  We’ll look at some of it in my next post.  I hope you enjoyed this post, and if so then write a comment for me to post on my blog. I always enjoy hearing from my readers.  Until my next post, 

Be love. Be loved.


Visit my blog for inspiring reading in my Health Light Newsletter on the spiritual essences that generate life in your body temple through the seven endocrine glands.  This issue’s feature is “The Womb of the Pituitary Gland.” Enjoy!

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“Pyramid Power” Page 2: Legacy of the Ancients

PyramidsThe ancient prophecies do not speak of a worldwide extinction—they foretell a coming Golden Age. Even better, we have now found a significant number of technical details in the Great Pyramid’s measurements—including the earth’s exact size, the precise length of a year, the distance from the earth to the Sun, various planetary dimensions, star alignments, the precession of the equinoxes—suggesting its builders may have also been responsible for seeding the ancient world myths and prophetic religious teachings themselves.  What if the pyramid structure itself was part of the Message we were supposed to inherit?  Could it be a working technology—utilizing a science we have not yet rediscovered on a mainstream level?    __Wilcock


We have to hand it to the Russian scientists for their pursuance of pyramid power.  The Russians are historically known for their huge, passionate hearts, so I’m not surprised to read about their exploration of pyramid power in David Wilcock’s book The Source Field Investigations.  It is, after all, a unique capacity of the heart to understand the finer essences of spiritual things, and pyramid power is very much rooted in spiritual technology, using that word in its scientific sense as vibrational.

 Vibrational things are vibrationally understood . . . that is, before they are mentally comprehended, and sometimes without mental comprehension.  Understanding comes before logic and reason, and often goes against logic and reason. In short, unlike Western scientists who listen to brain logic and reason rather than heart intuition, the Russians have it—heart, that is— and apparently understood the significance of the Egyptian’s use of the pyramids they inherited from ancient civilizations and used to their advantage.  That’s why they have pyramid technology and we don’t.

Yes, I said “inherited,” because the Egyptians are not likely the ones who built the pyramids at Giza.  They simply didn’t have the physical capability nor the technological skills to achieve such a monumental feat . . . and they are monuments in the literal sense of the word, a legacy of the Ancients.

 The pyramids at Giza were built way before the Egyptians came on the scene. Some estimate between 12,500 and 50,000 years for the Great Pyramid, possibly built after the Deluge in Noah’s day. The smaller pyramids were likely built later.  The Great Pyramid of Giza appears to be the bearers of important messages to our civilization from prehistoric times, encoded into their physical dimensions by the Ancients who came here, possibly to seed life itself on this planet, from a more evolved star system in the Universe.  Wilcock concludes:

Clearly, the Great Pyramid is a magnificent architectural marvel, and appears to be far beyond our current technological capabilities. Some people may have realized that and were inspired by it many hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago. Whether it was built by an advanced ancient civilization, extraterrestrial gods or both, the Great Pyramid may have been built to contain all the information we would need to understand the coming Golden Age—and perhaps even to help create that “New Earth” its individual architects may have foreseen.  

[When you have an extra hour and forty-two minutes to spare, you will enjoy this fascinating and detailed YouTube documentary by Jacques Crimault  entitled The Revelation of the Pyramids.  You’ll learn some surprising things about the Great Pyramid of Giza, such as the realization that it has not four sides but eight, a revelation that surfaced in a photograph of  the Great Pyramid during an Autumnal Equinox.  Seeing is quite believing.]


Actually, the rediscovery of pyramid power dawned with the “pyramid movement” of the 1970’s when a story, which was told in many of the pyramid books at the time, of a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis, who claimed he had visited the Great Pyramid in the early twentieth century where he, according to the legend, “found a garbage can in the King’s Chamber with corpses of cats and other small animals in it . . . perfectly dried out and mummified . . . .”   Well, it turns out the story was concocted by other authors who misinterpreted Bovis’s work.

What actually occurred is that “Bovis built a thirty-inch wooden model of the Great Pyramid at his home in France, and claimed to have mummified a dead cat by leaving it in the King’s Chamber position.”  Then, through some “armchair reasoning and occult experiments,” speculated how the Egyptians might have mummified their king’s corpse by simply putting it in the sarcophagus and letting the pyramid power do all the work.

According to a Danish skeptic, Jens Laigaard, who was told by a former director of the Egyptian National Museum in 1999 that there was never such a garbage can in the King’s Chamber, the legend may not have been a complete hoax.

Thousands of people have tried leaving various foodstuffs inside a pyramid, and they’ve advanced numerous assertions that pyramid power can preserve fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit and milk. Cut flowers, treated by the energy, will by all accounts keep their color and fragrance. Moreover, coffee, wine, liquor and tobacco are said to give off a more appetizing aroma after a turn in a pyramid. 

But that’s not all . . .

In the 1950’s, a radio engineer in Prague by the name of Karel Drbal, successfully repeated Bovis’s “occult experiments” proving the technology actually worked by preserving “quite nicely” several different animal cadavers.  “Drbal  concluded that ‘there is a relation between the shape of the space inside the pyramid and the physical, chemical and biological processes going on inside that space’—though he wasn’t sure why this was happening.”   He was also the first to “allegedly discover” that dull razor blades could be sharpened by placing them in a cardboard pyramid which he constructed. Derbal was awarded Czechoslovakian patent number 91304 for the “Cheops Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpener. In fact, this product was still being manufactured out of Styrofoam when Lyall Watson wrote about it in his excellent 1973 book Supernature.”  Watson also repeated Debal’s original experiment with eggs, rump meat and dead mice to discover that the pyramid power did indeed work.  

Phenomenal experiments like this have been conducted in pyramid structures throughout the Eastern world with astonishing outcomes.  

Many magnificent pyramids appear throughout Egypt and South America—and new research suggests there may also be pyramids in Bosnia, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Russia and China, among others, though most of them (except for the ones in China) are covered with dirt, trees and other vegetation—making them harder to spot. Some of them may also be natural mountains that were sculptured into a pyramid shape.  The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun would be over twice the size of the Great Pyramid, and the geometric symmetry of this unusual, mountainous area is very compelling. [New evidence indicates that it dates back to 25,000 years.]


This raises a few questions: Why all the independent ideas on the part of various cultures to build pyramids out of enormously heavy stone blocks too big for even our best cranes to lift thirty and forty stories off the ground without toppling over? What was motivating them to invest so much time and energy into building them? And how did they build them?  What sort of technology would lift multiton stones and fit them so closely together that even a razor blade cannot to this day be inserted between them? Perhaps the puzzle will begin coming together as we explore the mysteries of what the pyramids can actually do . . . but even more, what those who built them knew how to do.  So, let’s get started . . . and this will take a couple of posts. First, let’s learn how the stones were lifted in building the pyramids.


This will be a new concept to some, so let go of what you think you already know about “Newton’s Law of Gravity,” for what we see is not all that’s at work.  You see, there are two opposing forces constantly at work in Nature. One force, gravity, is pulling atoms and molecules “down” toward the magnetic center of the earth while the other force, levity, is pushing them up and out away from the center of the earth toward a cosmic force field enveloping the earth and all heavenly bodies.  Trees exemplify this principle quite simply and beautifully.  The tree is held on the surface of the planet by gravity while the sap is lifted up into the tree by levity.  To accomplish this feat, Nature provides a mechanism called “gravity shielding.”  Birds and insect wings have this same mechanism as the trees.  

Now, the force of gravity is stronger than the force of levity, so the key to levitating an object is to shield it from the force of gravity so that the force of levity can work to lift the atoms and molecules that comprise the object up against the force of gravity.  It’s really quite simple, as truth always turns out to be.


Another way of overcoming the force of gravity is to vibrate the atoms that comprise the molecules of the object faster than the speed of light.  As we saw is a previous post, atoms are already vibrating at the speed of light.  All that’s needed, then, is to raise their vibration to a higher frequency than the speed of light and . . . voila! the object will levitate.  This can be easily accomplished with sound, as we will see in my next post. Oh, the simplicity of truth.

But the object can do more than levitate.  It can actually turn liquid for a few moments as the atoms flip over the vibrational threshold between space-time and time-space, and simply disappear from sight.  Well, temporarily at least.  After dematerializing for a time (about 15minutes) the object will again materialize and become subject once again to the force of gravity.  And, simple and easy, that’s how the pyramids were likely built 

Read my earlier post of April 22nd entitled “Dawn of a Golden Age: Ascension at the Speed of Love” between this and my next post so that you can more easily understand and enjoy the incredible true story I will thoroughly enjoy sharing with you.  Until then,

Be love.  Be loved,


Visit my Health Light Newsletter at my other blog, for a consideration of “Seven Glands for Seven Spirits.” (Note: the current post in an interruption of the series to bring you a special alert on the health hazards of Aspartame, a genetically engineered sweetener.  Enjoy the education.





In Search of the Holy Grail of Free Energy

Free “green energy” technologies have been either bought out or forthrightly destroyed along with their inventors and their research laboratories.  What we are allowed to use for our energy are filthy carbon producing coal, toxin-producing petroleum, fracking-derived natural gas, and dangerously high-risk atom-smashing nuclear energies —all very costly methods of extracting energy from the Earth.

Unlike the natural world that runs on limitless energy derived from fusion, our scientists and industrialists continue to insist that fission is the best way to harvest energy from the Universe by burning Earth’s natural resources and smashing atoms. It’s time for a new approach to harvesting energy from the the natural world that doesn’t entail destroying it . . . along with ourselves. 

Over the last couple of centuries up until the present day, rogue scientists and inventors have developed clean energy technologies.  Some of them have been implemented, like solar panels and windmills.  Michael Faraday (1791-1867) gave us electromagnetism.  NikolaTesla (1856-1943) has given us electrical powered automobile technology.  John Bedini and Jim Watson (1984) gave us the “Free Energy Generator” he called the “Energizer.”  Dr. Royal Rife and John Crane (1930’s) gave us the “gated Rife frequency” technology as an absolute 100% cure for cancer. Way before these inventors, ancient Egyptian physicists  gave the world “Pyramid Power,” which I’ll be exploring shortly in this blog.

I just noticed a post on Face Book about “cold fusion” and the two men who discovered it, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann.  “…they’d observed low-energy nuclear reactions, or LENR, at the atomic level that generated excess heat, holding out the promise of ‘cold fusion’ that did not require the blast furnace of nuclear fission as part of the energy-creating process.” This is what I’ve been looking to surface.

More recently Foster Gamble of Thrive Movement has brought forward the promising technology of the Universe itself.  It is called the “Torus pattern of energy flow.”  When you have the time, visit his blog and see what he’s up to.  I’ll write more about Foster Gamble’s timely contribution to the search for clean, “free” energy. But first I want to do this book review because truth is often more easily seen when it’s interwoven within a story, and this novel does take you to the very heart of what “free energy” is really about.

The following  review is of a recently published book about the mad rush to find and a conspiracy to possess the “Holy Grail of Free Energy.”  This is one of my favorite lines from the story, mouthed by the main character:

“You do not smash a river for power, nor should you smash an atom, but learn to let a river flow through it.”

Book Review: The Light at Lindisfarne,  by Hugh Malafry

Another engaging novel by the author of the Blue Shaman Trilogy, The Light at Lindisfarne is a timely release, a story the likes of which has not been written to date by any author I’m aware of. Nor could it have been written by anyone but Hugh Malafry, knowing his style of visioning potential futures for humanity with his creative imagination. His story telling  reflects a perspective that originates in higher dimensions of consciousness than most of us live out of on a day-to-day basis and lands firmly on the ground of contemporary life in the “mind-made world” of competition, power mongering, and survival.  

The story is set in post World War II Europe and opens in Germany in the wake of Adolph Hitler’s death in May of 1945, a bitter winter month in those parts.  Weaving the ancient alchemist and Grail Quest themes, the search for the philosopher’s stone that releases the fire of transmutation, and the legendary Sangreal (Royal Blood) into the story—a theme that Hitler himself was lured into in his mad quest for the “Holy Grail” of free energy that would give him and his Fourth Reich Germany ultimate power and dominion over the world—Malafry develops a scenario of unfolding world events – political, scientific, religious, cultural and geophysical – that transcends the three-dimensional model of life on a planet that is very much in sync with galactic evolution through its unwavering pattern of response to its solar point of orientation.  As the sun goes so goes the planet, even to the ultimate stage of evolution of becoming itself a sun – not, however, what we commonly think of as a flaming mass of gasses, hotter and hotter as you go toward its center.  On the contrary, Malafry dares to depict our sun as a cool blue star enveloped in an atmosphere of red-hot conflagration, in much the same way as the blue center of a flame of natural gas is cool at its core.  

But that’s all about the surface details of the story, the setting of a rather familiar landscape of physical matter and material existence.  The more subtle essence of the story, the implied if not articulated truth behind the surface play of events, indeed moving them toward their evolutionary destiny, is the apocalypse of light divine through humanity, the return of the long lost Science of Mazaroth, and Man’s true dominion over the elements and creative forces of water, air, earth and fire. This is a story about the evolution of human consciousness and the potential ascent of Man to a higher level of function and mastery, indeed his apotheosis and subsequent assumption of his original commission as co-creator and steward of the natural world on planet Earth.  Having come to its final hour, human consciousness is faced with the inevitable choice: evolve or destroy yourself and your world — the story’s cliff-hanger to be developed later on in a promised sequel.  

The press release describes the context and theme of the story . . .

An energy starved world – an esoteric technology that cannot be replicated – a secret locked in the psyche of one old man – an intrigue to acquire unimaginable wealth and power – the struggle of an ancient order to grasp a world slipping away: In his latest novel, The Light at Lindisfarne, (published by AuthorHouse), Hugh Malafry pits the technocracy of modern science and politics against ancient esoteric wisdom, in a quest for the key to unlock the creative forces inherent in nature and man.”

As the story goes:

Swedish physicist, Albert Weiland, widely considered the Einstein of his age, presents the world with a problem: a demonstrable source of unlimited free energy his peers cannot replicate, in a device the press calls his Grail Reactor. To make matters worse, it works only in Weiland’s presence and he will not say why. When his peers renounce his arcane explanations as medieval mysticism, Weiland kindles an inextinguishable light in the ruins of Lindisfarne Abbey, and challenges them to solve its mystery for the answers they seek.

The event pits nation against  nation, precipitates a conspiracy to acquire this esoteric technology for a new world order, reveals the agenda of the shadow government, and leads into the snare Weiland has set for his would be exploiters.”

Hugh aims his novel at the current trend of deteriorating world events:

“We are at the turning of an age,” says Malafry, commenting on why readers will connect with his novel. “Within decades without a new source of energy to drive its productions industrial civilization will hit the wall. Meanwhile, populations increase, resources diminish and everyone wants more of everything. What could possibly go wrong?”

The Light at Lindisfarne evokes man’s final quest for the holy grail of power, and appeals for the wise use of creativity, imagination and ingenuity to shape the future of civilization. “If we fail it will foremost be a failure of the creative imagination, a failure to come to terms and seek first the source of light, life and power in ourselves.”

About the Author:

Hugh Malafry is a Fulbright and emeritus professor of mythology and world literature. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia.  His command of the English language affords him a style of writing that is a pleasure to read. To see his recently released press release, click here.

Anthony Palombo

Visit my Health Light Newsletter blog for articles on health and wellness. This issue’s theme is “Musical Hormone Chemistry.” 



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