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Archive for the ‘Healing for the Healer’ Category

Sacred Organic Minerals, page 2

Twelve Cosmic Rays

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.”   (Rev. 4:5)

2017 DecemberWE’VE BEEN CONSIDERING COSMIC POWER and the role the Mineral Kingdom plays in grounding cosmic power in the Earth.  We saw how organic minerals ground and channel cosmic energy in and through our body-temples.  Let us read on in Sacred Anatomy and meditate on the mystery of life that unfolds through our body-temples.  Here’s the final installment in this series, which starts with a recalling of the last paragraph of the previous  post and Uranda’s instructions with regard to the Twelve Cosmic Rays:

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Lloyd A. Meeker (Uranda) gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of spiritualization, or transmutation, of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences which form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.” He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays. These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Cosmic energy is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.

 Calcium’s function is to build bones and teeth, help with blood coagulation, reduce neuromuscular irritability and facilitate contraction of muscles and nerve conduction in the heart muscles. Magnesium is used in tooth formation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and enzyme activation. It balances Calcium one-to-two respectively.  Sodium plays a large role in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH, muscle contractility and nerve transmission. Potassium’s role is with muscle activity, nerve transmission, intracellular acid-base balance and water retention, and energy management.  It assists in escorting glucose into muscle cells for energy. Phosphorus in closely associated with Calcium and its functions with bone and teeth formation.  It is used in establishing and maintaining acid-base balance, is a component of nucleic acids and is involved in energy production.  Iron assists in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, contributes to the production of certain enzymes and iron-sulphur proteins.   Fluorine is used in bone and tooth formation.  Chlorine is used in acid-base balance, osmotic pressure, blood pH and kidney function.

 Silica’s chief role is in the alchemical production of bone tissue through a process of “biological transmutation.”  I suspect it also plays a role in memory storage, similar to that of the silica microchip in the computer.   It is believed that bones provide an atomic memory engram depository that contains the record not only of contemporary legacies but of ancient ones as well.  Manganese is essential to joint mobility and ligament tone, strength and elasticity. It is also vital to the function of the Pituitary gland and plays a component part in the makeup of manganese-specific enzymes.  Sulphur is an antibiotic that also helps with joint motility.   Finally, Iodine is essential to the production of thyroxine in the thyroid gland (T4) and triodothyronine (T3), both essential to growth and development.  It also plays a role as an energy-control mechanism and in fetal differentiation.

 Not mentioned by Uranda are the seventy-two or more trace minerals that play empowering roles in the balancing of body chemistry, especially with the hormones.  Just to name a few of them,  Selenium, found in wheat germ oil, plays a key role as part of the Vitamin E complex in the cardiovascular system. Technically, Selenium is a component of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which metabolizes hydroperoxides formed from polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as enzymes that take the iodine out of thyroid hormones before they are recycled.  Chromium is a trace mineral that promotes the utilization of glucose by the muscle cells, thereby supporting the glucose tolerance factor in the bloodstream.  Molybdenum is a transitional metal that forms oxides and is a component of a coenzyme essential to the activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase, enzymes involved in preventing toxic levels of sulfite, xanthine and aldehyde (such as formaldehyde) in the blood stream.

Magnesium, which most Americans are deficient in, and the trace mineral Gold are essential to balanced and clear mental function.  The presence and function of Gold in the brain is not surprising in light of the presence of the focus of Love in the Pineal.  The trace mineral silver is a protective element that vibrationally alters pathogens, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, upon contact.

These elements of the mineral kingdom are not only present in a healthy body, their levels and ratios to one another are critical to maintaining healthy function, strength and vitality in the body.  Calcium is in critical ratio to Phosphorus, Magnesium and Potassium; Sodium is balanced by Potassium; Copper and Zinc need to be in balanced ratio, as well as Sodium and Magnesium, Copper and Iron.  The degree to which these minerals are present in their proper levels and ratios, the body is healthy.  To the degree they are not, the body is sick and dying.

 While Copper intensifies cellular activity, activating estrogen in cell proliferation, Zinc, which activates progesterone and testosterone, cools it down.  The body contains two to three grams of Zinc, found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, the liver, muscle, leukocytes and in the testes.  It plays a role in skin integrity, enzymes, wound healing and growth.  Inorganic Copper is a heavy metal whose unbound ions are toxic.   Almost all of the Copper in the body is present as an organic mineral component of copper proteins, thereby reducing the in-vivo concentration of unbound copper ions almost to zero.  On average, an adult has about 150 mg of Copper in the body, of which about 10 to 20 mg are in the liver.  (Most of the information about the function of these minerals was taken from The Merck Manual, Seventeenth Edition.)

So we see there is an amazing interrelationship of checks and balances in the way minerals and trace minerals are arranged and proportioned in the body by reason of the chelating activity in the vegetable kingdom, which is designed to provide nutritional nourishment for the animal kingdom, a kingdom which our present physical capacities are yet part of. 

Up until recently these essential nutrients have been virtually ignored in commercial farming.  In America, our agricultural lands were declared demineralized and, therefore, unfit for farming as early as the 1940’s, resulting in Americans becoming the most over-fed and under-nourished nation in the world.  Whereas the human body needs some fifty nutrients for healthy function, our soils are given but a handful of commercial chemicals with which to work in order to produce vegetables and fruit that are pleasant to the eyes but empty of life-sustaining nutrients.

Adrenal exhaustion is presently surfacing as the primary malady of people in this country and the fundamental, underlying cause of nearly all bodily malfunctions.   In his important book,  Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,  naturopathic physician Dr. James L. Wilson decries the fact that  doctors have been dealing with . . .

“. . . a  problem of monstrous proportions that is largely unrecognized by the medical establishment.  This has left millions of people suffering from an untreated problem that interferes not only with their ability to function but also with their capacity to enjoy life.  It is difficult to assess exactly how much money is lost by corporations due to worker absenteeism, poor or clouded decision making, alcoholism, drug abuse, ‘nervous breakdowns,’ burnout, employee conflict, acute and chronic illness, loss of employees, and a host of other costly problems that stem from the effects of over-stressed adrenal glands.” 

Little wonder that this is so, since ninety-five percent of Americans have been declared severely deficient in organic minerals and trace elements.  If they are not in the soil, of course, they are not to be found in our foods and therefore not in our bodies in sufficient levels or appropriate proportions. Where minerals and essential trace elements for the conduction of life’s energy are lacking in the human body, the stress of daily activities is almost unbearable.

These precious elements work their vibrational magic within the body according to their specific vibratory frequencies. They are the gifts of the mineral kingdom and can only be taken up into the body in colloidal form as they naturally appear suspended in vegetation.  All of these are elements that are readily available today, more than ever before its seems, as Mother Nature yields up her secrets to us in a copious stream of these and other “healing nutrients” in the form of whole food supplements and herbs.  I am forever amazed at the timely provision of life as it demonstrates its loving care for the body of Mankind on earth.  All that remains is for us each one and all to open up and receive these bountiful gifts with joy and thanksgiving while efforts are increasingly being directed by organic farmers the world around toward replenishing the soil and returning to organic gardening practices. 

Organic farming has begun to appear throughout the land, with organically produced vegetables and fruits becoming plentifully available in supermarkets.  One way to tell if a vegetable was grown in mineral-rich soil is its sweetness.  Minerals make your carrots sweet.  If they’re not sweet, they were grown in mineral-depleted soil.  To safeguard your body’s health, I recommend a daily supplementation of organically grown minerals and trace minerals.  They are essential to the utilization of vitamins . . . and to our reception of cosmic rays.

Standard Process Laboratories in Palmyra, Wisconsin has been making wholefood supplements available to doctors and their patients for over a hundred years.  They maintain a large organic farm on site.  Its founder, Dr. Royal Lee, was a dentist who believed that a person’s teeth depend on a well-nourished physical body.  So he developed a line of wholefood supplements in order to provide his patients with vitamin-and-mineral-rich supplements. I’ve used them in my practice for many decades with rewarding success . . . and I supplement my daily diet with them.

I welcome any thoughts you may have and wish to share.  This being Christmas weekend, I wish you each one a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year in 2023.  Until my next post, 

Be love.  Be loved. 


Picture credit: “Eye of the Divine” (Twelve Cosmic Rays) by Goa Lobaugh.  See his art at

Blessed By Sound

Four weeks from today we will be concluding a two day workshop and retreat at Oakwood Retreat Center in Selma, Indiana. This event will also bring me to a milestone marker after thirty years of research and exploration into the field of what I have called “Attunement With Sacred Sound.” The theme of the retreat is “Blessed By Sound.”

There is a place in the circle for you if you feel drawn to participate and enjoy this time away from your daily activities to reboot and fine tune your body, mind and heart with your own rejuvinated spirit. Here is my personal invitation to you and to all of my blog followers:

You are invited to . . . A workshop in Attunement with Sacred Sound

Sound healing has come of age as it has made its way into mainstream medicine at the start of the millennium and has always been considered a direct link between humankind and the divine. Plato and Pythagoras taught that the nature of the Soul is music.

The ancient mystery schools all taught their students the use of sound as a creative and healing force. It is considered the oldest form of healing, and it was a predominant part of the early teachings of the Greeks, Chinese, East Indians, Tibetans, Egyptians, American Indians, Mayas, and the Aztecs. There was a time when healing, song and storytelling went hand in hand.

On a physical level, what has been called “music therapy” has been applied to alleviate aches and pains, lower blood pressure, and balance hyperactivity in children, among many of its uses. On a metaphysical level, sound in the form of mantras and chants has been used to induce altered states of consciousness, open new levels of awareness, stimulate intuition, and increase creativity. The field of music therapy itself has been developed extensively and offers a vast reservoir of knowledge for further exploration. We will tap into some of that reservoir—and take sound healing to another level.

What is being done currently with what is called “sound healing” is not what I intend on replicating in this workshops. While this kind of manipulation of the physical and energetic bodies by means of sound has certainly proven to be beneficial at the physical, mental and emotional levels of healing—and no doubt has helped occasion spiritual transformation as well—I would like to take it to another perhaps more transcendent level, so that we come to this sacred sound work not so much as “sound healers” and therapists but rather as angels of sound, if you will, fully conscious of who we are and what we are about. What we will share in this workshop is an exploration in the use of sound and music as a carrier wave for the Spirit at work in and through the Attunement Process, as we take our sacred sound tools in hand to facilitate healing and transformation in human beings.

If this sounds like something that you would love spending a weekend exploring and learning, then you certainly qualify as a potentially delighted participant. I personally invite you to come and be blessed by sound.

This will also be a sound-themed retreat during which participants will have opportunity to just lay back on floor pillows and bask in the deeply relaxing and harmonious healing tones of quartz crystal bowls and excerpts of uplifting music . . . and participate in group toning and changing. 

Here is the invitation my friends at Oakwood Center are extending to one and all: 

Blessed by Sound — The Magical Use of Sound in Energy Work and Healing – July 20 – 22, 2018 

As someone who provides energy-based aid and assistance to your world you are warmly invited to participate in this weekend gathering. Sound-based therapeutic techniques are increasingly recognized as having a powerful role to play in energetic care-giving. This weekend will assist you to learn more about and to experience for yourself the magic of how sound, in its many wondrous ways, can play a role in your service to others.

Anthony Palombo, DC, author of Attunement with Sacred Sound and Sacred Anatomywill guide us through an exploration of :

Attunement with Sacred Sound – Opening a Window in Heaven – Listening to the Silence – Providing a Spiritual Control Pattern – Creative Dynamics of Light and Sound – The Healing Elements of Music – The Healer Behind the Sound Tools – The Power of Voice and Breath – Toning to Clarify Energy Fields – Tuning the Chakra and Endocrine Systems – Creating and Coding a Sacred Sound Field – Cell Replication in a Musical Matrix of Light – Transforming our DNA – Accessing the Original Pattern – The High Art of Toning Creation

About half of our time will be in presentation mode and the other half will be experiential. Following the Attunement with Sacred Sound workshop, there will be a week for personal mentoring with Paul Price, who is revered by many as an attunement master and teacher.

Personal Mentoring – Impromptu Exploration and Discovery – July 23 – 28

Join Tony Palombo and others in an adventure into the world of sound. We will have a very laid-back schedule, giving opportunity for inquiry, collaboration, experimentation, improvisation and enjoying one another’s company on the beautiful campus of Oakwood Center. Each day will be unique unto itself.

You are welcome to attend any or all days. For registration go to Oakwood Retreat Center’s website:

Oakwood Retreat Center 3801 S County Road 575E Selma, IN 47383
Email: — Website:


Blessed By Sound . . . . . . . . . A Sound-Healing Retreat

A time for healing and renewal

(This event has been cancelled to be rescheduled on a future date.)

My Chorale PicIf you’ve never experienced an Attunement with Sacred Sound, then you are in for an awesome experience when you join us at our Blessed by Sound Rretreat in August.(See details below.)

Sound? Well, not just any sound — but coherent and pure sounds that have a unique and magical way of opening energy gateways in the body, allowing deep and immediate access to healing currents from within. Sound can serve as a carrier wave for spirit and intention, and “Sacred Sound” serves the sacred purpose of healing and transforming the “body temple”

Two or more sound waves can harmonize to produce a powerful and irresistible force, melting frigid and stuck energy patterns and opening the heart to the sweet healing balm of love. Harmonic sound can carry one to heights of ecstasy and, as easily, to the place of peace and tranquility in one’s “heart of hearts”. Through resonance, it connects us with the order and harmony of the Universe.

Whether produced by the voice or by musical instruments, by toning sacred vowel sounds or group chanting, by quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, or by a Ukrainian a cappella choir singing beautiful uplifting sacred music – all of which you will experience during our retreat – harmonious sounds can enhance and refine one’s connection with Spirit, as it ascends in the transmuting fire of Love.

My New Book

I explore this sacred healing art in depth in my new book, Attunement with Sacred Sound,currently being published and released through Amazon. I would encourage you to obtain a copy and start reading it well ahead of the Blessed by Sound retreat. Also, I will have books on hand for purchase, along with CD’s that I use in my Attunement service. I look forward to our time of renewal together, sharing insights into this important and powerful field of the sacred healing arts. I hope to see you at Oakwood.

Tony Palombo


Blessed by Sound Event Details: We will begin with 6:00 pm dinner on Thursday, August 18 and conclude with lunch on Sunday, August 21.For travel information, see:

Cost for event, including room and board, is $475 per person ~ $150 with registration, $325 on arrival. Check to Heartland Spirit Network or cash.

To register, please fill out the registration form, to be found when you Click Here

Event Location: Oakwood Retreat Center, 3801 S County Road 575 E, Selma, IN 47383.

For further information. Phone (765) 747-7027 or e-mail

The Shaman’s Gift of Healing, Page 3

Tony picConcluding the story of the Biblical “Fall” of Man from grace and stature as Hugh Malafry retells it through two of the main characters in the first book of his fascinating Blue Shaman Trilolgy, we left off in the middle of a dialogue between shaman Morgon Kara and Maia, his consort in the “Otherworld,” as Morgan Kara contemplates the power of the stone of sovereignty, which he lifted from around the neck of the blue shaman Caron as he slept by his fire after Morgon had rescued him from certain death. Maia is telling Morgon Kara the legendary story as handed down through the “Sisters” of the Blood Royal. Here’s the final installment of this excerpt from Stone of Sovereignty

And so it was that over time, brooding on her words, Morgan Kara began to realize what man had done, and that when he was prepared to ask with understanding, she was ready to speak of it. And so when again they met by her well beneath the tree, he was encouraged to ask: “So, given this gift, what did man create contrary to the will of the Makers?” This time Maia seemed almost relieved to tell him.

“I know only what the Sisters know of this, but we know that in the First Time there were those, beguiled by the pleasure they took in the life of things, who thought it would be good to come closer to the things of the earth, and these contrived to make in their own image bodies of animal flesh, imbued with life essence.”

“They made themselves coats of skins,” Morgan Kara said. Maia nodded. “They thought only of it as a kind of dress,” she said. “Believing they would be able to come and go as they pleased and so take pleasure in the world of sense, they contrived and entered into their creation. But the understanding of the art was beyond them, and what they had done was out of harmony with the whole. Beguiled by sense and the subtlety of the weave of life, they lost consciousness, and were unable to release themselves from what they had made.”

He understood at once, because in his transmigrations he had taken the bodies of others to his use. It had never particularly troubled him to do so, for so lonely is man that those Morgan Kara took were almost always relieved to feel his presence. But he was nevertheless gratified to realize all this had come of some miscreation, and his way justified by necessity.

“Like a garment that will not come undone,” he said, “they became trapped in the creature they had made; but what of the Makers?”

“The act was out of harmony with the way of the First Time, and threatened to disrupt greater cycles of creation. And so the Makers would not yield to man’s insistence that it now be as he willed, for man had desecrated the pattern of the seven worlds, and violated the way of the subtle body given to dwell in all the worlds, by incarcerating it in a body of animal flesh.”

“The Makers might have destroyed him,” Morgan Kara said. “Yet material man continues to live.”

Genetic tampering has historically been a tempting, though deadly, preoccupation with humans. We entered into the animal kingdom and lost sight of our original divine identity. We fell from grace and stature and became animals. Now we have ventured into the vegetable kingdom with our genetically modified organisms, and into the mineral kingdom by delegating our intelligence and control of our lives to the silicon computer chip and “smart phones.” Is this our understanding of what dominion is? Where will this endeavor to improve upon life’s design lead? Where will it end? We have created a world on this planet that cannot prevail against the unconquerable world of Mother Nature. (The article at this link, “Learning How to Die in the Anthropocene.” is a sobering one worth the time to read it.)

“It is a law of creation that the creator is responsible for his creation, so long as it shall continue to exist, and this applies as much to the Makers as to man. So through the alchemy of spirit, the Makers fashioned a way for the transmutation of the flesh body, and many there were who walked in that way, ascended and found release. But those who had shaped this path, insisting it was right for all to walk in it, hardened their hearts, adamant that free will allowed the way they had chosen, and the Makers must acknowledge it.

“And so death came into the world?”

“Not at once, but man was caught up in the tides of the seasons, and entering into time there is a time appointed to everything made. When death finally came it came as a gift.

“The Makers had offered a way back,” she said, “but man was determined to go his own way and spurned them. So they hedged themselves from human influence, withdrawing, the Sisters believe, into some realm of the Otherworld unknown to these kingdoms, and the Makers left man to the cycle he had initiated until it should run its course. Having taken the shaping of creation into his own hands man must face the consequences of what he has done, until he is willing to return to the pattern of the First Time.”

“Was it then he lost knowledge of the place of shaping and the world of the First Time?” Morgon Kara asked.

“Yes, but not all at once, for the Makers hoped those now in rebellion might yet relent. Instead, there was contention how to forge ahead in man’s own way; and these differing opinions fell into grievance with one another. Before long and over increasingly trivial matters men began to fight with those whose opinions differed from their own, not realizing there was no answer in the way they had chosen. There came an age of wrath in which they used those powers of the shaping remaining to them to draw fire from the center of the earth, and contrive grotesque forms to loose destruction upon their enemies. In those days there were dragons in the air, great beasts in the wilderness, and creatures within the seas that wrecked havoc on man and all that he had made.

“It is written in the stones of the Ancients,” Morgon Kara said.

“I can tell you only what the Sisters know of this,” Maia said. “We know that in the abuse of those forces remaining to him man became the enemy of life. In the cataclysms that followed vast lands sank beneath the waters, the mountains were raised and the waters under the earth rose up and swept over the burned and scarred lands where man had loosed fire from the center of the earth. Some regions were buried under mountains of ice; others became high plateaus and shifting desert sands. “

” And the earth was moved out of its place,” Morgon Kara said. “I have seen this.”

“The Sisters know those surviving sought refuge in the high mountains and in the vast wilderness places, searching for a memory of what once was, now an elusive dream of paradise. Most tried to forget what had been but feared the cycle of destruction would come round again. In the burning time man would have utterly destroyed the earth, had not the Makers once more intervened and set narrow bounds to his power: The place of shaping was veiled from him and material man was incarcerated in the outer realm of things.

Mass amnesia has wiped out all memory of man’s history before the Fall. The only record we have of how man was in the Garden of Eden is found in Genesis: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Gen. 2:25)  Man did not emerge from caves as apes. Man fell into them and all records and memories of what went before were destroyed and erased in cataclysmic upheavals. And we are on a path of repeating our past unless we remember it. I think this is what Malafry is helping us do: remember what we did to bring the human race down to the level of the beast by offering a glimpse through the veil of forgetfulness. 

“And yet I have crossed over,” Morgon Kara said.

“There is a rent in the veil between the worlds, for the Makers were not finished with man.”

“Is there a way back to what once was?” It was then she had first spoken to him of the blue stone.

“There is a stone, in the old tongue called, Uru An-Na, light of heaven,” she told him. “It is in the world and the world is in it; its virtue is to bind, loose and shape the world within, and so shape what is in the world without.”

“Riddles, Maia, always riddles,” he had said. But even as she spoke of it he knew he had within him some knowledge from another time.

“The truth of the worlds was written in Uru AnNa,Maia said, “and entrusted by the Makers to the Na-Akhu-El sages, who continued to dwell among men. After the mountain rising these alone of the Shining Ones remained incarnate in the earth, wholly conscious of what man was, with the wisdom to return the world to the patterns of the First Time.”

“And what is become of them?” Morgon Kara asked.

“The last of these have walked into the light and are no more.”

Maia teared. She always ended the telling of her story of man with a lament for the passing of the Na-Akhu-El sages.

“And if they are no more how shall we return to the First Time?” Morgon Kara asked.

“The regeneration of the world is written in stone,” she said, “and by Uru An-Na true change comes into the world. But there must be those to loose its virtue, and it will not be forced nor will it suffer imposition.”

Even for Morgon Kara this was too much. It troubled him that by some power beyond his understanding the stone existed in its own right, shaped its own destiny, and was both catalyst and seed of worlds yet to be. But she was right, something there was in the world that from time to time opened the heart of man, and the veil between the worlds thinned. Then was there change in heart and mind and new worlds were conceived, until old sorrows came round again, the angry ones appeared, and man must choose or suffer consequences, and truth vanish again in the wilderness of the world for another cycle in another time.

“It is not given me to possess the stone,” Morgon Kara said.

“There is none with your skill or understanding, so you must possess whom it has chosen, and by him loose the power of Uru An-Na.

He had taken her at her word and watched for the power of the stone working through those who had possessed it. It had come tantalizingly close to him, but he had found nothing in those who possessed it to suggest they could loose what was within.

He believed in time the stone would come of its own to him, and with its power he would renew the world. He would open wide the doors between the worlds. Like the sages of old he would loose fire from the center of the earth to the shape of his pure will, and empower his creations. Like the gods he would churn the world ocean for the elixir of immortality. And when it was done the world that was, the world of the heart’s desire before cataclysm swept it away, would by his hand be restored. It would be his gift: He would live ten thousand years and in a thousand forms, if need be, until it was done.

With each telling Morgon Kara learned something new, and always when she was done he confirmed, “It is for you, beloved, I seek understanding.” It was what she wanted to hear.

And so the plot thickens as Morgon Kara sets out to bring Caron under his spell and to own him and through him the stone of sovereignty. Material man seeks to own and control spiritual Man, when in truth spiritual Man created and looks after material man, as it was in the days of Cain and Abel, and we know what the record says happened with those two brothers of Adam and Eve. Well, Abel has returned from the dead. Spiritual Man has emerged and his presence in the Earth is a powerful one. The old heaven and old earth are in the process of passing away and the Makers and Shapers are incarnate once again to created the New Earth. We are the Makers and Shapers of our world.

The stone of sovereignty in the body temple is the pineal gland, a little white crystal that refocuses the Light of Love and brings heaven into the earth, uniting these two worlds as one in human consciousness and experience. Heaven and Earth are one. The Shaman in each one of us knows how the connect them in momentary every-day living. 

And that’s where I’ll leave you hanging and, no doubt, ordering a copy of Malafry’s trilogy. I hope you enjoyed this excerpt as much as I did. Does it leave you with haunting ancient memories? 

Thank you for reading my post. I’m looking forward to what’s next!  Until then,

Be love. Be loved.


The Shaman’s Gift of Healing, Page 1

09 May bowls

I apologize to my blog followers and readers for being so long in posting a new article. We’ve been on a trip to the Pacific Northwest Coast to spend time with our boys and grandchildren in Oregon and California. It’s good to be back and writing again. 

I’ve been called a shaman because I use frequency-shifting sound healing and subtle energy attunement techniques in my work as a healer. But I know from my own profound experience over fifty years of service to humanity that there’s something deeper and more to the purpose of healing than the modality of technique in the healing work of a true shaman. A true shaman offers healing of the rift between two worlds. The invisible world of Reality, wherein lies the divine design for perfect health and happiness, and the visible world of ailing flesh, suffering only from a separation from its Creator. That separation, however, is but an illusion — an illusion, nevertheless, that shapes the flesh and the world in which it suffers. In the real world, there is no separation. This paradoxical condition is what sets up the illusion out of which we turn heaven into a hell here on earth. It is the shaman’s role to transcend the illusory world and stand in divine identity in the invisible realm of spirit to facilitate the shaping of patterns of light to the unique healing needs of his client. I was confirmed in this awareness as I read Hugh Malafry’s novels.  


I’ve just finished my second reading of the first book of Hugh Malafry’s trilogy Blue Shaman, The Stone of Sovereignty, and started my second reading of book two, Caverns of Ornolac. As in all second readings of a thrilling and complex novel, I saw so much more than what I did in my first reading. 

What draws me back to this author’s trilogy is the otherworldly setting for a very complex story. To sojourn in another world, the world of the shaman, is such a refreshing reprieve from the world of CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News; even BBC and PBS. That world has little to offer of hope for the future of mankind. The Real world is the invisible one, coverage of which is virtually impossible by any news agency. Malafry does exactly that, interweaving morsels of profound wisdom and simple truths as he unfurls a dialogue between characters. Here are a few of those jewels of wisdom:

“Sometimes a life’s work takes more than a life’s time.” 

“Time yields to purpose.”

“To weave light in patterns, tie water in knots, and shape the ten thousand things.” [A worthy, though rightly ambitious, sense of mission and purpose.]

“Give me your heart,” Maia said [to Caron, the blue shaman], “and I will shape a world for you. . . .  It is no more than any woman asks of a man to whom she gives herself.”

Was it any wonder men shy from giving their heart to women: One moment she was lamb, another lion, and one never knew when one or the other might rise in her or to what end.

. . . when you have lost your centering in life, everywhere is nowhere, and the world is desolate.

“Is it not the way of the warrior to be at peace within, even when he knows he must fight?”

“Can you make whole what has been broken?”  [Lady Esclarmonde asks the blue shaman. His reply is wise.]  “God has made a whole and it cannot be otherwise,” he said. “I will give it to God: He will determine in this matter what is to be.”

“You must let go your shadow. To cross over [into the “In-world”] you must see yourself on the other side.”

“Always walk into the light.” [Even though — and particularly when — you know you will lose your life and all that you have invested in making yourself into who and what you think you are . . . and your life will never be the same.]

Life on this side of the veil that separates us from the “In-world” is portrayed in the story of the blue shaman as the illusion it is. What separates also connects. There is something most wonderful on the other side of the veil. The loss of illusion, for one thing, though probably scary for mortals who find meaning and purpose in making one’s way through the shadows of the mind-made world of survival. That mortal, the human ego, feels justifiably threatened by the Light at the end of the tunnel described by those who tell of their near-death encounters, because it knows that it’s curtains for it. I wonder if I will feel that same hesitancy the blue shaman had to walk into the light when I make my transition from this world to the world of Light. Not so much, I should think, for someone who has walked into the Light of Reality in the face of sure loss of his world as he knows it in order to discover and realize who he is as a divine being. The story takes you to such a place in consciousness.


For me, the entire trilogy is a story about the relationship between the masculine and feminine as they partner in shaping their worlds. It seems the Orion shaman is always being challenged to master the sweet influences of his Pleiadian counterpart — who seems, interestingly enough, always to live in the Otherworld, which dynamic of the story tends to suggest that our “soul mates” do not incarnate with us. Hmm. Another interesting portrayal of the male-female relationship is that it’s always feminine entities who meet and greet the shaman at the threshold between the worlds to clear him for worthiness of passage and to guide him in his journey. It is through the heart, love’s domain and our feminine part, that we enter the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” — Jesus

There’s truth to this in the way a woman tests her man before allowing him into her heart and inner sanctum as a worthy partner in creating her world in what is obviously a man’s world. Malafry portrays this “battle of the sexes,” but not without resolution.  I love his resolution toward the end of the book. Much like the riddle of getting the goose out of the bottle without killing the goose or breaking the bottle, at some level — like before the riddle maker created the illusion of a goose in a bottle — the goose is not in the bottle. Likewise, at some level there is no “battle of the sexes” but only the thrilling heavenly experience of a shared creativity. Again I say “Hmm.” 


The most captivating chapter for me was “The Shaman,” because I could relate to the challenges of the shaman.  There’s a dialogue in it that alludes to a time when time and death were not and yet humans thought to change and improve upon their lives in Paradise. Whether or not one subscribes to this version of human history, Malafry weaves a believable and likely scenario of mankind’s fall from grace and stature. The path of the shaman is driven by an insatiable desire to make things right again and restore the world of mankind to the paradise of “The First Time.” Restoring the elusive Holy Grail of the blue “Stone of Sovereignty” into the hands of the Knights Templar for its ultimate return to the “Sisters of the Blood Royal” and the Grail King, is the blue shaman’s mission and purpose — very similar to that of Frodo in Lord of the Rings, as is the promise: the restoration of life and prosperity to Paradise.

As Malafry tells it, the story of the fall from grace is a haunting one for me, as if at some level in my consciousness I know I was there in the Beginning and when things literally went to hell.  I’ll let you read it as he tells it.

As in the Lord of the Rings where the ring is coveted for its power, shaman Morgon Kara takes the blue stone in his hands as the blue shaman Caron slept before his fire after he had rescued him from certain death.  The following dialogue is between Morgon Kara and Maia, his guide and empowering partner in shaping worlds to their own end. (I’ll have to share this excerpt on multiple pages.)

Perplexed, Morgon Kara opened his hand and held the jewel to the fire. It glowed with an inner fire that drew him deep into its triangular planes of light. Most precious stones were empty vessels, nothing more than the trace of their own experience as they passed age-to-age, hand to hand. But he knew the ancients had altered some to make record, others as focalizations of force, and a very few for use in the shaping of essence. This stone was all that and more, but never before had anything so eluded him. He sought the pattern of things that shimmered within, but could resolve nothing in the tantalizing play of light and shadow that beckoned but would not reveal. Even so, the stone was bound to Caron and would not let him die.

“Erlik Khan in his castle of black clay has reached out for you, but he is denied. Can a man defy death?” He knew something of the stone, for Maia had spoken of it, and he had long hoped it would come to his hand. He might have taken it from Hassan, but Maia said it destroyed those to whom it was not given; and though he doubted her in this, she had spoken of it with such awe, he feared to cross her was to lose her.

“There is a stone, in the old tongue called, Uru An-Na, light of heaven,” she had said. “It is in the world, and the world is in it.  This stone has the virtue to bind, loose and shape the world within, and so shape what is in the world without.”

“You are speaking in riddles, Maia,” he had said.

“It is exactly as I have said. In Uru An-Na the Ancients shaped the Holy Norm for this world. It exists so that no matter what is done by man, the patterns of Uru AnNa will prevail, and they have done this so that the earth shall not fail. Uru AnNa is the seal of the Makers, and a bar to the final trespass of the human will.”

“We must have this stone.”

“And it is well we should,” Maia agreed, “for the Sisters must yield to him who masters its influences. But the stone will not be taken by force.”

Morgon Kara closed his hand about the stone, remembering what Maia had told him. “Riddles, Maia, always riddles,” he always complained, but he had heard every word, and could repeat them still verbatim, even if he did not always at once understand her meaning. This was surely that stone. Hassan had taken it from a victim, who doubtless took it from another, but now it had been given to the one who had come across the wilderness in search of the lost Hallow of the Blood Royal.

Morgon Kara returned the jewel to the pouch at Caron’s neck . . . .

“Tell me again of the stone of the Makers.”

“I have told you the truth of Uru An-Na,” she said.

“Tell me again, how by its use the Ancients shaped living forms animated by fire from the center of the earth.”

“If it is as you have said what need of me?” It was her ritual to object. She would be courted. It was his ritual to reply. “It is for you, beloved, I seek understanding.”

(To be Continued)

I invite you to visit my other blog and read the feature article of Health Light Newsletter, “The Affordable ‘Disease Care’ Law.”  I am looking forward to my next post. Until then, 

Be love.  Be loved.




Sacred Minerals

sacred minerals

Colorful stones of the mineral kingdom

How beautiful and colorful are these precious crystals of the Mineral Kingdom. Each color represents a different frequency of vibration.  Each vibration composes and plays the Music of the Spheres . . . and all of them are part of our sacred body-temples.

As I promised in my last blog, I am posting a section from my book Sacred Anatomy which speaks inspiring words about the role of  minerals and trace minerals in our body-temples.  So, here is the first installment. I think you will enjoy it and be inspired.                                                              


 Divine Technology at Work

“  . . . and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and  thunderings  and voices.” (Rev. 4:5)

The throne of God in these temples is a living reality on earth.  It reflects and manifests the throne of God which John of Revelation described as “a throne set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.”   This all relates, as we have seen, to the Pineal Body and the focus in this endocrine gland of the Spirit of Love, the incarnate angel in each one, who sits on this throne.  Divine technology is at work here, just as it was at work in the Ark of the Covenant, which provided a throne for Deity in the midst of the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness.

The Ark may well have been more than just an elaborate and ornate box for carrying the tablets of the Ten Commandments around.  It was more likely a very precisely designed instrument of a highly advanced technology.  As I described it above, it was lined with pure gold.  Gold is more than just a symbol of power in the world.  Gold is power.  There was real power associated with this ark.

Gold is symbolic of love, the only real power there is.  Among other things, this gives rise to the question: What do we really know about love?  It is powerful beyond human power.  Love has been described as the “cohesive power that holds the universe together.”  That same power made itself evident through the Ark with its precise design and the precious metal of gold with which it was overlaid inside and out.

So is it with our own body temples. There is a correlation between the divine technology at work within the human cranium and that which was at work within the Ark of the Covenant. There is an arc of love in the cranium which gives life to the body.  Great power comes to focus in the body with the Spirit of Love governing thought and action through the heart.  These are the spiritual, or vibrational, factors relating to the heaven within.  There are factors relating to the earth that need to be in place as well. I am referring to the elements of the mineral kingdom. These comprise the conduit and control mechanism through which the power of love can work in these human capacities. 

Minerals and Cosmic Powers

In his Steps To Mastership, lesson thirteen, Uranda gives instructions relative to what he refers to as the “Twelve Cosmic Rays,” among other sacred factors essential to the process of  “spiritualization” of physical matter, which are “sometimes spoken of as zodiacal influences [which] form the directing urges by which mankind functions on the physical plane.”  He then makes this revealing statement: “The points of contact within the body through which the twelve Cosmic Rays are enabled to transmit life to the body, are the twelve Organic Minerals found in the body substance.”

Uranda further instructs: “There is a Tree of Life on every plane of being.  The twelve fruits of the Tree of Life on the physical plane are the twelve body minerals.”  He then goes on to say that all twelve minerals are needed for health in the body, which must be attained before one can be influenced by the Twelve Cosmic Rays.  These twelve minerals and cosmic rays are represented by the “twenty and four elders” who stood around the throne and bowed down to the One who sat thereon casting their crowns down before Him. Great power is released in our bodies when these twelve minerals are present and their powers made available to the One I Am.

Inorganic minerals have a covalent power of their own which causes them to bond together as solid foundational rock. As they are taken up into the vegetable kingdom they are chelated,  literally clawed apart, by organic acids in the plants and then re-arranged and proportioned so as to make them available to the animal kingdom. Inorganic compounds become organic through this process.  In this sense they give up their crowns, their independence and power, to become part of the living temple.  In the process of surrender, their powerful energies are released inside our bodies—the “thunderings and lightnings” that proceeded forth from out of the throne.

These organic minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fluorine, Chlorine, Silica, Manganese, Sulphur, and Iodine.  Their functions in the body temple are many and varied. All are essential to the function of the endocrine glands and the nervous system’s capacity to carry electrical current, as well as in the production of enzymes. All are instrumental in the ceremony of ascension in both the body temple and in the larger Cathedral of the Natural World.     (To be continued)


About my book . . .

Your Sacred Anatomy offers a powerful and personal theme for meditation. This book was written to evoke deep currents in the heart for the sacred in everyday life. The author takes you beyond mainstream and even alternative health care to consider the human body in its true purpose and function as a holy temple and an instrument for the magic of creation.

Have you ever wondered how spirit steps down into flesh and incarnates?  If indeed our bodies are temples of the living God, as sacred scripture teaches, how does the spirit of God dwell in them?  What is the mechanism through which spirit incarnates so completely as to govern every detail of our bodily functions?

 Gain a deeper understanding of the sacred nature of your physical body.  Discover a new perspective of an aspect of your anatomy that receives little attention until hormonal chemistry is thrown into a state of imbalance.  Come to appreciate the vital role your seven endocrine glands play in bringing the gifts of spirit and learn how illness plagues human existence when these gifts are withheld and hormonal glands fail to function normally. You will see clearly the role you play in determining which way this plays out in your own life experience.

This book will profoundly change the way you view and treat your human capacities. You will find both inspiration and practical spirituality as you explore the chemistry and alchemy of the endocrine system which sets the stage for the dance of spirit with flesh.

(From the back cover of Sacred Anatomy . . . where spirit and flesh dance in the fires of creation.


To order a copy of Sacred Anatomy, simply drop me am email at

Grounding Cosmic Energy

 Our Milky Way Galaxy

To remain in altered states for long periods of time without grounding oneself in the lower Earth vibrations does create real field problems, and disturbances in the alkaline-acid balance in the blood. (Valerie Hunt)

 Subtle energy, when rarefied, tends to ascend taking spiritualized substance with it.  Ascension of rarefied spiritual substance ideally occurs during an attunement session, but not always.  When it does, it creates a bridge between heaven and earth across which healing currents of divine love descend upon mortal flesh. This can be a bit ungrounding, both for practitioner and client, but especially for the client. Grounding, then, is helpful, even essential, in bringing a person back down to earth.

I know that working with sound as a carrier wave for these healing currents, especially the higher tones of the small metal bowls and tuning forks, can be very ungrounding for my client.  I use a very low frequency (64 hertz) “C” body-tuner (tuning fork) on top of the feet in closing a session, holding the bottom of the foot with my other hand, to remind my clients that they have feet, a gentle way to end a session with a touch of light humor to ease their re-entry into the mundane world.   Besides feeling wonderful, the lower frequency of the body-tuner is felt throughout the bones of the skeleton when transmitted by the body-tuner into the bones of the feet. Bones, especially those in our feet, are very much grounded in the minerals of the earth.  Another very endearingly grounding technique is to take the client’s feet into my hands and gently squeeze them, starting with the ankles and moving toward the toes.  A drink of cold water and a walk around the room barefooted–or, better yet, on a lawn if available–also helps bring one down to earth.

[Here’s some beautiful flute music by my friend, and muse, Norm Smookler, his latest release on You Tube: Sound Attunement ]

Speaking of minerals and the earth, this would be a good time to consider the role of the mineral kingdom in bringing cosmic energy and forces into the earth and thereby into the vegetable and animal kingdoms.  It seems that the rocks ground and radiate cosmic forces.  Likewise, the minerals in our bodies ground and conduct cosmic forces through them. Without a sufficient quantity and balance of these minerals, we would not be able to handle the power of these cosmic forces.

In her mind-engaging book,  Infinite Mind – Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness,  Dr. Valerie Hunt addresses with some depth of understanding the phenomenon of the alkaline-acid balance of the blood being disturbed during long visits to higher planes in “altered states” of consciousness.  The pH (potential of Hydrogen) of the blood ideally stays a little on the acid side, which allows it to absorb minerals.  The body spares no cost in keeping the blood pH balanced, the only condition that allows for the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Now, acid-alkaline balance allows for the flow of energy through connected fields of positively and negatively charged molecles.  Acids have a positive charge and bring a stimulating influence to the cells along with a coherent energy of attraction. Alkaline minerals have a negative charge, bringing a calming influence to the cells, as well as a grounding for positively charged atoms and a responsive field that is drawn toward the positive field of the acids. This is how a balance in blood chemistry is maintained, as well as in the flow of energy through the body.

This balance can be upset by dietary and lifestyle improprieties, such as toxins in foods, beverages, polluted air, and tobacco and other consciousness altering drugs.  It is also disturbed when alkaline reserves are depleted in the body, either from a high acid-ash diet of meats and grains which draws heavily on these reserves, or simply from not eating enough mineral-rich foods — or both.  Minerals are so lacking in the modern American diet that supplementation is wise.

I recommend Min-Tran ($20/330 tabs.), a combination of Organically Bound Minerals ($13/90 tabs.) and Calcium Lactate, ($20/330 tabs.) and Trace Minerals B12 ($15/90 tabs.) by Standard Process Labs. Drop me an order by email ( and I’ll have it to you in a few days.

This imbalance in blood chemistry can easily be rectified and prevented by taking in a balanced amount of electrolytes (acids and alkalizing minerals).  Acids will be found in fruits like oranges and alkalizing minerals in organic vegetables grown in mineral rich soil.  Lemons and limes are balanced, so lemon aide and lime aide with a little sea salt and cane sugar or honey make great electrolyte replenishing beverages.

A word to the wise subtle energy worker:  If ever you or your client experience faint or a drain of energy, even loose consciousness – “zone out” into an “altered state” – during an attunement, then look to this factor and consider organic mineral supplementation for both you and your client before having another session.  Have some lemon or lime aide on hand.  But most importantly, learn and use grounding techniques to bring your client down to earth where cosmic energies and the spiritual energies can be grounded.  Heaven and earth, after all, are one and are best experienced by human beings that way.

Of course, if you are a well-grounded person and wise energy worker who has learned to approach your clients with a radiant regard toward what they bring in the way of health issues, as opposed to a responsive posture toward the client’s problematic issues and a sympathetic desire to fix the problem and heal the client, then you are not likely to lose your footing in the earth and drift off with your client into altered states.  Our job, as we seasoned practitioners have learned, is to hold a fully conscious point of orientation and provide a solid vibrational anchor for the client while they go through changes in their energetic field and physical body.

I would like to delve more deeply into this subject matter, if you are willing to take a little side trip with me.  I am going to share with you an excerpt from my book, Sacred Anatomy, wherein I describe the individual function of the 12 organic minerals and a few of the 72 trace minerals within the context of a meditation on the sacred anatomy of our body temples.  Apparently, it takes that many varied organic and trace minerals to step down and differentiate the powerful forces moving through the cosmos in our bodies.  The excerpt isn’t long for a book, but it is for a blog.  So, I’ll start it in my next post and see how and where it goes from there. I think you will enjoy the meditation.

If you would like to know more about my book, click HERE to view the  page on my website.

Until we meet again,

Be love . . . be loved


Healing for the Healer

       Subtle Energy work is just that.  It’s subtle and therefore calls for subtlety of perception and translucency of personal physical-mental presence. The healer must let the light of love shine through his/her own human capacities . . . and more.  The healer must BE the light that is shining through and not just a “channel” for the light.  

      How does one BE what one does not know from experience one is?  By simply stepping back from identity with the physical channel and standing in the position of the Healer.  I am Love offering the healing ray of light and not merely a channel for the healing current.  My human capacity is a channel.  I am the healing current. 

       In that stance of identity, the Healer’s heart and hands become radiant instruments for clear perception of what subtle patterns are at play in the energetic and physical bodies of the recipient. Transparency of mind, devoid of agenda of its own, opens a portal in consciousness for translucence of the physical channel.  Translucence of the physical channel lets the light of love shine through.  The light of love generates the subtle substance of pneumaplasm* that allows for luminosity, clear perception and appropriate ministration of the subtle healing currents.  


     Various practices are used by us all to prepare ourselves for an attunement healing session.  There is none more effective than living in attunement with Love twenty-four-seven as a way of life.

     I came upon a passage in Dr. Valerie Hunt’s** Infinite Mind – Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness (Malibu Publishing Co.) that speaks to this topic in depth.  I’ll share the passage with you so as to preserve its clarity and allow you to discern for yourself its meaning and application in your life of service.  So here it is.

A beautifully spiritual Jewish healer used meditation to cleanse herself before healing. Her frequent image of Jesus, while it seemed to hold great meaning, perturbed her because of her religious background. At first she adamantly rejected the Christ symbol. At one stage she sought professional help to understand. Finally she received the key: the Christ was a powerful symbol of love which could rule over death. With acceptance of the power of love, her capacities as a healer bloomed. At times when she entered a room, healing took place.

A psychologist, David McClelland, discovered a phenomenon now called “Mother Teresa’s effect.” When Harvard University students watched a British Broadcasting Corporation documentary of this remarkable nun, their immune systems produced more immunogloblin A, an antibody which fights colds. He concluded that despite some students’ dislike of the film, the filth of the surroundings or Mother Teresa’s techniques, the strength of her “tender, loving care” boosted their immune systems.

Actually, spiritual, mystic, and energy processes are not different. They refer to the different ways that the healer prepares himself, and to how he explains his results. In actuality, every fine healer uses all of these modes. Each expands his level of awareness into the mystical, raises his vibrations to the level where he can communicate with divine vibrations, experience lovingness and sense the healee’s vibrations as he creates a vibratory field. 

During healing, the awareness state is not an everyday one; creating this state sometimes takes time. Therefore, it is understandable that some healers develop elaborate rituals to get themselves prepared; but probably these do not directly determine the results of the healing.

Some healers pray for divine guidance and ask that nothing from their field except the positive energy be allowed to enter the healee. These healers do not understand that nothing from their field can enter another unless the other allows it to do so — unless his field resonates with the healer’s. Therefore, the healer had best concentrate on radiating the purest and the highest vibrations, rather than dwelling upon such personal rituals.

The emotionally appealing humbleness of saying that one is only a channel, a conduit, or an inert circuit is also not helpful in a healing relationship. If your presence assists healing, you are more than a mechanical circuit; you are an important link; you are divine energies manifest. While you can be humble in view of the profound changes which take place, you are dynamically a part of what happens. To acknowledge it strengthens you. To be “merely a channel” weakens you.

Many healers diagnose disease by screening the body with both their hands and their mind. This can create a problem if it locks the healer into the old disease concept approach. In most instances, except possibly injury, the problem is first a field — and secondarily a tissue-disturbance. The overall field must be changed if there is to be more than just a change in symptoms. Likewise, the field carries both general and specific information about the illness. Some trained healers feel heat or cold in the area of pain, interpreting heat to mean inflammation and cold to be stagnation or lack of circulation. Prickly feelings are interpreted as regrowth. Others see forms in the energy field — blocks, breaks, colors and shapes. Over time, healers learn to associate these with symptoms and diagnoses. These are elaborately described in Barbara Brennan’s book, Hands of Light and Rosalyn Bruyere’s book, Wheels of Light.

The capacity to look into the body and see with the penetration of a microscope is wondrous, but may also seduce a healer into becoming involved with the material, spatial aspect of illness. This emphasizes the disease element rather than its source or the goal, health. There are healers who lightly record all these sensory impressions, not working on anyone in particular, but allowing their attention to culminate in the wisdom of knowing. This makes beginning healers insecure; but it offers the greatest security for the highly evolved. 

     There is a certain security afforded by the attunement server’s motto, “Let love radiate without concern for results.”  While this motto may help us keep our mental hands off of the attunement process, it may also keep the practitioner locked into the limiting role of being the channel, or conduit, only of the healing current. For that matter, even the word “practitioner” could accomplish this limiting fixation in consciousness.  

Be the light of your world.  It’s what and who you ARE. No greater privilege do we have as Healers but to be who and what we are to our worlds of service.  In this lies healing for the Healer.  

We will continue along this vein of consideration of Healing for the Healer in the next blog post.  Here’s a sampling of some of the wisdom we will share:

To remain in altered states for long periods of time without grounding oneself in the lower Earth vibrations does create real field problems, and disturbances in the alkaline-acid balance in the blood. (V. Hunt)

 So, stay tuned.  ‘Til then,

Be love . . . be loved.


Visit my website  and my second blog, Health Light Newsletter.

Picture credit goes to Phyllis Curtis’ Facebook album”Wall Photos.”

* pneumaplasm is a word coined by Uranda, the founder and developer of the attunement service as taught by the Emissaries of Divine Light. It is a composite of two words: pneuma (spirit) and –plasm (substance) — spirit substance.

**”Dr. Valerie V Hunt is internationally recognized for her pioneering research of human energy fields.  Her highly creative approach and meticulous research bring together overlapping truths from many disciplines.”  (From the jacket of her book).

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