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Archive for the ‘Phantom Limb’ Category

Dawn of a Golden Age: Ascension at the Speed of Love

My Chorale PicI am totally fascinated by David Wilcock’s collection of weird science projects and experiments in his book The Source Field Investigations.  Here’s just one example of countless others.

Contrary to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the closer matter approaches the speed of light, the more it looses, not gains, mass.  In fact, if you give it a little push beyond the speed of light, it totally disappears into time-space.  This is the key to teleportation and ascension . . . and you can take your body with you, as many already have!  

Atoms are flip-flopping in and out of space-time and time-space all the time.  When they spin so fast that they exceed the speed of light, they pop out of visible space-time and into invisible time-space.  The matter they give form to vanishes from sight.  This is apparently what has repeaterdly happened in the Bermuda Triangle, as well as a dozen other places where ships, airplanes, yachts and the people on them have vanished off the face of the earth.  They’ve simply flipped over into a parallel universe Wilcock and others call “time-space.”  Let me attempt to explain.

Apparently, there are vortices in various locations around the earth, much like energy tornadoes, in which energy shifts occur and atoms comprising matter, which are already spinning at the speed of light, are pushed beyond the speed of light causing them to cross over into time-space.  These vortices appear to hover over “sacred sites,” such as ancient pyramids and stone monuments.  Every atom and molecule is a tiny vortex of energy. Let’s explain these terms.

Space and time are exact opposites of each other.  Just as space is three-dimensional, so is time — according to American Engineer Dr. Dewey Larson (1898-1990), who “built a very successful model of our Universe, starting in 1950, by assuming time had three dimensions. . . . [and] solved many of the greatest quantum physics problems, as well as many perplexing issues in astronomy. . . .”  His model of the Universe as a Reciprocal System, as he described it, was never accepted by mainstream scientists, who just could not think outside the box of Newtonian physics. 

Larson concluded there was a three-dimensional Time Region, or what I and others now like to call time-space — which is constantly interacting with our own three dimensions of space-time.  Larson’s other big concept was that the entire Universe is formed by nothing more than motion — and what’s moving, in my opinion, is the Source Field. 

The reading then gets even more interesting, as Wilcock calls into question the very nature of one of our most “stable” of concepts — GRAVITY.

Gravity, electromagnetic energy, and all the other forces normally associated with quantum mechanics are just different ways of talking about the same thing.  The entire Universe is built from nothing more than fluidlike, swirling vortexes within the Source Field.  Einstein’s greatest dream — of a Unified Field — was correct. . . .

Based on all the evidence, gravitation and the ‘space-time progression’ are the exact same thing — which is ultimately what Larson is saying by concluding that ‘All is Motion.’  It’s a very mind-expanding concept to consider that gravity is powering physical matter.  That’s all there is. Nothing else. Just a flowing vortex within a mysterious force we usually call gravity. Without the flow of gravity doing its work, there would be no matter — at least not anything that was visible to our own space-time.

Then there’s levity . . . 

Gravity, as a downward force, must also have an upward force — and my favorite name for gravity’s counterpart is levity.  The Source Field, or gravity, rushes into our planet to create all the atoms and molecules on earth simultaneously — but it still has to keep moving.  Once this same flow of energy streams back out of our planet, it has now lost some of its momentum — so it would be traveling a little more slowly than it went in. Once you understand this, you will see there may be an upward-pushing force from the earth that is in a constant tug-a-war with the downward-pushing force — and the downward force wins only by a very small amount.  If we did not have the upward-pushing force to balance everything out, we would very likely be instantaneously crushed flat by the pressure of gravity. . . .

Or, vice versa, we would go floating off into space.  Wilcock goes on to explain how atoms and molecules pop in and out of the visible material world.  According to Larson’s Reciprocal System model, there are two parallel worlds in which space and time are one dimension in a three-dimensional reality, and where the space in one reality creates time in the other, and vice versa.

There is a constant, flowing exchange between these two realities going on within every atom.  When an atom pops over into time-space, its spinning momentum is transferred over into the fluidlike energy within the parallel reality — and it is no longer affected by gravity in our own space-time.  The full transition can take fifteen to twenty minutes in a larger object with many atoms. . . . 

Here’s where Wilcock gets excited about his “favorite part.”

 Theoretically, an atom in space-time gets pushed on by gravity — but once an atom pops over into time-space, it gets pushed on by levity.  This means that within our reality, that atom now has thrust . . . as long as it is still bound together with other atoms that have not yet popped over.  Therefore, if you want to get an object to levitate, you would need to bring its molecules to a point where they are half in and half out of our three-dimensional reality of space-time.  That way the levity force can then balance out against gravity — not unlike how you can float perfectly still underwater by controlling how much air you hold in your lungs. If you push an object too far into time-space, it will dematerialize.  Then the same force that was causing it to rise up in our reality will now make it fall down in the parallel reality.  Gravity takes over — but in a totally parallel reality. This may work is a manner similar to a Moebius loop as you pass between realities. 

Nature  uses these principles all the time.  The DNA molecule stores photons of light, and it appears that this same flip-flopping at the light-speed boundary is what allows DNA to easily exchange energy and information between space-time and time-space — between our physical body and our energetic duplicate. . . .

The Universe is a verb, not a noun.  God, the Source Field, is a verb. It’s nothing more than MOVEMENT — or, as my Sacred Sound mystic guru, Sufi Murshid, Hazrat Inayat Khan would call it. . .

( ( ( V (I (B (R ( (A) )T )I )O )N ) ) )  

The life absolute from which has sprung all that is felt, seen, and perceived, and into which all again merges in time, is a silent, motionless, and eternal life which among the Sufis is called zat. Every motion that springs forth from this silent life is a vibration and a creator of vibrations. Within one vibration are created many vibrations.  As motion causes motion, so the silent life becomes active in a certain part and creates every moment more and more activity, losing thereby the peace of the original silent life. It is the grade of activity of these vibrations that accounts for the various planes of existence. These planes are imagined to differ from one another, but in reality they cannot be entirely detached and made separate from one another. The activity of vibrations makes them grosser, and thus the earth is born of the heavens. . . .

And returns to the heavens after flourishing and revealing the Light that made them, to the silent zat, the place of peace . . . and of light. . .

 All existing things that we see or hear, that we perceive, vibrate. If it were not for vibration, precious stones would not show us their color and their brilliance; it is vibration that makes trees grow, fruit ripen, and flowers bloom. Our existence is also according to the law of vibrations, not only our physical body but also that of our thoughts and feelings. If it were not for vibrations, drugs and herbs would not have any effect upon us.  If any explanation of electricity can be given, it is that its mystery lies only in vibrations. Vibrations are productive and produce electricity; electricity is composed of vibrations. In other words, that aspect of vibration which produces form could not do so if it could not first produce light. The Bible hints at this when it says that first there was light and then the world was produced.  Light is the first form; all other forms come afterwards. . . .

Love thou art and unto love shalt thou return.

Light Divine, the Great Creator of the Universe

And so do we return to light — at the speed of love. The vibration of light is the frequency that conceived us in the Great Mother’s Womb and brought us forth.  It is the vibration of Love, the Father of life — our “Father, which art in Heaven.” When we come to the point of absolute yielded love response to the Lord of Love —  “. . . with all of thy heart and with all of thy mind and with all of thy strength. . . ,” the atoms of our body cells will spin faster than the speed of light, as fast as the speed of love, and we will be changed in a moment —  “in the twinkling of an eye.”  Our bodies will rise up from the earth, utterly poised between gravity and levity, suspended in a sphere of light, a vortex of Source Field energy — only not in fifteen or twenty minutes but instantly — and we will know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we are Home in Heaven on Earth — not in some hoped-for “hereafter,” but here and now. And it’s all GOD, every space, time, atom and particle.  It’s all GOD and it’s all GOOD!

I will continue along this theme in my next post, sharing some of the implications I see in Wilcock’s presentations. Until then,

Be love.  Be loved.

Visit my Health Light Newsletter blog for an in-depth look at Healing the Body-mind.

Sources: David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations; Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Music of Life.                                                                                                                                                                                

Dawn of a Golden Age: Phantom DNA and Easter

Light Divine, the Great Creator of the Universe

    Today is Easter Sunday, April 8 in the year of our Lord 2012.  The Christian world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.  What happened in that tomb during those reportedly three days is anybody’s speculation.  Having just finished reading The Source Field Investigations, I am inclined to believe that the author has collected enough evidence from rogue scientific experiments to begin answering that question.  Was Jesus’ glorified body a phantom reality?

    We are exploring the phenomenon of Phantom DNA as reported by David Wilcock is his recently released book, The Source Field Investigations, and the enlightening discovery that DNA is constantly absorbing light photons from a “unified field” of energetic plasma Wilcock calls the “Source Field” and describes as a “grid” that forms the vibrational matrix of creation.  World renown inovative biologist and writer Rupert Sheldrake called it the “morphogenetic field,” and New York Times best selling author and computer geologist Gregg Braden calls it “The Divine Matrix” in his 2007 book by the same name.  Spiritual teacher and transformation guru Lloyd A. Meeker, also known as Uranda, who founded the vibrational healing science and art of Attunement in the early 1930’s, coined the word “Pneumaplasm” to represent this same “spirit substance,” also called “subtle energy.”  Physicist Michio Katu described is as the “Quanatum Hologram” and 4th Century Gnostic Gospel used the phrase “Mind of the Universe.”  Jesus referred to it as “the kingdom of heaven” that is within and without all around us.  Several physicists and rogue scientists are now documenting this subtle energy that connects all things together as a reality that exists assuredly as flesh itself but beyond space and time in a parallel “aetherial” universe.  


Wilcock’s investigations uncover phenomenal research that has led him to his awareness of a Source Field that creates and maintains all living organisms working through a phantom holographic body that duplicates itself in the physical dimension by interfacing with and working through the DNA molecule, which absorbs light from the Source Field and leaves behind it phantom replicas of itself which continue to create double helix phantom DNA that remain in existence for as long as 30 days after the DNA has been removed.  (Jesus is reported to have lingered around for a period of time before his ascension, perhaps for the thirty days his phantom DNA was still maintaining a phantom body.)

Phantom limbs are common knowledge, especially to someone who has lost a limb yet continues to want to scratch an itch on a leg that isn’t there.  In his tenacious and exhaustive investigations, David Wilcock has documented the existence of what he calls an “energetic duplicate.”

But lets back up a few pages and have a glimpse of some of the “weird science” experiments by rogue scholars, such as Dr. Alexander Gurwitsch, (1926) who discovered an onion radiates “a weak but measurable ultraviolet light” from its sprouting top. He aimed the top of a sprouting onion toward the side of another growing onion and witnessed the appearance of  “a noticeable bump” on the side of the second onion in the place where the first onion was pointing.  The cells of this bump were growing faster than the rest of the cells in the onion.  This experiment proved Gurwitsch’s theory that energy fields are found not only within the embryo, but “…they governed and regulated the growth of fully adult life forms as well.”  He also believed that “all organisms were being kept alive by this ‘mitogenetic energy field,’ and that they both absorbed and radiated these fields throughout their life cycle.”  This same energy field is what Wilcock calls the “Source Field” in his book.

The existence of an energy field guiding creation was first explored and discovered by German scientist Hans Driesch in 1891.  He used sea urchins in his experiment which are uniquely composed of both vegetable and animal cells.  The sea urchin is nothing more than a hallow sphere in its earliest stages of embryonic development.  The top cells of sea urchins behave like animal cells while the bottom cells behave like vegetable cells which roll up inside to form a pocket, which becomes a gut. The animal cells remain on the outside of the sphere.  

In 1891, Driesch discovered that if he separated the first two cells of a sea urchin embryo, each one produced a whole new embryo — rather than just growing a deformed half-creature. . . . Furthermore, Driesch found he could cut the early, sphere-shaped embryo into as many as eight different pieces, and each of them would grow into a fully new embryo — even if the piece he cut was from 100-percent vegetable cells, with no apparent animal characteristics whatsoever.


 Today such information is common knowledge because we assume that each DNA molecule holds the key codes essential to building and growing a whole new life-form out of a single cell.  However, I love where Wilcock goes with this:

Bear in mind that this is one explanation, but it is not the only one . . . and it may not even be the right one.  Driesch believed there was an overall guiding force that determined the growth of any one cell within an embryo.  The force contains information that gives each cell instructions on what it should do — depending on where that cell is located. The force is what tells a cell whether it should become a vegetable cell or an animal cell — in the case of the sea urchin.

Alexander Gurwitsch, a Russian scientist, took Driesch’s key paper, which he published in 1912, and continued his research.  He published his key paper on his research with the onion in 1926. He was followed by many other Russian scientists who “replicated his classic experiment with positive results over the years, though this intriguing research got washed away in the excited speculation that genes and DNA were responsible for all the codes that build living organisms — and determine their growth.”  

 Dr Peter Gariaev, in 1984, discovered a “DNA Phantom Effect,” a discovery that blew the DNA model out of the waters of biological science.  His experiments led to the most significant scientific discoveries in modern history.

It shows us that the DNA molecule has some bizarre relationship with quantum mechanics that our scientists have not yet discovered in the mainstream world.  We now have proof that DNA is interfacing with an unseen, yet-undiscovered energy field that is not electromagnetic, but which obviously can control electromagnetic energy — in this case storing photons, even when there is no physical molecule there to hold them in place. (Wilcock)

Gariaev’s research is absolutely mind-boggling.  The idea of light being something that can be stored alone goes against our way of thinking about light as something that just zips along through space at a very fast speed. Nevertheless, it appears that the DNA, acting much like a sponge or a miniature black hole, by some mechanism creates a vortex that grabs photons from an invisible energy field and not only stores them but arranges them in a double helix spiral.  But that’s not all. . . .

The real magic happened when Dr. Gariaev ended the experiment.  He grabbed the quartz crystal container with the DNA in it and moved it out of the way.  Nothing more was supposed to happen.  Nonetheless, to his utter amazement, even though everything was gone — the container, the DNA, you name it — the light continued spiraling along in the same space, as if the DNA were still there.  (underscore mine)

Whatever was holding that light in place, it did not need the DNA molecule at all.  It was something else.  Something invisible.  Something powerful enough to store and control visible light within the shape of the DNA molecule itself. The only rational, scientific explanation is that there has to be an energy field that is paired up with the DNA molecule — as if the DNA has an energetic “duplicate.”  This duplicate has the same shape as the physical molecule — but once we move the DNA, the duplicate still hangs around in the same spot the molecule was in before. It doesn’t need the DNA molecule to be there in order for it to keep on doing its job — storing visible light.  Some force, perhaps akin to gravity, is holding the photons in place.

Wilcock goes on to speculate about the implications of this mind-boggling discovery, just as it applies, for instance, to our physical bodies that are made up of trillions of cells in a very orderly arrangement, each containing at least one DNA molecule absorbing and storing light from this Source Field.  Then we have many different kinds of DNA for the many different kinds of organs and tissues.  

So, just by a simple extension of Gariaev’s experiment, it is very likely that our entire body must have an energetic duplicate. This fits in perfectly with what Driesch, Gurwitsch, Burr and Becker all theorized and observed — there is an information field that tells our cells what to do, and where to do it.  Once we add Gariaev’s discovery in, we find out that perhaps the most important thing the DNA molecule does is store light–both in our physical body and in our energetic duplicate body as well. Obviously, conventional science is significantly in need of an overhaul.  There is a great deal of information about biological life that we simply do not know, or recognize, in the mainstream sense. . . .

You can see here how an energetic phantom duplicate of your body will stay in the chair in which you are now sitting as you read this blog post for up to 30 days. This explains what a very sensitive lady with whom I was sharing attunement one evening using sound instruments told me.  Even as I moved my hands away to pick up sound tools, such as tuning forks and singing bowls, she felt  my hands very much in place holding a point of vibrational connection over her physical body.  The energetic connection was never broken.  Now I know how and why!  How exciting!

.  .  .  .Gariaev’s discovery also gave us a compelling hint that Gurwitsch’s mitogenetic radiation — the Source Field — may well be operating through the DNA.  Furthermore, Gariaev’s discovery suggests that the complete genetic codes for an organism might not actually be found in the DNA molecule itself after all — at least not as their final location.


One obvious implication of Gariaev’s discovery is that there is light inside the pineal gland, something that has never been conclusively verified. “Due to the difficulty of studying a living human brain, no comparable experiments like this have been done within ther pineal gland — at least none that are openly available to the public.”  However, when I was writing my book Sacred Anatomy back in the mid 1980’s, I came upon research, which I failed to document and file away, that cited an incident where a fresh cadaver’s pineal gland was dissected to find tiny crystals within it that still glowed with light.


Here’s where things really get weird and phenomenal.

When Gariaev blasted this Phantom (DNA) with liquid nitrogen, which created a sudden burst of great cold, the light spiral would disappear — but then it mysteriously returned after five to eight minutes. This persistence of the DNA Phantom — our energetic duplicate — even in the face of seemingly certain destruction, is very strange.  Even if you destroy the coherence in the area where the DNA Phantom had been, in this case by the sudden blast of cold, it will repair and restore that coherence once more. The surrounding light will again be organized into the unique spiraling pattern of the DNA that used to be there.  

Gariaev’s Phantom DNA remained visible for up to thirty days, even after being blasted over and again with liquid nitrogen, completely challenging anything and everything we know — or thought we knew — in conventional biology and physics.  “This information has been available for more than twenty-five years now, and the experiment was replicated in the United States by R. Pecora in 1990 — but no one ever hears about it.”


Putting a cap on this provocative investigation, it appears that numerous cases of reincarnation involved more than a rebirth of spiritual beings.  They also may have included a reconstitution of the energetic phantom body.  

Dr. Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, spent more than forty years tracking down over three-thousand children who experienced specific, detailed memories of their alleged “past lives.”  Many of these children were able to tell Dr. Stevenson what their names used to be, as well as who their alleged friends and family were.  They often revealed how and where they died, along with many other astonishingly specific details that could easily be proven or disproven by investigation. Personality and behavioral quirks carried over from one apparent lifetime to another, and the children bore a surprising facial resemblance to whomever they said they had been before.

Wilcock concludes his investigative report in this area citing incidences where children remembered the names of many people they knew, as well as their precise relationships, without ever having contact with them or with others who knew them.  “Respected academics like Dr. Jim Tucker, medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatric Clinic at the University of Virginia, have said that ‘reincarnation is the most likely explanation for the strongest cases.'”   Even the minute detail of birthmarks are said to appear in areas where our alleged former selves were mortally wounded.


The ultimate implication of it all is that we are truly immortal.  As Wildock puts it. . .

The implications are stunning, and absolutely central to the theme of this book — it means you can look yourself in the eye, standing in front of a mirror, and say ‘I will always exist,’ with a deep inner knowing that this is true.  Without a hidden fear of non-existence hanging over your head, you will soon lead a much happier life.  If  you are willing to try out certain practices, you can have personal experiences that will confirm this greater truth for you — and which may ultimately cause you to wonder if we are all living in a ‘global lucid dream.’

I will close this far too lengthy blog post — my apologies —  with this amazing image that takes our consideration all the way Home to the inner reaches of our Milky Way Galaxy.  We are truly a small but integral part of a Great Cosmic Being to Whom “the universe of stars is but a cloak,” to borrow a line from one of my favorite baritone solos written and performed by a dear friend and musical colleague, Pendell Pittman, and entitled “How shall we give Thee glory.”  How indeed!  

It is recorded in Biblical recounts of Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb that his body shined as bright as the sun.  This had happened before during what is recorded as His “transfiguration” in front of three disciples, who could not bear to look upon Him. . . and now we know how and why.  Glory is the nature of our true state of divine being.


Double Helix Nebula

…In 2006 UCLA professor of astronomy Dr. Mark Morris announced the stunning discovery of a DNA-shaped double helix nebula near the center of our galaxy: “We see two intertwining strands wrapped around each other as in a DNA molecule. . . .  Nobody has ever seen anything like that before in the cosmic realm. . . .  What we see indicates a high degree of order.” (Wilcock) 

 Until we meet again and share exciting discoveries together, have a glorious Easter!  Anthony

When you have 15 minutes to spare, enjoy this video of David Wilcock on the design and function of the pineal gland. You’ll get a taste of David’s style and mental acuity as well as a thorough education in the workings of the pineal gland. I think you’ll enjoy it. 

Visit my Lifting Tones blog for an informative and in-depth consideration of how the mind works and how mental illness can be healed.

Visit me on my Web site as well.

For a real treat, spend an hour-and-thirty-seven minutes with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Dr. Bruce Lipton is this premier conversation between two leading scientists who have totally left the “box” in their research and thinking. 

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